Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Too late. Norman didn’t tell me their choice, so I went with both.

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Semi-srs post for 2 seconds.

I appreciate the humor and humility that Gnomes bring. I’ve been playing a Gnome since Day 1 of my Azeroth adventuring. Please know, this is not aimed at you. I fully appreciate a Gnome Warrior decked out in Tusks and you could probably craft a great RP story around how you scored them.

What I don’t appreciate is that Blizzard has largely used Gnomes as the punchline from the beginning. Blizz is the reason people have the perception they do of Gnomes, because of how Blizzard writes them.

I’ve spent years playing Norman as a srs RP character. He’s a solid guy with a solid story. I had a good group of people to RP with for years but outside of that group, very rarely do people take Gnomes seriously at all and it’s more than just a little frustrating. It’s been made more so, since the population at large has dwindled.

As amusing as the Tusks are on a Gnome (and I have a Gnome Warrior also, so it’s tempting!), I struggle enough with getting people to take Norman seriously. People do not like RP’ing with Gnomes already, I feel like wearing the Tusks on my G-Warrior, would just make it worse.


“people”. “People”?

Overgeneralization cuts both ways.

I would’ve stopped playing Pandaren long ago if I had let the yahoos dictate the limits of my fun. Never would have opened the teahouse. And we’ve had many Gnomes visit us over the years. All of whom were treated the same as every other guest.

The point is, keep looking for RP partners.


hero class RP’er here, i don’t consider it a true year of RP until i get someone telling me how to RP my own character.

it doesn’t stop me. i will keep playing death knights until they pry the death knights out of my cold, dead hands. i love death knights and demon hunters and evokers, and i’m not sorry for playing them.

(though i wouldn’t use the tusks of mannoroth IC because of the significance they bear, much like using Ashbringer or the blades of the prince or Shadowmourne, u kno? if i’m not RP’ing though, i’m absolutely rocking whatever I want.)

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I got a character, IC a Grummle, that a really want to have that particualr shoulder. Not because of anything to do with Garrosh, but because he got a big huge yak horn, blessed by the Yak wild god. Talk about a lucky-do!

And yeah, he’s a DK, but IC not in the traditional sense.

When you look at it from a certain point of view, all our characters are DKs. You don’t die that many times and come back to Azeroth without it changing who you are.


It’s a crime that they didn’t add the Grummle backpack as a cosmetic in remix.


There are actually a number of things that they did not add in remix, that they could have just put on a loot table.

Yalia Sagewhisper wears a Shado-pan robe. (instead of the tunic/pants) It’s in the game. Where IS IT? Why can’t the Pandaren community access it? It’s IN THE FILES ALREADY.

Where’s the Troll Guitar? It’s in the files! Never in a loot table!

The Axe of Ordos is in the files!

Blizz is lucky most players do not look in the database to see what’s there that we could have, but don’t.


The WHAT?? Seriously, give it!

I knew you’d have the receipts!

You should check out the Azeroth Archives vault one day, we have a fine poking stick!

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It’s a legit 2H Mace:

I think the Poking Stick is the only black version of that model. Good catch grabbing it!

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Awe man. Does this mean there’s no war?

Sighs that annoying Krenzen sigh

The living are such buzzkills.

Chin up, Champ. There’s always another Troll Dungeon to run.

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Points to the Forums.

You wanna see people trying to murder each other over nigh-indentical hills for the sake of faction pride, racial grudge matches and personality clashes, it’s always there and the combatants will never die nor admit fault.


They’re natural enemies, like Orcs and Draenei! Or Tauren and Draenei! Or Gnomes and Draenei!! Or Eredar and other Draenei!! Damn Eredar, they ruined Argus!!!


I mean, one of the greatest tragedies of the setting is the loss of Argus to the Fel.

The majority of the Eredar honestly believed that they were about to uplift all of creation to the same level of their own society/societies (why would a peaceful utopia require generals and a massive standing army as referenced in the Argus raid?), only to blink as Sargeras’s illusions dissipated and the Fel washed over them all, killing millions and twisting the mind and souls of those who had the will and the magical training to try and control the Fel being pushed into them.

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Yah! Exactly!

Shakes fist at the sky

Damn Eredar!!

I held off on partaking in this remix until a week ago. Admittedly, I was very skeptical about it because I had already “Been there, done that” sorta thing. I didn’t even bother reading any further than “Mists of Pandaria Remix”, because I knew it would just be a distraction; I have ADHD…I have PLENTY of distractions as it is!

I also already have close to sixty end level characters and felt having even more alts would only catapult me even further along as the anti-social alt-aholic that I am. BUT…curiosity and the prospect of adding more mounts to my collection baited me enough that I gave it a shot. I never read the part about this event which explained how the little tinker socketed thingies worked, so that was a surprise to me when I dove in head first and experienced it for the first time.

I had so much fun that I barely slept for three days. I have greatly enjoyed MoP Remix, but now my alt-army has gotten even larger. If we have another event such as this where you can only create new characters for Remix, then I am in titan-sized trouble indeed.

GET TA’ FARMING. Countdown to extinction is on:

I’ve probably posted more in this thread than just about any other that’s ever been on the WRA forums. Sorry, not sorry for making this a personal blog.

I have immensely enjoyed Remix and barely touched retail since it came out on 5/16. Two months! Norman is taking a crazy nap!

There were some things I wanted to do in retail at the end of DF, but I have zero desire to go back right now. Staying in Pandaland for the duration.

Remix is just…fun to me. I’ll be happy to head back to retail soon enough and continue the Warcraft adventure, but NGL. I will legitimately miss the holy heck out of Remix when it ends. I’m hoping the metrics that Blizz sees are outstanding and they choose to do this again with other expansions.

I’ve finally got a stable full of Horde chars (something I’ve never had in all these years). Looking forward to exploring Red Team Azeroth. I finally got a max Pandaren, something I wanted but could never manage and I am legit happy with him and looking forward to RP with him. I got my Zandalari Troll Warrior also. (my main Remix char)

I forged ahead and found some cool ppl to run Remix with. I’ve tanked SOO a bunch of times (realize it’s not retail tanking but that’s okay) and helped others get their Tusks and bones. I got all the looms, and have a ton of bronze that will probably get me any remaining items I haven’t gotten. Will wait until the end to go on my shopping spree.

Overall fun times. I have some big personal RL things that are stressing me out this summer that I’m working on, so Remix has been a great way to just disappear for a few hours each day and relax.

For anyone who took part, hope you had / are having as enjoyable a time.


I really enjoyed it, I’ve slowed down since I just got other stuff going on but im chipping away at getting my dark iron and vulpera to level 50 so I can unlock their heritage sets.

I don’t know if I will do Zandalari, Kul Tiran or Void Elf in time but i usually hop on in the morning when i am dirnking my coffee to do a random dungeon or scenario just for the daily quest and some XP boostin.

I went back today to look at all the transmogs and other stuff. Ended up getting every transmog I actually wanted, plus 2 mounts. I had to spend a couple of minutes killing rares so I could get the chicken backpack. That completed everything I wanted, so I’m good to go.