Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Man this mailbox method of leveling is addicting.

I’m making/naming characters with the hopes of changing them to as-yet unavailable race/class combos :stuck_out_tongue:


These one-shot people are so frustrating. /end.

Don’t try and dps. Just slot your speed gems, and as much movement as you can. Tap on the boss if you can and collect your loot in the mail.

My next remix character is going to be a disc priest because I’ll have faster queues and everything is going to die so fast who cares about healing at least I’m getting invited to groups.

I’ve moved from mounts to toys, all I need is the eternal kiln now!

I’m just referring to open world mobs, so this won’t help. lol

Oooh. Yep. Nothing really to do about that one. Just gotta get yours before they do.

Yeah, I’m still trying to be nice by calling out rares only to have someone come along and take them out in a single swing.

So it goes. I will continue calling them out.

Oh, I had this happen a few times. Even had one guy say he was on his way, join me and my wife’s group then go offline. We waited and waited and he never came back.

So yeah. I pretty much just kill and move on. If I see someone on the way I will stop fighting so they can get a tag. But yeah, I’m only mid 400’s and stuff is already melting really quickly.

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I wish they’d implement rares having damage immunity for 10 seconds. It is physically impossible for me to not one-shot most rares. I’m 476 and I want the threads and kill credit, but I can’t Not just kill the thing in a single scourge strike or tick of my DOT. I don’t want to deny other people kill credit, but there’s no guarantee the person next to me won’t also one-shot the rare.


What about a white attack? Go up and press T?

Or unequip some armor? That used to be the method we used back in the day when rogues were pulling agro off the tank.

Yeah but that’s a bit annoying, and doesn’t help if there are less considerate 476 players in the area. My main method has been using Dragon Riding to tag mobs because it doesn’t scale with armor. I think if I were helping a lowbie I would probably unequip armor, but I kinda just wish Blizzard would implement the 10 second immunity rule so everyone can get a tag in regardless.

In theory, dragon riding works b/c it does minimal damage and then I can just taunt the rare to keep it hitting me uselessly while lower ilvl players get their tags in, but in practice, it just takes one 476 player to ruin that.

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The funny thing is they had the foresight to give Timeless Isle rares a thirty second cool down before becoming attackable, but they didn’t think to do this for other highly fought after rares like the Zandalari?

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The open world rare weapon recolors are the bane of my existence.

I just want a few things but can’t get them to drop. I’ve killed thousands of Osul and Krik’thik’sik’ik NPC’s at this point. I’ve probably been put on some kind of most wanted list by the NPC’s in Townlong.

Made it a point to run all this with the warrior and hunter, which have the most weapon options.

Whole of WoW want the tusks and I’m over here farming open world mobs for hours, for a simple hatchet.

ETA: Apparently, weapons drops are restricted to specs also - per a number of things I just read.

So, I respecced the prot warrior to fury and the hatchet dropped about 5 seconds into killing my first batch of Osul Sharphorn. Lesson learned. Hope this helps others out looking for specific weapons.

ETA x2 - definitely a thing. I’m getting a bunch of different weapons to drop.

Note to self - L2read patch notes.


What warrior spec uses staffs? Because that was an odd one I kept getting on mine lmao

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Funny, but fair.

I was getting staves to drop playing prot, so who knows. I will say, switching to fury has resulted in some different weapon drops so it seems like it’s a real thing.

I was getting it as fury and prot but idk, I need to play a rogue because the dagger models are very cool.

Listen man.

I wanted those ringed swords for my Pandaren characters. I leveled toons almost exclusively in the dread wastes and in townlong stepps to try to get them. I changed specs on multiple toons to narrow it the region roles for one-handers.

I opened 683 boxes across 4 toons, completing all of the questlines multiple times over, to get ONE of the swords. Two more to go.

And this is before I started using the statistics counter to log progress because I wanted to make graph on the general forums and complain to blizzard. It’s pretty ridiculous.


wait what – some of the recolours are only from mobs out in the world?? It’s not just LFR and the raid difficulties?

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Oh, yes. Welcome to, “Kill everything in the open world” Remix. Scroll through, find what you like. A lot of what I like, is on open world mobs and dependent on specs, etc.