Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

I wish I did not know this.

But I am glad that I know this.

Thanks dude!

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I. DID IT. All mounts, all toys, exalted with shaohao! All the goodies I wanted from Remix are mine!


I’ve gotten the red and the blue ones, but the other two are denying me and of course, those are the ones I want.

I want the Ironwood Shield, still hasn’t dropped, but got all the others.

I’m heading off to roll a rogue (didn’t want to) to see if I can get the Imperial daggers to drop. I haven’t seen ONE of them. All of them are tagged agil so I’m wondering if it’s a class/spec thing again.

I haven’t farmed like this in ages. So many mogs, so little time and so FEW DROPS.

I’ve decided to just get out of my comfort zone and go for it.

Tauren Rogue. Running dungeons now. I’ll head for the raids after. Don’t usually do this, but F IT. I’m all in. Let’s go.

ETA: Well the dungeons /raids are weird. I have yet to get grouped with someone who isn’t stupidly destroying everything. I guess that’s the goal? Basically, spawn in and someone just kills everything in about 5 minutes. Exit dungeon. Check your mailbox.


Yeah, it’s so SO rare to get into any group where the mechanics or even thinking actually matters at this point.

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I guess I was so brainwashed to how it actually works on retail that I couldn’t fathom how literally stupid this is in remix.

Queue. Spawn in. Someone kills everything. Five seconds later it’s over. At least 90% of the time, I am just running through the raid / dungeon to keep up.

So weird.

At high gear levels, its essentially queue up, unzip, swing left, leave, check mailbox, repeat. I’ve watched a Rogue solo LFR bosses because everybody else was taking too long, and they’d specced purely for haste and speed.

It was a Gnomish Bey-Blade just cartwheeling through the Siege of Orgrimmar…

If you’re lucky, a high level will do all the bosses so you can complete quests for chances at dungeon/raid rare drops from the chests, but its still quite rare.

Hilarious now but as the clock ticks ever closer to the end … its getting worrisome .

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Kinda curious if that’s not the narrative point.

We’re getting stupidly powerful, to the point everything’s become trivialized. This timeline legitimately has Garrosh being pulled down by some obscenely potent wanderers who literally just rolled up, stole his shoulder pads, and vanished.


As someone who was fairly happy with the amount of alts I had, I’m not sure I really like the fact that to get certain weapons to drop, I needed to roll more alts.

Nonetheless, I now have a 70 Tauren rogue. Stupid easy leveling via the dungeon/XP/mailbox drops and I’ve gone out into the world and am farming up my daggers, which of course are now dropping like there’s no tomorrow. Tauren rogue is more enjoyable than I thought and I snagged (what I think) is a fairly good name for a Tauren.

So, I now have a total of 4 remix 70’s, which although nice, I did not need to have.

I’ve been aiming at the ones whose heritage armor I hadn’t gotten yet, so at least I can knock that out when remix ends.

Remix has been pretty enjoyable and I’ll genuinely miss it when it ends. It was a nice end of expac surprise and I’m really hoping they bring it back.

Realized I haven’t much logged onto Norman or retail WoW since remix dropped and I’m not sure how to feel about that.


I’m having trouble logging in at all. Remix’s choices and drops seemed too overwhelming. I have one character sitting in the 30s and I can’t be bothered to apply anything that’s dropped on her because armor upgrades so fast that it feels like a waste to use something for 2 levels.

I stalled because of that whole ‘had to be 35’ to get the Theramore drops and went off to play other games that seemed less stressful to me than "omggottagetonlineinWoWsoIgetallthedropsbeforetheexpaccccc* and now I just look at the Battlenet icon on the bottom of my screen with dread.

I just wanted to RP my hedge-witch alt in Duskwood, man.

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I was in the same boat where way back in BFA I told myself I wasn’t going to make any more alts or new characters because I had so many toons just being neglected after I leveled them. It was this weird anxiety of mine that I didn’t want to even RP characters that were low leveled so I just let them clutter my screen, un touched and becoming even more annoying with the Gear Update feature popping up.

The only new alt I’ve made since was an Evoker and I didn’t finally level them up until the last raid patch.

Remix came along and not only did I end up leveling alts for transmog runs and heritage characters, but also since it was clearly much faster than traditional leveling, I started deleting old toons, re-rolling them as remix characters, and blitzing to cap-just to finally round those toons off but at higher chances for certain weapon mogs, etc.

I hit my 9th capped timerunner this morning. And I have a DK on the way.

I’m hoping this will pay off with the whole warband system since gearing alts and having them viable wont be as much as a problem this time but if not I’m about to abuse the Delete option come pre-patch. :person_shrugging:t6:


Samezies. I hit 70 on this character, have about 200k bronze banked but nothing I really care about buying (I leveled a couple alts to afford the two mounts and a few gear sets that I wanted). It feels bad to upgrade a bunch of greens with bronze so I just haven’t logged in Remix at all for weeks.

If I could opt out of Remix on this character and get booted to Retail I’d do that in a heartbeat. If this wasn’t a small indy company with limited time and employees they probably could have done something about that.

Kudos to the people who want everything, go after it and get it. I don’t care enough to or have the energy, frankly. I gave up years ago chasing the carrot in this game. I combed through remix and got most of what I wanted already; I will buy the rest before it ends. I have some real life priorities this summer that are #1 on the list. Focus for me.

I’ve decided not to go after the Tusks and moved on. Focusing on daggers and a few shields now.

I miss logging onto Norman, but I can’t find the time to do remix and retail. Remix is winning out for the mogs. Norman needs a break before TWW anyway.

I just wish I could’ve gotten varied weapons/items to drop on any char. I did not need to roll all these alts. :grimacing:

Debated rolling a regular troll but the heritage armor is horrid, so I’m not interested. I’m rolling a Pandaren in about 5 minutes just to see if I can hang with it until 70. I’ve tried a few times but the frame/animations for male Pandaren always annoy me. I wish they were more Kul Tiran like. I’d have roll a bunch of them by now.

ETA: positively stunned by the name I was able to get. The right name can make or break it. Off to an amazing start.

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I’ve only done 15 level 70s so far in remix lmao :eyes:

It’s okay, 13 of them are on an alternate account, just a nice full roster, many named for possible futures where certain race/class combos I want are opened up :melting_face:

I stand by that femPandaren have the superior animations, especially melee. It gives much more of that over the top ‘wushu’ fighting style that they draw inspiration from. But I personally cannot stand the perpetually :3 face.

Hence why I’ve always kept this toon with a mask. :sweat_smile:

Challenge accepted.

But seriously, I might end up with a few more timerunners before the event runs out. I have two more original alts at that weird 40s/50s level bracket that I could run through retail if I wanted to. But once you get access to raids and run the LFR gauntlet once the xp bonus from the cloak just makes timerunning that much more efficient.


To me, that’s the best part.

The last thing you hear before death is a mocking"UwU?" before everything goes dark…


For anyone who is struggling to level through Pandaria for the 100th time, the mailbox system is the way to go.

I ran my new Pandaren up to 30 last night (mix of dungeons/quests) and then logged out.

Logged in about 1 hr ago. Jumped into Heroic dungeons and our group just spammed the heck out of them. Just finished. He’s now lvl 41.

Picked up the mailbox XP and he’s now sitting at 46, 10 seconds later.

Legit way to do this. Crank out those 70s if you ever wanted a specific class/race/heritage armor. This is the way to go. I’ll probably knock out another hour or so this morning to try and get him to 60.

Also, enjoying my little Pandaren now. (Something I could NEVER say, even in the thick of MOP). Always wanted to play one, but couldn’t get it moving in the starter zone. For me, it’s always getting them past the first few levels. Remix is skipping right over the slug part.


But yeah, when I get into a group and some coked out player is decimating everything, I ask them kindly if we can keep the gravy train going for as long as they need to instead of them leaving and joining a new group.

I mean, I don’t want to fight anything. Carry me to level cap, Xblazinfastx.

(I actually have a goal to get a max level character to 70 without killing anything or doing a single point of damage)


Remix has coke?

Guys, this is the sort of thing you need to lead with.

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I have been legally requested to amend my statement and say Remix does not have or allude to coke in any manner whatsoever.
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Is pepsi okay?