Mission Tables - So Long, and Thanks for All the Gold

So, exactly what they promised last time and didn’t deliver?

edit: going back and reviewing some old discussions and articles, I think I need to volunteer a concession that I may have a skewed memory of what was and wasn’t actually promised during the leadup to Shadowlands … sorry, it’s been a long couple of years

I’d need to see where they said what you said to know for sure but based on how you phrase it I don’t see how they didn’t deliver.

Did they say “Archaeology would be returning in the expansion after Shadowlands” because that would be 10.0.
Or did they say it would be returning at a later date because that’s any time 10.0 and beyond.

I’m just saying wording matters. If they didn’t say “it’ll be back in 10.0” then they haven’t failed to deliver :laughing: Blizz likes to do that, say stuff “will be added at a later date” because then they have no obligation to put it at the top of the list of things to do and it can be added 30 expansions from now lol.

When you read the things Blizz says, don’t read them as a gamer, read them as a paralegal :rofl:

Well I mean Ion was in a job involving legal stuff before his literal hop into video games no?

Mr. Hazzikostas has a general litigation practice that includes experience in white-collar criminal defense, large-scale internal investigations, international litigation, discovery, and appellate brief-writing.

I knew Blizz was going to skate through their legal troubles with Ion around :laughing:

Best missions tables were Warlords & Legion.

I don’t understand why they were removed. I can’t imagine it took a long time to program. I really don’t care it was just nice supplemental gold

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Praise reynolds!

idk why people didn’t like them just something to waste time on make a little gold. they took the raid gear off the table they used to have if people didn’t like they could fully avoid them.

Yes, but that has nothing to do with getting the heirloom rings from WoD missions.

They always felt like something I “should” do, simply because the time investment was shorter than a flight path and the table gave both a reward and small sense of progressing something - even with limited time to log in.

But they also, just my opinion, felt like they distracted from the main part of the game a bit. They were rarely challenging or fun in any way, just sort of a task that gave stuff for being barely engaged with the game. They also forced you to toward the hub where the table was kept almost every time you logged in - which given the travel times between zones in SL was a bit of a pain.

I’ll not really miss them when they are gone though.

Usually when Blizzard removes something it’s because the engagement with it has dropped so low that it’s not worth the development time any more. The combination of the SL mission table being completely optional as well as being the most difficult one they’ve ever made probably made the utilization very low.

Personally I will miss the gold - I’ve been running 4 mission tables since the beginning of the expansion (one for each covenant) and added 2 more Night Fae tables after the patch where they made the adventurer bonus exp items bind to account. The gold just from the gold missions on my original 4 tables was enough to buy a token a month, and it’s super nice to be able to farm gold without even logging into the game. I will keep running them as long as they have gold rewards - it’s the last hurrah of the mission table!

Oh there’s a Shadowlands mission table? Haven’t used it.

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I unlocked the SL mission table on only one character. Ran a couple of missions. Ignored it for the rest of the expansion.

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My wording was not the best apparently, I never intended to suggest that all the existing mission tables were going away - just that there wouldn’t be one in Dragonflight. My gut tells me that this is a feature that’s probably not coming back. While it’s true that Blizz could change their mind and put new mission tables in a future expansion, I’m not aware of any feature Blizzard ever removed due to it being unpopular that they added back in a future expansion. Has there ever been one?

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Do you have information supporting the claim that mission tables were removed because they were unpopular?

I liked WoD, Legion, and BFA mission tables but it seems they wanted to be stupid with SL mission tables however if 10.0 had a WoD/BFA/Legion style table then I would be glad that it’s there.

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Too time consuming for me. Using the mobile app it would take me quite a bit of time to do all of them. WoD mission tables were fast and easy

Mission tables are like meme stocks. Folks that normally wouldn’t get rich got rich… including me.

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Mission tables are easy gold/mats for very little time involved. shrug

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