Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

Yeah. I just got my first, this character, to 70 yesterday. I am finding myself debating on whether or not to keep trying to quest away with these knuckleheads locking areas down, just roll an alt, or just head back over to retail and wait until this character gets released into the new xpac. Lol!


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One issue I’m having is loving this full roster a bit too much and it’s on a side acct/none of them will really be played much after this but… tempting…

A few timerunners are just placeholders for when certain race/class combos are added, too.

I really hope the whole “your race shouldn’t decide what you do in Warcraft” thing isn’t walked back now that some of those devs are gone. I heard Earthen DKs were removed from Beta, for example.

Because yeah, a few of these were made/named with a future race change in mind :0

I have done it! I bought all the mounts!! Once I finish my Shaohao grind I can finally rest easy and return to my beloved Duskwood.


Just a few things?

With the ‘Class Sets’ from the Pandaren merchant who’ll wear the head/shoulders/belt set unique to your class, you can buy multiple different sets, regardless of your actual character’s class, and collect them for your alts.

There are Re:Mix-specific versions of several Raid sets that will never be attainable again. Check the vendors carefully because there’s a lot of gear in there and the UI can be a big quirky at times when you’re mousing over the sets.

There are specific groups in the Group Finder that are actively camping World Bosses, if you can’t find a World Boss in your phase because Johnny Awesome rolled in, unzipped, swung left and one-shotted Galleon or the Sha of Anger. There’s also groups in Group Finder who are actively running Mythic versions of every Raid, and they’re crazy strong. You’ve basically got a five-man party steam-rolling Siege of Orgrimmar and twenty gremlins following along and looting in their wake. For both, make certain you have plenty of ‘Irish Coffee’ on hand because they’re about as unhinged and deranged as you’d imagine, and you’ll need to fortify your patience before joining them.

Opens pouch

Best I can do is about a pound of Durotar Black.

Fills pipe and lights it

I saw some Pandaren RPing in Remix and it made me so happy :smiley: I’m playing a Horde character and they were mostly made up of Alliance and RPing in the Pandaren language so I had no idea what was going on.

Yet, I went ahead and changed my TRP to say “Has no idea what is going on but is enjoying the company.” and just sat with the group while I paid my credit card bill in another window lol.

Otherwise, I’m enjoying remix, I been playing very casually and started gearing up my hunter now that they patched it so that Tusks cosmetic can be worn by any class/armor type. So far I’m at 401 and started getting accepted into my heroics. Just two more heroic SoO and I too can be a nepo baby stolen valor warguy!


So… I tried to make Alliance alt in remix this weekend. I couldn’t get past the starter gunship scenario… I just didn’t have it in me.

I know that the plethora of chairs we have gracing our living room here on Alliance-side can be intimidating. Keep trying and always give it your best. A cup of coffee helps also.



You have a disturbing obsession with chairs. Have you considered seeking professional help?

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Don’t tell him to go to therapy, they have those long chairs in there! It’ll feed his obsession!


Give him chairapy.


its so we can do this when no one is looking



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Therapy is overrated and nothing that a good cup of coffee can’t fix. How therapeutic that cup of coffee might be is highly dependent on how comfortable a chair is, and more importantly, how comfortable any given person, living or dead, is in using a chair. I am very mindful that it can all be intimidating for some.

pokes the Forsaken with the end of a wooden staff to make sure he’s still awake.

Well, I went off the deep end and there’s no turning back now.

I deleted a bunch of rogues in my rogue collection and remade them to level them faster. I had 28 rogues in there and I think I’m starting half of them over. The other half are all old characters with rare stuff and in the 50-60 range.

None are over 60. Yet. Now, my goal is to get them all to 70 by TWW and then roll Dargon (Dracthyr) and Bling (Earthen) to 70 for a glorious 30-rogue spread.

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There are characters I want…but man I just can’t motivate myself to level anyone else.

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I’ve completed all the main achievements. I am finishing off maxing my gear and then I will try for mythic SoO. Then I will do all the other achievements. Then I will buy all the stuff.

Then I can finally play the game.



I love this event.

I’m getting the “content not available” error for your picture :frowning: :chart_with_downwards_trend:

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shoot lemme rehost it.


Beach episode girlrosh c:


As someone looking to race change a few of my remix chars once remix ends, this was a nice surprise: