Mission Tables - So Long, and Thanks for All the Gold

I like the idea of the system, but the fact that it’s so segmented between different expansions sucks. It would be better to integrate these systems into the base game, as long as they can remain balanced and supplemental, rather than mandatory.

I’d like to bring Chen Stormstout with me to Durotar.

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I only like one kind of table, easy and rewarding. I feel like the SL table was neither, so good riddance.

What bugs are there in the mission tables? I haven’t noticed any, just curious.

Just gotta know how to use it.

I rarely fail missions and get a ton of stuff from it.

This table on 10 characters has netted me a ton of gold.

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Several skills don’t do the things the tooltips indicate. Some just don’t do anything on the enemy side.
One of the new 9.2 missions has enemies that 1 shot your troops or companions by doing 137% damage based on the targets(your forces) health instead of dealing 137% of their attack as damage to a target. I’m honestly not sure if they fixed it because the reward isn’t worth doing it most of the time, I’ll have to make a point of checking again.
Lots of skills just don’t do what they are supposed to, mostly in the players favor at least.
I think one is Marileth for Necrolords, tooltip and the actual effect don’t match at all. But it’s so powerful either way it doesn’t matter much. I’d have to double check in game for other examples.

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Add their extra systems classes need to grind in order to be effective to that list.

Add those abilities to the classes/specs and just let people grind for the gear. Enough. Let people play how they want. No one is going to magically wake up one day and say, “Omg, Ion was right the whole time! I love all of the stacked systems and cellphone tables!”

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But that is the thing… I literally had to look up guides and watch YT videos to learn how to use the SL table. The thing should be relatively easy to learn without the need of addons and guides. To me it is not worth investing time into when it isn’t even fun to use.

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i enjoyed them. they were fun.

RIP. Maybe we’ll meet again in 11.0

The imbalance fo the tables between covenants killed it for me. Beginning of the expac and for the rest of that patch essentially. I think to this day Venthyr still sucks.

It was ridiculous watching all of the Night Fae players on expansions release destroy the missions with 100% success with 1 follower and 5 of those OP troops. Meanwhile venthyr would 100% fail missions despite being multiple levels higher than the mission level.

Absolutely ridiculous.

That makes sense - I always wondered why that mission was so dang hard and why Marileth was so powerful when his ability seems underwhelming. Never ran the numbers myself though! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well … crap. I think. I’ve been trying to get the heirloom rings via my garrison shipyard for months. Maybe I just misunderstand, though. Does anyone know if we will still be able to do our garrison and shipyard mission tables after Dragonflight comes out?

I’m ok with this frankly. It’s not all that fun anymore, and they are all just faceless moobs.

To me, anyway.

You can still do them now, so I don’t know why that would change just because DF comes out.

i didn’t use them at all so, wont make a difference for me

Easy 2-3 million gold per expansion gone, you hardly had to do anything to achieve it .

Oh well

My understanding is that there won’t be any new mission tables in Dragonflight, but the ones from previous expansions aren’t going away (they’ll probably nerf the Shadowlands mission rewards, though).

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I’ll miss mission tables.

Going to be really hard for casual players to farm gold without them.

Based on past history, they will massively nerf or even remove all the gold rewards when the next expansion comes out.


Unless they have something like callings in DF, or the new professions are really lucrative without having to totally no-life them. We’ll see.