Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Banging out 2 mythics would be tempting.

Wonder how forgiving gearing is going to be.

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My wife and I just re-upped our subs last night to tool around in Classic… but I might mess around abit with this. I don’t own DF or TWW, so I guess I will see how it goes.

now that they turned on sharding, MASS enjoyment. Have fun kids!

I am on a human Prot Pally - Trueshield. Feel free to say HI in game.

ETA: Incredibly enjoyable way to level. The gems / socketing is outstanding, mowing down mobs like no tomorrow. You can fly immediately.

This is just…fun.


It is fun. Did a few of the intro quests before work and I have to say I enjoyed it. My wife is really looking forward to trying it. Pandaria is her favorite expansion.


I think it was just for Timeless Isle. It was an absolute disaster. You couldn’t do anything.

I’m seeing tons of people in the world itself.


Initial impressions:
1 - Super enjoyable. I suspect it will remain that way. I enjoyed MOP as an expac and running it like this, might even be more so. All these gems, scrolls etc are kind of confusing but I’ll figure it out eventually.

2 - I expected the leveling to be quicker than this, but that’s on my expectations. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I’m guessing I won’t be running up too many alts on this, if any.

3 - I have noticed a few times that when scrapping items for bronze, it I add more than 3 at a time to the scrapper, it will sometimes not give me all the bronze I should get. (if you have 4 items, you should get 4 piles of bronze. I’m only getting 3. I reported as a bug.)

4 - Curious to see how the dungeons / raids go. If we are all this overpowered, they may be steamrolled also? We’ll see.

I should say, the leveling is quick, but not as quick as I expected it to be.

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I wonder what this event says about classic MoP plans. They seem to be doing like 1 expac a year so are we getting a preview of MoP classic next year by revisiting this era?

Will MoP be the ‘end’ of classic? If cata classic wasn’t weird enough WoD classic would be truly strange

Or maybe a mop event was just random and has nothing to do with it being next in the classic queue

How many stacks are you as far as leveling bonus? Your first character is “kinda” fast but subsequent characters with your cloak having been leveled way up should see it as a massive increase. Fastest way to level though is once you hit 25 to start doing raids.

You can get enough bonuses to solo normal and heroic dungeons and 5-6 man raids but the mythic versions are the opposite and are waaay over tuned, with the assumption you’ll have a full raid and all with extremely juiced out gear.

Tbh Wrath should have been the end of classic. I’m still salty that they got rid of it so quickly. I meant to do the battle for undercity quest, but didn’t get it done in time D:


Currently at 22% leveling bonus, I just hit lvl 26. So the purpose is to get your first one through and then roll more, faster?

Is that running solo norm/hero at any level or once you max 70 in TR?

Right. Your first character will cap out at 65% bonus exp but other characters will start off with the same stats as your cloak and then the exp bonus. There’s a theoretical hard cap to keep you from one shoting a mob and then being an instant 70 but not sure what it is. When you hit the hard cap you no longer gain any more XP threads.

Once you hit 70. There are hard caps to what your bonus stats can hit while leveling though some players on twitch are already doing 3 man dungeons.

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This rules IMO.

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The pulls are nuts.

Obviously on a prot pally I expect the ability to pull mass mobs, but at one point in Valley I got curious and must’ve pulled 20-25 mobs, and burned them down fairly quick.

It definitely makes leveling more entertaining, that’s for sure.

Also appreciate being able to work w/ Hordies to kill things. Nothing goes grey.

Some more tips:
1 - Every single piece of gear can potentially be upgraded to max level, if you want to spend bronze to do so. Since I have most of the toys/cosmetics/mounts I want, I’m going to likely spend some bronze on upgrading the good pieces that I get to drop.

2 - Still a bug when it comes to scrapping items. I’ve resorted to scrapping each item individually to avoid potentially losing any bronze since it’s literally the only currency.

3 - the little goldish circles in the sky are bronze. Fly through them. Free bronze.

I will say I am enjoying this way of leveling immensely, but some of the complaints from others are pretty valid.

The leveling is not as quick as it was on the PTR. Apparently it was nerfed pretty substantially.

I kept hearing words like “zany” and “crazy” when it comes to this event, and I am not seeing zany or crazy.

I’m seeing what amounts to a “level an alt” event to get things that were never in the game or things that were in the game, but for the next 94 days are easier to get. I’m basically grinding an alt through MOP, at an accelerated rate, with many ‘retail requirements’ not present (good thing) and many new spells/gems/etc. (also good thing)

I guess I was expecting a madcap adventure in Pandaland and that’s not what I got.

THAT said, as someone who likes rolling alts - I am enjoying the new way of doing so and I like that I have access to things I didn’t get back in MOP or recolored things.

So you know, six of one / half a dozen of the other. I’m sure many people are not really going to enjoy this, who otherwise thought they might.

Much like how I felt about Blunderstorm.

Anyway, I’m not sure I will level any alts, perhaps 1 if I do. I feel like if I spend the summer churning out questing / grinding / alts in MOP:remix, I will be exhausted with it by the time TWW comes.

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I liked the bit in the opening on Timewaste Isle with the Infinite. As someone who skipped Dragonflight entirely, it’s neat to see them being treated as an alternative to the Bronze Flight.

But then I got thrown directly into WarCraft’s version of Spec Ops: The Line and the mood was kinda killed. I’d honestly forgotten how tonally dark the Alliance intro quest was.

I was hoping that I could level my level 50+ alts I never ran through Dragonflight but since you can still collect heritage armor with MoP remix characters I guess I’ll start fresh.

I still need Worgen, Mag’har, Lightforged, and Vulpera so I need to decide which of those to make.

They really should have done a Pandaren Heritage armor for this.

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You know, I honestly forgot about the scenarios you could queue for in MoP, but now that I’m doing them again, I wish they had kept those. They’re fun.

I hadn’t done MoP questing for a while and I actually found it sort of refreshing. MoP isn’t my favorite from a story perspective but I guess I appreciate how its writing has some coherent themes and weighty conflict, given the writing of SL and DF.

Still basically a tonally weird mashup of Kosakian goofball writing and war stories featuring talking monkey but it is tighter than most of the stuff we’ve gotten since

Anyway I leveled for a bit as a paladin and as far as the gameplay of this event goes I don’t think it is that great. Basically just feels like retail leveling but you’re even more powerful than usual, so… an already-easy game mode made even easier. Getting random new/returning spells can be novel but it still feels like a sort of mindless grind when your power level is basically like playing with god mode–I love to see new “world content” events that give us stuff to do outside of instanced max level content, but I’d really love to see something difficult enough to be a little engaging, like the classic hardcore servers.

But remixing old leveling content in some form is a good idea, I’m interested to see what they do with this sort of thing in the future. I also wouldn’t mind some kind of content like this that you can do on an existing character, because I don’t really need new alts at this point


I like flying around and collecting bronze

Streamers ruined the fun.

The fastest way to level was to hop in a lfr raid, blitz through the first boss, drop group, reset another lfr raid, hit the first boss again, and repeat. Getting several levels in an hour. Now in LFR only the first boss gives the XP bonus.

But in normal mode bosses drop a 12% XP bonus. Each boss, which can be farmed to the current hard cap of 265(?)%(don’t quote me too much on that) and they reset daily.

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