Mission Tables - So Long, and Thanks for All the Gold

Ion revealed in an interview that there are no plans to have a mission table in Dragonflight. Shadowlands will thus be the end of the mission table era in WoW that started way back in Warlords of Draenor. I have been running mission tables on multiple characters nonstop since 2018. I will both miss them and not miss them. How do you feel about mission tables going away?

I will miss mission tables because they were an integral part of how I engaged with WoW for the past 4 years. I will also miss them because of the free gold and resources they provided. Though I missed out on the mega gold rewards of WoD and Legion mission tables, I still managed to make tidy sums from BfA and Shadowlands missions. My favorite mission table was Legion - I thought it did the best job of integrating the followers into the story, and it also got the number of followers right so that you had options but weren’t overwhelmed.

I will not miss mission tables because they started to feel like a burden after a while, especially the Shadowlands tables. Running enough Torghast (which I don’t particularly enjoy) to get all the adventurers for each covenant on 4 characters was a slog, and the process of leveling up SL followers stunk. The changes that made it so you need an add on just to know if your mission will succeed were also not particularly fun. I will keep running missions on my 4 level 60 characters that have all the adventurers for their covenants maxed out to collect my free gold (it’s too much to pass up) - but the mission table has ceased to be a meaningful or fun way to engage with WoW for me. I look forward to the experience of being able to logout of WoW when I’m done and not having to check my phone continually to run missions all day and night.

I do find it rather amusing that the team put all this effort into upgrading the WoW companion app to include all the mission tables (and they did a great job of this), and now they are ending mission tables. Presumably the changes they made in SL reduced participation enough that it’s no longer worth development time. Now that they are creating mobile games for the Warcraft universe all those mobile developers will still have plenty to keep them busy. Personally I have no interest in mobile games - I only did the WoW companion app because it gave me rewards in WoW. I guess from this point forward all of us mission table junkies will have to actually login to WoW and play the game to make our gold. :slight_smile:


I actually enjoyed the mini game of recruiting followers in WoD, but I think BfA actually hit the sweet spot for mission table rewards. I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything if I didn’t do the missions, but they were a nice supplement.

Shadowlands mission table is fairly lucrative, but awful to use without addons. I guess the step back was their way of phasing it out.


Happy to see it go to be honest. Actually happy is a strong word. I’m not sad that there won’t be another one at least.


They would be fine as a mobile game, otherwise I have zero interest.

Hmm, I hadn’t really considered the possibility that they intended to phase out mission tables from the start of Shadowlands. I just assumed it was because the SL mission tables weren’t well received. As long as their development cycle is though, they must have known that Dragonflight wouldn’t have mission tables for a very long time. If they really did intend to phase out mission tables from the start, then making it super grindy and not fun would be a great strategy to make sure no one missed them when they’re gone. :laughing:

I loved the Legion version. All that rep and it was easy to use. But Shadowlands one can die in a fire. I got my mounts from it and never touching it again. Glad its gone.


I would have liked a new version that mixed the best from the different versions of it.

Like when it came to recruiting followers my favorite way was in WoD. Just doing small random side quest you find and complete and get a new follower vs the whole “Well I’m going to go on over to torghast and oh hey look it’s the new follower” option.

I liked the higher roster of WoD as well but felt you had too many. Maybe like 20 is the cap and there are exactly 20 followers to get.

Also making the missions setup to where you don’t need an addon to figure out who to send.

Felt like with SL it was needed because of how they were done. Legion’s missions were definitely setup better. Maybe build in the success chance directly.


Yes, I agree that would have been cool to have a new version with the best features from all of them. It’s been so long since I did the WoD mission tables I had forgotten how they were recruited - I liked how you’d encounter them while out leveling/questing and after you help them, then you could recruit them. It gave more of an organic and logical feel to it and encouraged you to explore more.

Did they ever really explain how all the SL adventurers got stuck in Torghast? What were they even doing in the Maw in the first place? Or were they kidnapped by Mawsworn and brought to the Maw? I don’t remember.

As far as I recall they were just there. No real back story or anything as far as how or why they were in torghast.

There were many small things I feel WoD did right compared to current expansions like the leveling experience, Draenor peeks, zone perks, treasures, bonus objectives etc.

Heck I wish we could just do away with World Quests and just go back to a daily system of here are your x number of dailies for rep, then your done and can move on.


I really enjoyed them in WoD and Legion, in BfA and Shadowlands I barely felt like the rewards made up for the (admittedly minimal) time investment, though perhaps if I had invested more time into it, it’d have been equally lucrative as in the past?
Recruiting 20 characters that look the same was also a low point in this expansion’s iteration imo, WoD recruits were exciting.

At any rate, I’m fine seeing them go, haven’t enjoyed them since Legion ended.

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Didn’t he say something more like, “No plans yet…”

There is always going to be a door to carry something like this forward.

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Even with all the quibbles about Shadowlands’ iteration of the table, I appreciate that the effort was made to include it one more time.

It’s really only now in 9.2 that I seem to have finally found a gameplay loop that’s working for me to generate enough anima without burning out, so I’ll see how many more adventurers I can rescue and level before the end of the expansion and go out with a bang.

I feel a little bad that I don’t use the app more, given that the effort was made to retroactively add WoD tables to it but it just never felt like an efficient use of time.

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This was fun for me too. Especially before I knew the zones. Get to the end of a quest line and a surprise new follower was always great!


I like Mission Tables but you can’t simply forget about them after Patch 1. I’m pushing all my followers to 60 and some missions are still giving 213 items.


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I dont think that’s the reason why it is being eliminated. Table Missions let us acquire resources: Herbs, ores, skins, enchant mats, meats, fishes, etc… allowing us to eliminate or lessen our farming from the wild. On Dragonflight, Blizz dont want us to sit on Table Missions. They want us to explore the land with our dragons. Becoz fast flying requires very wide area, expect Dragonflight map to have humongous area… humongous area with tons of resources. And Dragonflight revamp professions. It would have different mechanics to attain resources.

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Good, didn’t care for it since WoD.


I didn’t do much with them in Shadowlands but I made piles and piles of gold from them in previous expansions.

I’m neither happy or sad. The optional versions were fine in my opinion because you could makes tons of gold from them.

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I hope the darn Mission Table is out forever.
It’s by far the most anti-immersive feature in WoW.


gotta sell them tokens…

I have a guild bank full of Left Sharks from WoD mission tables, I bought my Auction Dino partly because of Legion mission tables, and I’ve paid for my monthly sub via BFA and SL mission tables.

They will be missed! :shark: :shark: :shark: