Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Hello me.

Decided to take a shot at tusks. Completed first heroic. Got my 4 bones. Just need to knock it out 4 more times. May continue after to get some looms. 36 days left. LFG.

Encourage anyone as unsure as I was, to just go for broke in remix.


What makes you think it was a night elf.

Because I didn’t want to name and shame.
That was a $90 bottle of special reserve bourbon, Detective.

Listen, I can make this right. I just need $90.


this reminds me that i gotta get the rest of the looms. i might as well.

i’ve been more worried about irl stuff than wow but i’m slowly getting back into things i suppose. hit 20 with the dreamweavers yesterday.

I just realized the best thing about Remix. I’m getting multiple daily reminders that there are a lot less selfish self-centered jerks that treat us like NPCs on the RP servers than on the servers where it’s derigueur to treat a run like it’s solo and let half the team die and get locked out.

So thank you, thank you, Thank You to all the RPers who bring equal respect and regard for others to ooc content as they do to roleplay.


At this point, I’m convinced they did not include this shield in a loot table. I have utterly decimated the Vale and no shield.

Hope everyone is enjoying / enjoyed remix as much as I have. Good times. Hope they do this again for another expac.

I had it drop from one of the dailies. I’m sorry I don’t remember which one because I got it in the mail after a session on a fury warrior alt where I ran half a dozen instances. But it does drop.

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I have plans to do something similar. I followed DoubleAgent’s career pretty closely, and it took them ages to keep advancing. So if/when I do something similar to you, I plan to allow myself the wiggle room of fishing & pet battles. In my mind those little guys in my kennel are “wounded” not dead, and I give the other side the same leeway. You might consider adding archaeology to your repertoire as well, if you haven’t already.

Maybe it’d be worth starting a thread at some point for everyone interested to share ideas, link to non-violent quests, etc. ?

Stop encouraging him, man. Angry Orcs are about to be an endangered species.

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Good to know it’s just my horrible relationship with RNG then. At least it’s available somewhere.

I shall continue.


I been farming for the green version of that shield every day since I got a warrior high enough level to handle the mobs - hours every single day. And have yet to get it. So I understand the frustration.

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At last!

Just dropped from Gaohun the Soul-Severer in Guo-Lai Halls. My Vale murder spree has come to a bloody end.

Makes sense I had not seen it. If this is the main loot table for it, I haven’t nearly killed this particular rare as much as the others, due to the location. I think I only killed it one other time.

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Bones gathered, Tusks purchased! Although, I still believe they belong only on Orcs, so I guess now I have to roll an Orc.

More importantly, I managed to find a super group of folks (like me lol) who understood that I hate the idea of being “carried” for anything in this game. They made it a point to let me actually tank a bit, instead of just steamrolling everything. (they did steamroll a lot, but were kind enough to allow me to at least do enough that I felt like I ‘earned’ the bones.)

I realize most people truly don’t care about being ‘carried’, but I really despise the idea of being carried for anything in this game. I would rather go without something than be carried. It’s just a thing with me.


To make up for this, I will roll a gnome / mechagnome in your name. Your choice.

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The Adeptus Gnomechanicus
Binaric Screeching

No, fulfill your destiny, become what you were always meant to be!

Offers you a chalice of Orc tears



Nothing to make up for. I’ve rolled Orcs before, I just don’t stick with them. Admittedly, that was prior to the back surgery to straighten them out. I may be more encouraged since they can stand up now. Blizz just needs to give Orcs some hairstyles that don’t have receding hairlines. Also, more beards for Orcs and beards for Trolls. (and forsaken!)

Nearly every single alt of mine was on team blue, as that’s where I’ve been since the beginning. I noticed the other day that all the remix chars I made, are Horde. I wasn’t sure about all these new alts, but pretty psyched to have a decent stable of alts on both factions now.

I know it’s late in the game, but pretty accurate to get weapon types to drop:


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I will start another war to prevent this.