Mission Tables - So Long, and Thanks for All the Gold

Shadowlands mission table on the app is horrible and whoever designed it should be fired.

I would be fine with them bringing back mission tables if it was something very simple like the WoD missions that I could finish quickly

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I won’t miss not having a new mission table. The only reason I ever engaged with them was because they make me stupid amounts of gold without having to do much.

No mission table in Dragonflight. According to the interviews with Ion, End game outdoor content is essentially going to be four zones that are similar to the design of Zereth Mortis.

Renown will be done differently, as each zone will have their own Renown (reputation system) and cosmetic and other rewards to earn and unlock.

There will be some World quest and dailies attached to these activities, but there was no confirmation as to whether there would be a Calling type system or similar system that we’ve seen in Legion, Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands.

There hasn’t been any official previews or extensive conversations about the end-game outdoor content, which as a heavy outdoor content consumer, this does have me a little concerned. I guess that remains to be seen in the upcoming weeks.


I’m surprised so many people felt they needed an addon for the mission table. I’ve been riding it bareback this entire time and the only problem I had was noticing the wild imbalance between the followers available to each Covenant.
Venthyr and Kyrian sucked, and still do, compared to Necrolord and Night Fae.

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The usefulness of Mission table making great amount of gold are gone been gone since Legion…the little bit of gold they offer now is really worthless amount to work for…during Legion and WoD I was avg about 25K a day off gold mission table missions…I made millions off those gold missions as I was running 12 Level 3 Garrisons everyday…

Thats how you get monkey pox… probably.

I actually liked the mission tables.



25k gold per day is still doable with Shadowlands mission tables if you have a bunch of alts, especially if you consider the value of certain rewards; like the enchanting caches usually have enough mats in them to be worth a few hundred gold, and if you use polished pet charms to buy Flawless Amethyst Baubleworms to sell, those sell for like 200k gold and cost 10k pet charms so it’s like each pet charm is worth 20 gold (and mission table missions often offer 20-25 charms).

Also my rule of thumb for rep token rewards is that, once you’re exalted and just accumulating rep for paragon caches, the gold value of a rep token reward is basically about a third of what it gives you in rep, so for example Horrifying Research will give me 375 rep with the Ascended, and in my mind that’s worth roughly 125 gold. It’s not bad considering it takes almost no effort to start missions

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The google algorithms are absolutely bombing me with MMO ads for various games, but it really strikes me that in all this marketing material it’s so hard to tease out what the actual game is that any of them are selling - it’s all just cutscene clips and fanfares.

I did use them for gold in WoD.

Didn’t touch them since.

I forgot they were even in Shadowlands. I HATE mission tables.

I quite literally have never touched a mission table beyond when required and I’ve played every expansion that had one.

They’re absolutely terrible.

Shadowlands had by far the worst iteration of mission tables. If future mission tables would’ve been anything like that, then I’m glad they’re gone.

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Well that’s not 100% true, as you said yourself

“In Dragonflight” doesn’t mean “going forward” and even if they said “going forward” that wouldn’t mean anything since Blizz seesaws with their stance.

But how do I feel about them being gone? :person_shrugging: I don’t care, but without borrowed power or mission tables I’m curious how Blizz plans to milk the playerbase of time played. There’s going to be SOMETHING annoying added and I’m looking froward to laughing at whatever it is and refusing to do it :laughing:

The worst mission tables and the worst world quests, Blizz just wanted to add in as much awful crap as they could :laughing:



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goodbye to weak click and collect that favoured the lucky and boned the rest. After seeing walls of oil and nothing else i ditched the table in wod, and the same pathetic mission rollout persisted right through into SL, only replace oil with the next expansions table “consolation prize”.

Its no wonder i constantly found myself rejecting that as anything meaningful, especially in SL when it was directly competing with stuff that could actually help me, early on at least before anima buffs

Only thing I have to say to the mission table is as follows :

so long, and thanks for all the fish!

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This sounds a lot like what people were saying about archeology skill last time (although to be fair, at the time we were actually given a reassurance that archeology would be returning when we returned to Azeroth - I just got a lot of flak for expressing doubt; then again one of the Dragonflight zones is full of archeology references in the data mining so maybe there’s some new mini game … who knows)

Luckily Discord saved my quote for me lol

Archeology needs a fresh coat of paint, but it will not be getting anything new at the launch of Dragonflight.

The focus on profession updates is on the main professions currently.

The previous iteration of Archeology will not be returning.

To me that says “a new Archaeology is coming but not in Dragonflight”.

Mission tables are something I can live without.