Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

i’ve done outland so many times that i would like to never do it again.

ok really it’s just hellfire peninsula.


Its for sure a cool idea, sadly I just dont have any characters I want to level up to do this. Seeing how WW will go and waiting on the MoP classic server. If WW really goofs things up I might go there, DF was just too good for me.

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The achievements for this are in the achievement UI now. Maybe they have been for a while but I only noticed last night :smiley:

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Either going to make another Dracthyr, or maybe a Pandaren Shaman, Blue Side, to balance out Gen.

Go full chunibyo with a fist-weapon enchanted fire fire and the off-hand enchanted with lightning and just go full-blown




This will make it infinitely easier for me to level a few races to get their heritage armors. I’m also going to level a few classes I struggle to get into; namely shaman, druid, demon hunter, and monk. I’ll also do an evoker if I have the time.

I’m really excited for this, I have like, I think three characters I wanna get done with specific interactions with the time travel element of the remix,

A draenei who finds out when they were pulled out of a sha-spiral by what looked like their partner, it was just themself in silhouette, and their brain filled in the gaps

A darkspear who honestly just wanted to insert herself into the group who personally killed garrosh out of spite, and got the dragons to help her do that.

And a kul tiran who was a feral beast for a decade and wants to learn what happened while she was lost in a druid form.

And if they don’t allow you to get heritage armor on these chars I’mma be so salty.

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You’ll have to wait until it’s over but you’re good.


I really want to see how fast the leveling goes to 70. I think I’m gonna roll a human warrior, because the Arathor plate sets coming in TWW are just launching me.

If the leveling is relatively quick, I may take a stab at rolling up some heritage armors.


Tusks available to purchase in Timerunning!

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I know it’s a long shot but does anyone know if we’ll be able to do the golden lotus quests from the pre-corrupted Vale? I kind of miss those, they only existed for like a year in real time


Honestly, this makes me happy.

Took forever and a day to get the Tusks of Mannoroth to drop across 8 characters. Glad to see others won’t have to go through that pain and we can see more Gnomes running around wearing Orcish cultural icons.


I’m not sure I would wear them on my gnomes, but it’s an amusing thought. It took me 10 years to get Galleon’s Saddle mount to drop for me. Mushan. Mushan. There’s going to be other color variants available in MOP:TR and I’m thrilled that I can get them and anyone who wants the Galleon one, won’t have to spend 10 yrs like I did, trying to get it.

Official video:

Looks like Kor’kron Shaman available to purchase also.

There’s a lot for sale with the currency but I have much of what I would want already, so pretty psyched I can save for the remainder pretty easily.

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I was going to take a leisurely stroll through it to get a few mounts, but now that I can get the tusks and finally leave SoO forever I am going to take a more serious approach. Watch the bones required be less than 1% drop rate.

I may cry.


Good news is the lockouts are daily instead of weekly, so we’ll be better able to just focus on a single toon and run them until it hurts…

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I guess I have to actually find people to play with.

God the demands of this game…

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From what I understand at some point the bosses will just basically roll over. Saw someone talking like heroic bosses fell over in less than a minute though I can’t verify that.

That would be interesting, I’ll guess we’ll see what happens tomorrow!

A swarm of deranged murder-hobos descending on Pandaria, and Lorewalker Cho and Taran Zhu both suffer aneurisms and the most distressing sense of deja vu as they watch it happening



It’s been years and years since I took time to set aside a few days to play this game on a “release” patch/expac day, but here I am. I’m pretty excited about storming into Pandaria to see what is going on.

I am hoping that I don’t regret doing so, but who am I kidding? A day relaxing is still a day relaxing. Worst case scenario, I hate it, log out, go fishing and fire up the grill.

I’m stocked with sunflower seeds and all my favorite teas. I even bought a new brick of puerh for this.

I was going to run Prot Warrior first, but like always it takes levels to get your best abilities, so I think I’m going with Prot Pally (Human).

If anyone else is storming into the remix, have fun!


SoulSoBreezie interviewed some devs yesterday. The Tusk pieces drop everytime from Garrosh.

1 for Normal
4 for Heroic
10 for Mythic

Each one is on a daily reset as well.

Let’s form some whacky raid teams folks!