Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

I’ve subjugated myself to the mailbox levelling mines so I can brainlessly get all the mounts and holy hell I despise Stormstout brewery and scholomance.

We have truly forgotten the true lesson of Pandaria …



I have fully upgraded my warlock’s gear and gotten some pretty good pieces stats-wise.

There’s some interesting stuff going on with stat distribution and basically 2-5 types of epic drops depending on how you look at it. The cloak, however, will start to overshadow this sort of obsessive stat chasing.

I have a full roster on my second account that I’m going to level. I really dig each of the characters, every class created yet again but with a different vibe this time. Reckless abandon, perhaps, knowing each will be 70 in mere hours, and create a purse of bronze for shopping sprees.

While there are many improvements that could be made, and mistakes that would have been cool to avoid (though I suspect fed the data machine and were by design)… this has been an incredible thing for WoW (at least for me).

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I’ve been really happy to see as many people as I have participate in it and seemingly enjoy it. I am also happy to see the factions largely cooperating on rares and whatnot. That’s been my experience. Occasional jerks aside, it’s been an enjoyable environment.

I haven’t really bothered to upgrade much, because it’s just not affecting my gameplay in remix. I’m not running dungeons/raids/scenarios. I’ve gotten everything I had initially wanted and am just going for broke at this point, farming bronze, buying mogs/mounts and leveling new chars. The Zandalari prot warrior that I leveled is making me stupid amounts of happy and I’m able to help others farm the Shaohao rep with him. It’s been a blast.

I may regret not going for the Tusks of Mannoroth, just so I would have them if I ever wanted to use them, but I’m almost 100% certain I’d never use them so I’m comfortable leaving Pandamix without them, if that’s how it goes.

I genuinely hope that Blizz takes a look at Blunderstorm again and really takes suggestions to heart. I would love for PvP folks to have as much fun as I am having in remix and it’s something I would take part in, if it was improved.


A friend and I are going to do carry groups for fun and you are more than welcome to join. Tusks are very much in reach because you get 4 each H Siege run and it’s quite fast and fun with the right group – and a carry group that has like 2-5 max ilvl people and the rest a mix of chill participants, not bad! Give it a think. 5 runs and you have those tusks.


Join us, brother Gnome! Orc tears are delicious!


Tusks are a must have out of this event. We still have over two months left, too, so don’t forget we’re here for a little while and you can go it pretty slow


I may take you up on this. Thank you!

As amusing as this is, I’d personally never use them on any char other than an Orc, maybe a Troll. It just wouldn’t feel right to me.

I’m not sure they’re a must-have for me, but it would be nice to have them just in case I ever roll an Orc.


Come get more threads!


Mmmmyeessssss I will have all the Pandaria mounts soooooooon.

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i’m leveling a gnome on moonguard with remix and it’s awesome that i somehow got the name “Benni.” It just seems like a really cute name for a gnome that I was surprised it wasn’t taken. Then again, I got “Minzy” on WrA so…


Its been years since Ive played WoW, jumping in to find a new way to level is pretty cool. I’m having fun relearning and seeing the changes. :slight_smile:

Two more mounts and I’ve bought them all!


I got the things I wanted now I have all this bronze, debating what to spend it on. Wish I was able to scrap the toys I already had from MOP for bronze.

Also, I got the hunter to 70. If anyone is offering carries to Garrosh for the tusks and wouldn’t mind a bad, undergeared hunter tagging along, I’d appreciate it. If you want some sort-of repayment on retail, let me know.



I think my biggest complaint right now is that at least half of the player base has turned into raging nozzles, because of how powerful they are.

One of the things I was enjoying (as I said earlier in the thread) is calling out rares, waiting for everyone to get there and just generally everyone being helpful and friendly.

Well, that appears to be gone at this point.

I feel like I can’t call out rares anymore, because that one guy with the 5 trillion health pool who one shots everything shows up and before anyone else can take a shot, just kills the mob instantly and then flies away.

Those same people are running groups, locking down areas and you can’t even get a hit in, before the mob is dead.

So it goes, I guess.

Random Norman things…I was flying near the wall in Dread Wastes this morning and caught site of a flower (not anything you can click on, just a visual asset). It’s a Frost Lotus, from Northrend. They used the same graphic. Just thought that was kind of neat.

Now I feel like I have to write a short story as to how it either ended up in Pandaria or ended up in Northrend. I haven’t decided which yet.


I wonder what happens with all the bronze/abilities/gems/etc when you transfer to ‘Normal’ WoW? Does it all turn to gold, is there an achievement, etc etc? I could understand, if not condone, the nonsense if it was a huge gold boost and people were force-farming alts to generate millions of gold, but there doesn’t seem to be any real benefit to keep going once you’ve maxed out your gear and bought all the stuff you want.

I can understand completionists going for the gold, but once you’re at that level and can pretty much 5-man Mythic Siege, there doesn’t seem to be much point in playing Re:Mix anymore.

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I’d imagine the bronze just turns into nothing.

I think the point of MoP Remix - as far as I’ve been aware - was just to give some extra content and let people get all the mounts and appearances and such. In that, I’d call it a huge success for giving people some extra playing time inbetween expansions.


joined a SoO raid the other day and had whiplash when the leader of the raid was alliance.

Realized that I’ve never done SoO on an Alliance character. It was nice to see Jaina.


I’m down to help you get these – redcloud#1452

We have a good while left so despite being OCE based, should find times that line up.

If you’re down, we can do Vaults, Terrace and HoF on heroic in less than like 25 min total as well, a lot of bronze if you want to dump some into upgrades just for stam as well. That’s the only annoying thing in Siege, trying to rez/get rez’d when people speeding ahead keep everyone in combat :joy:

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Appreciate the offer! I was actually going to strike my post up there. After seeing a half-naked Goblin earlier today running around wearing nothing but the Tusks and the beach shorts from the Trading post, I have lost all desire to care one iota about them.

I feel like they should have been Orc Heritage armor somehow. So it goes.

I am definitely going to race change this vulpera to Zandalari once remix is over though. The mog options for Vulpera are way too limiting for me.