Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

I’d never played a battle royale before, so that was new to me when people started calling it that. Based on that, I likely have no interest in ever playing battle royales.

Just seems like if your luck of the draw in the first 2 minutes is junk, you may as well dip out.

I found a solid place to land in Blunderstorm, but the skills/etc were always random so even with the good landing area, 7/10 I ended up just running into the storm to die.

On a positive note, I figured I’d take one last shot this morning at the sword/shield/staff and I got the sword. Would’ve rather the shield, but happy anyway.


TBC Remix.

It’s nothing but Hellfire Peninsula. There’s a secret timer that spawns a Fel Reaver behind you.


Hahahaha. Drag it to the mages. They’ll kill it for you.

For some reason, that reminds me of the days when players would get groups together to chain kite elites into/near to Stormwind. Lol!

Great memories!


Kiting the Elite Doomguard from the Blasted Lands to Stormwind. You’re just like “I’m not even mad about this. This is honestly impressive as hell.”


Yep! That one always amazed me!

I kited Hogger to Goldshire once. People couldn’t figure out where he was. The yelling in general chat was amazing. Guards didn’t agro. We just stood there between the blacksmith and the tavern.

Another time we were kiting Stitches down to Booty Bay and some jerks all in the same guild came along and killed him on a bridge half way down even though we were yelling at them to stop.

In LK someone was kiting one of the dragons from Caverns of Time (I think it was there) to Org, but I had to go do real lifing, so I didn’t see how that turned out.


While going back through Pandaria to visit all the quartermasters that weren’t available during Remix, it was really nice to be able to just buy all the mog on one character and be done with it. Such a good QOL change.

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Logged in for the first time this morning, loading screen still had me at Pandaria. I was hopeful if just for a second. Landed in Org.


Now off to earn my Heritage armors sets.

I will definitely have to remember I no longer have the ability to jump off super heights and not die. I predict many falling deaths over the next few weeks.

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You know what though, from a win/loss perspective this might actually make sense. Shadowlands is pretty universally despised.

I liked the aesthetics of Shadowlands.

If Blizz gave me the gemming, tinkering, overpowered, scrolls, etc etc that I got in Remix and let me run crazy through Shadowlands that way? I would actually enjoy it and that might take a more prominent space in my memories than Shadowlands does.

I really have very little in the way of good thoughts about Shadowlands. Remix would fix that.

I know how to fix it.
The covenant grind? Have the items drop with the bonus XP off each dungeon boss and / or from a boss from each raid.

Long flights between realms of death? Portals for instantaneous travel. No more going back to Oribos then to your destination.

The maw? Allow flying from the get-go. No more all-seeing eye.
Torghast? No longer a requirement. Gone. Outta here.

No, Shadowlands Remix is nothing but Torghast.

(I’m only half kidding. As a Hunter, honestly a big draw to Torghast was seeing how bloody huge I could get my pet by the end of a run. I enjoyed dragging around a Raid Boss)

Shadowlands remix would be amazing because despite the story being awful, there were good mogs and mounts in that expac and recolors of them would rule. They can change the mechanics of how convenants worked etc. It’s just a collection fest, really.