Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Me too! I want to go do pre-patch… but remix is just so FUN! I hope Blizz might do a Cataclysm Remix or Wrath of the Lich King Remix…
Getting to 'OP" is fun. I can kill raid bosses myself ‘The Sha’, ‘Nalak’…
It’s a fun distraction. Fun gear and ‘additives’, it’s like a ‘talent tree’ but it’s on your gear.


finally did the mailbox trick (i know i know i’m slow) and man i just popped up from 51 to 70 so easily

and was able to buy a few more mounts, too. i see this is the easy way to get mounts if you don’t wanna grind heroics.

I need to psyche myself up to level one more character because I have a neat villain concept. But can I make myself do it again…

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Remix ending soon and probably my biggest complaints:

1 - The random open world greens, etc. Horrible. Should be available on vendors. I posted in the remix forum about it. Crazy I can roll a newb, lvl up enough to raid and snatch up the most iconic shoulder pieces in the game from 2 mythics, while a green simple weapon/shield/etc is a random drop and good luck getting it.

2 - Jerks who tank role, warp through as lowbies get killed or miss out on loot/xp and then drop group leaving everyone po’d.

My Prot Remix Warrior is a beast. When tanking, I make it a point to pause to ensure everyone is there, make sure everyone gets all the loot/xp and stick around after in case someone is running back to complete a quest or something. Even doing that, it’s only a minute or two of my time. My time is valuable but my reputation more so. I know I sound naïve but people need to stop being jerks just because they can.

3 - The bones should have been available in LFR. Some people are just not built for N/H/M groups and that’s okay. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and it’s been great, but that’s me and I don’t expect everyone else to be me. Considering how many people have those shoulders now, zero reason they weren’t available in LFR.

4 - Opting for early remove from remix. Probably the biggest complaint I saw from others. People hit 70 and wanted to take their alt into Azeroth. Can’t until remix ends. Should make it an option to leave.

As an ending note, if anyone wants a quick run through a normal dungeon/scenario, feel free to hit me up (On in the evenings, Troll Zandalari Warrior - Vizkazi, when not doing a world tour, usually just hanging around the Horde Shrine in the Vale )

I’ve got my heroics and raids on lockdown for a specific group of people I’m running, but I’m happy to help people run some quick normals if they’d like.


Yah, I feel so OP that having to run all that again everyday… nah. But this is been very fun, in my opinion. I just wish Galakras wasn’t bugged! So I could solo norm…

We approach the final day of remix today. With trepidation and hesitation I look at the army of alts I managed to grind to max level in a short period of time. 22 characters thus far, with some alts in remix yet to reach cap. I will spend today maxing everything out, but what a wild, fun experience this has been.

I got another Hunter to 30…otherwise it’s just Yotz at 70. Remix was fun, but I’ve come to realize I simply seriously dislike WoW’s leveling system since I’ve rarely ever had more than a single character at maximum.


Remix leveling system - spam heroic dungeons / raids for 2HRS. Collect XP at mailbox. Boom. lvl 70.

I couldn’t stomach if I had to actually “level up” the normal way. I’d have probably rolled 2 at best.

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I’m just happy to get my one little Remix pally out into the world. Hopefully if they do something like this again, we get an option to remove them from the Remix mode if/when we want to.

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I got a lot done this event. I could’ve gotten more done, such as the heirlooms, but I was running on empty at the end. I created a few too many alts during this event… :face_with_peeking_eye:

And so, Remix comes to an end tomorrow morning at 0700 PDT.

I feel like I can walk away beyond satisfied with everything I accomplished and then some. Was happy to step really far out of my comfort zone and be able to help others. For me personally, that’s probably the what I enjoyed the most. It’s what I enjoy in life, generally speaking.

Got to 476. All slots, all gems, tinkers. Ended at 12k+ health. For the past month and a half, there was very little I couldn’t just destroy in 1-2 hits.

Finally have a Zandalari warrior, Tauren Rogue and Pandaren Rogue. Got a Vulpera, but tbh can’t stand it, so I’ll be race changing it. Looking forward to the heritage questlines that are now open.

As to phat lewts, I got most of what I hoped to get. Got Tusks, looms, most of the open world and raid drops I wanted. Missing a particular sword, staff and shield that just would not drop at all. As a collector, I’m sure that will eat away at my soul through eternity but I’ll survive. There were other drops I wanted but not as much as those three.

The shield will probably bother me the most. I love playing Prot Warriors in WoW and collecting shields. It’s a thing.

I’ll be on / off playing today to take a few last shots at getting those three things so I can at least walk away saying I tried.

This is the most simple fun I have had playing this game, since I don’t know when. I enjoy WoW tremendously, generally speaking. I will play this game until they pull the plug on the servers or on me. Sometimes I’ll go days or weeks without playing but I come back. I always will.

Remix has been something altogether different and just FUN. (imo) it’s something that I felt was lacking in retail and playing remix, made retail feel it more. I hope they take some lessons from Remix and bring them over to retail. People can have fun playing this game and Blizzard, fun is not a bad word.

MOP was one of my favorite expacs, so that certainly helped. I’m so excited to finally have a max level Pandaren. I’ve given him a backstory and unique RP personality. It’s been a thorn in my side since MOP. Glad to finally have done it.

I will always play Norman and my Blue Alts, but I have to say - my Zandalari Prot Warrior may be what ends Norman’s RP story. I am now actively seeking a way to end Norman’s story after all these years. It may take a bit but I am comfortable with him taking his hat collection and adventuring off into the sunset.

If you played remix, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope you got what you wanted out of it. If nothing else, it was a great opportunity to roll some races we didn’t have access to without convoluted questlines and achievements. It was a good way to roll up some alts.

Thanks for the fun Blizz. Can’t wait for the next Remix!


WoD Remix in 2026.
Get pumped!


I would be down for that. It would give me an excuse to get motivated and roll up some Orc alts.

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I do hope that they see some of their new game models as successful. Remix has been very popular, and despite the problems that Plunderstorm had, I honestly wouldn’t mind doing that mode maybe once every couple of years as well.

I think the point to some of the models has been to fill down time and maintain subs that drop off after we’re done playing patch content. I think Remix worked well for that.


Main 2 complaints from me about Blunderstorm:

1 - Players saying it’s “PVP”. I enjoy WoW PVP. This was not PVP.

2 - Being killed off 2 seconds after landing and someone else is already like lvl 2 or 3? Dude, you are getting nothing from killing me. Literally, I haven’t even looted anything yet.

Maybe make the first 2-3 minutes of the match, everyone is unkillable? So those just wanting the PvE /quest, can finish it and leave. Everyone else, can start looting and maybe lvl up to equivalents.

I don’t know. It had potential but man it just felt horrible if you landed and didn’t immediately grab spells/lvls.


I guess you could consider it “a form” of PvP. It’s just not a form that was specifically fair or pleasing to the average WoW player. It was meant to mirror other battle royales, but it had some issues. I could see it being more popular if they did some changes.


Shadowlands Remix 2030
Let’s gooooooo


What we really could use is a TWW remix.


Hear me out… Pandaria Remix Remix.


I’d remix BFA, not even sorry. XD

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