Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

So this is how the fifth war begins.


If you don’t loot XP bonus items at all, and do some normal raids between 25 and 40/41 (1 MSV, HoF, ToES = 192% exp min) , you’ll go from 40-ish to 70 with this method. It feels so naughty that I fly to the tavern near Wrathion’s little area to do it.

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Sir, this establishment only has RC Cola.

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I really should do the mailbox method but it’s so hard for me to ignore shiny lootable corpses.

Also doing raids like MSV and the boss loot beam lighting up before it dies is pretty funny.

There’s an addon that’s supposed to help with that; I can’t vouch for it personally but I’ve heard good things about it-- Remix Loot Filter (No Experience Pickup). (I’d link it if I could but I can’t. :dracthyr_cry: )

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I’m just a greedy little goblin and must loot everything because I have self control problems :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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I just loot everything except the XP token, and I loot mobs because there might be XP threads :0

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I’m using remix mail helper addon. You can opt to pick up threads or items or XP out of the mail without accidentally clicking on the XP. The trick of course is to spam HC dungeons, don’t loot anything. Retrieve threads and items from mail. Then when you hit like 41 or so, pick up all your heroic XP out of the mail box and it usually gets you to 70 or really close.

I’m content to use this method get to 60 (which I did yesterday on the pandaren) and then just casually run some dungeons/raids to get to 70.

Anyone running prot, farming shields in remix, can you see if you managed to get this to drop:

It’s only in remix, so if you have it, the answer is yes.

I’ve gotten all the daggers I wanted (save 1) and am focusing on shields now. This particular one is eluding me and I’m getting tired of destroying every single thing in the Vale, 1000 times a day.


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Finally, belatedly, got into Remix and hit 49 in two days. I’m stunned at how fast this whole thing is. Probably going to level one more character after this and then enjoy the pre-patch.

The constant upgrades and shuffling of gems into sockets is a pain in the butt, though.

Operation “Pacifist” is a go.

Name: Zandrozat
Class: Evoker
Spec: Healer (Preservation)
Goal: Reach level cap without dealing a single point of damage / killing a single enemy

How I will accomplish this goal: If I can get a hard carry through dungeons by a tank with a bajillion health, that’d be ideal. But I don’t plan on using any gems that can proc from abilities to deal damage, nor will I be using any shield gems that deal damage when I am struck.
All potentially damage dealing abilities are removed from my hotbars. This includes living flame. Only cauterizing flame and emerald blossom exist for me upon creation.

If I do damage. I delete and reroll.

Edit: I have encountered a grave error. If I am in a group, their kills count as mine. Operation “Pacifist” has been abandoned until War Within and I can level to cap using a gatherer.


If you’re not opposed to additional addons, this might help with the gem issue: https://www.wowhead.com/news/swap-mop-remix-gems-easily-with-the-narcissus-gem-manager-341201

This isn’t World of Peacecraft, buddy.


Don’t you guys have phones?

I am learning that if I queue into a group with a tank level 61-70, or if that tank has less than a few million health at level 70, then that tank is going to get mollywhopped by every. single. trash mob.

No wonder Holy Nova has been the MVP for priests. This is some wacky races nonsense™

You’re not supposed to learn. This is a video game.

how else am i supposed to learn “fire hot” and not to trust a night elf with the keys to my bourbon cabinet?

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This would have been possible if they added in pet battles in Remix, it baffles me that they had zero things to do for pet battles considering it was such an important addition in Pandaria.