Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Considering this is such a short-term event, someone should have told them it’s okay to just let players go crazy. Really, just let it happen for once.

Give us legit zany spells and gear. Make the weapons bigger than the players. Make the pauldrons huge. (thats been a running joke for years!) Bobble head helms. Water guns. Just go nuts and make it crazy!

We spend all year grinding. That’s we do in this game. Creating an event that is nothing more than an accelerated grind with some cool rewards is, I don’t know.

Maybe I am not their audience anymore. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m the problem. lol


You are the Anti-Hero.


I had a marvelous time ruining everything.


I’m an Altaholic who legitimately hates the leveling experience. I’m having a hell of a time staying engaged on my Remix Shaman despite him being “important” to me.

Honestly, that dang Phoenix Mount is the thing keeping me going. Everything else is just going to be gravy.

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Also I like that transmog is free while time leveling. But I don’t know where to buy a tabard in pandaria sans rep so I cannot complete my outfit, please advise if you know where to get one

I’m digging it. I made the Gob Warlock, in the 40s now. Then, made an A-side Hunter because my guildies are mostly Alliance.

The nerf to XP is unfortunate. From what I read, it’s now 100% with the cloak at level 70, and that 100% goes to alts. However, in the 40s, I got it to 64% and it was only 9% on the alt, though after a few min it went up to 19% (apparently it’s a bit buggy).

I thought it was going to be 1:1 with that buff, like it was a truly shared system. I also thought it got to 320%, not 100%.

I have a feeling they’re going to buff the XP around halfway in.


When you cap an alt at 70 you stop getting XP threads but you can still get them on alt characters. Also your cloak stats aren’t 1.1 until you reach certian achievements with amount of threads acquired. I can’t see the exact numbers but it’s something like 10% shared after 1000 threads, then 3000, then 4200, etc.

Edit: Also currently looking at at Remix DK at level 68 so yeah, there’s people blitzing through the content for sure.

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wdym they had a restaurant-management minigame and just left it there to die in mop?


I believe this is a list of every single reward in Remix:

There’s much I don’t want, so I’m going to narrow this down and just grind for what I do.

Although I continue to enjoy this, (I roll a lot of alts. Remix IS a nice change from the normal way) I do feel a bit muddled. Remix as a breakdown is basically: roll an alt in MOP, get some special spells, learn a whole new gem system you will never use again and get neat rewards.

I don’t know. I just expected something else, I guess?

What I have learned more than anything else, is that Blizz is horrible at communication.

Norman breakdown:
There’s 13 weeks left to run this and 7 total items I want (out of like, 1000+ items lol. Yes, I am really this absurdly picky) The total bronze cost for me to walk away happy is only 16,300 bronze. So for me, getting what I want out of this will be super easy. Anything else I get, is just a bonus.

I’d like the Tusks, but they are not a “must have”. I mostly play Gnomes and Dwarves. The Tusks are not something I’d really ever mog. I do think they should be free if someone has a max level Orc on retail already. They are the literal definition of Orc heritage armor.

I want the Halfhill chicken pack, and just need 2 more rares for that.

I want to hit 70.

That’s it. For what I want from this event, I can sleepwalk through this thing.

I hope everyone is enjoying it, if they are playing. It is a neat way to roll some alts, if you planned on doing so anyway. MOP for me was a pretty enjoyable expac, so it’s nice environment to run amok in. I do suspect they will eventually buff the EXP and possibly the bronze drops before this ends.

Happy Adventuring kids!

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I only really want the exclusive mounts, and anything else i get is a bonus. So good to know I have a lot less work to do than I thought!

One thing that comes to mind for me while doing this is how well a “remix” mode would work for Legion.

Getting through Legion class halls, Suramar, and Argus content is kind of a pain under normal circumstances because the class halls have awkward requirements to progress (sometimes involving mission board timers), Suramar and Argus cannot be done as leveling content (IIRC Argus quests just offer almost no XP), and overall a lot of the content sort of carries the dusty residue of artifact systems which no longer exist.

I’d enjoy revisiting a lot of this content, especially since I never finished all the class halls, it just needs a little “remix” to make it feel functional as leveling content, or even as max level content offering some cosmetic rewards. If you could play through class campaigns and legion end-game content with all the mission table requirements removed and some other tweaks, it’d probably feel pretty good.


Honestly, do this with any expansion during a content drought and you’ve got a good time!

I’d maybe not enjoy tbc or shadowlands if I’m honest, but pretty much any other expansion and I’d have fun

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It’s nice to relieve Pandaria and not out level it in two seconds. I’m really enjoying this.

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I would probably do shadowlands for mounts. I hate to admit that. So long as I don’t have to do torghast…

My main complaint about remix is I’m playing hunter and I can’t go to BfA to tame bees to be my hunter pet.

Shadowlands: Remix is literally just Torghast.

I’d be down for a Shadowlands remix if it came with huge retcons. Which would honestly be a great way to fix that entire thing. And the big bonus? It’s how we rescue Sylvanas :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_closed_eyes:

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I remember someone said something about tea time for timerunners RP but I can’t remember where it was.

Man…I’m gonna rant for a minute here, so anyone who doesn’t want to hear “Old Man Yells At Clouds” can just skip this, but…

Shadowlands had so much potential. There was stuff that could have went somewhere.

The Sylvanas v Bolvar announcement cinematic, for instance. Bolvar turned Blue. He turned BLUE! Imagine the possibilities there if we learned over the course of Shadowlands that Sylvanas wasn’t actually just being a pawn to Nips McGee but she understood Bolvar had succumbed to the Helm of Domination and was a major threat to be put down. That instigating the Azeroth version of a Zombie Apocalypse wasn’t her just being petulant…it was actually a better outcome then leaving Bolvar in charge (and corrupted). That his connection to Red Dragonflight via their magical flame was actually corrupting Alexstraza and the Red Dragons outright.

Make the Burning of Teldrassil less about “Night Elf hurt my fee-fees” and more the gnawing corruption of the whole tree that had been hinted at since Vanilla was set to burst forth. Make it a Dreadlord plot to tie it back to what the Legion/Bolvar were planning.

I’m in no way or means a Sylvanas fanboy, but her character wasn’t just murdered in Shadowlands, it was outright obliterated at the atomic level. Sylvanas should never be wanting to work with Arthas again (or the Jailer behind Arthas ultimately). You keep the Jailer and all the rest of it, but Sylvanas’ ultimate goal wasn’t to just flood Superhell with souls for Nips McGee’s Early 2000s Heavy Metal Album Cover Army…it was to flood Superhell with soldiers ready to fight said army.

Sylvanas shouldn’t have been Garroshed. Shadowlands should have been her redemption story. She deliberately instigated a genocidal war - acting wildly out of her normal character - specifically to start amassing forces in the Shadowlands to take the fight to the greater threat.


You laugh, but I honestly wanted this.

Just one enormous tower stretching through the various afterlifes, parts of them seeping in but still remaining mysterious and untouchable, as we quest to make our way to the very top.