Mission Tables - So Long, and Thanks for All the Gold

I really enjoyed the mission tables too. It makes me hopeful for the next Warcraft mobile game.

If the new game has a light tie in to WoW and is really fun I will be satisfied.

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Agreed. For me personally, the inclusion of so many mini games into a desktop PC game has always felt cheap and lazy. I liked clicking the gems in Nazjatar for a quick WQ too, but it was fast and throw away.

When the game makes me really concentrate on a mini game because it affects my player powerā€¦ good grief.

I just get an image in my head of a great, fierce warrior on the front lines of a LoTR epic battle-scapeā€¦ stopping to play a quick game of candy crush to see if he can get the gem to stick in the slot to put on his sword that will help himā€¦ lift and swing it?



Anything is possible I suppose. I couldnā€™t find the article again to get the exact quote; however, I would be shocked if they added something like a mission table after saying at this point itā€™s not planned. All the mission tables have been available at the beginning of the expansions that included them. For Blizzard to say there are no plans for a mission table with alpha testing coming up soon-ish and the expansion to be released some time next year (most likely), I doubt they could even add something that big in before release.

Good riddance.

Tired of feeling obligated to do mission tables or otherwise be missing out on free gold.


That would make sense too. In any case removing the mission table is a big change. I really enjoyed the Legion model (world quests, mission tables, campaigns) when it was new - however they used pretty much the same model for BfA and Shadowlands. Iā€™ve been hoping they would come up with something new and innovative - maybe weā€™ll finally get it with Dragonflight.

Thereā€™s always some minor thing about the implementation that really annoys me.

Right now its how switching covs cancels a your missions.


Hopefully they will bring them back in some form.
I actually enjoyed them quite a bit, and not just for the gold making.
WoD had a great system for recruiting that really felt like you were building a small army.
Legion was interesting with the troops and companions, letting you min-max with equipment that synergized with different companions.
BFA missions were different, but I did like recruiting the NPCs from the campaign. Added a bit more flavor. The random troops were a bit annoying at times though.
SL missions are good except for the imbalance between Covenants. Night Fae and Necrolord are leagues ahead of Venthyr and Kyrian. It was interesting to rescue companions in Torghast, although I wish that had a bit more setup. Canā€™t be mad at another chance to recruit Meatball though! Love that dude. Unlimited supply of troops was a welcome change also.

For all the raiders out there, I have no idea where you are going to get Augment runes. Expect insane pricing in Dragonflight.


There is probably close to a year until release. Plus, there wouldnā€™t be much work on it since they are basically recycled content since Warlords. However, all I am saying is that it could change. Personally, I am not invested in mission tables one way or another. Stay or go, it wouldnā€™t really affect me.

I feel the same way. Being completely optional content, I thought they were a nice distraction. The Shadowlands iteration of the mission tables is actually kind of neat because it has some more strategic components than the previous versions.

That said, I never had anything against the mission tables and wouldnā€™t mind their inclusion going forward, but they certainly arenā€™t the main attraction and I can still scratch that side-content itch with the pet battles.

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Iā€™m not broken up. If anything, Iā€™m glad the effort and resources will go into something else.


I didnā€™t like the SL iteration because as others motioned itā€™s too hard to figure out whatā€™s going to work on mobile without an add-on. That meant yet another chore in an already chore-heavy game. If they canā€™t make them fun on mobile, best to just get rid of them entirely.

With luck, those will be removed as well. The flat main stat buff is uninteresting.


Glad the dang mission tables are goneā€¦I just hope they stop making quest lines to gather and store up tons of mats for different things like what we had in Mechagon isle and damn ZM now with the pets and mount collections add in all crap Night Fae had to collect for the Queens Gardenā€¦I am damn tried of my bags being stocked full of crapā€¦it needs to endā€¦


I will not miss them. There should be other ways of making gold like emissaries and professions. And the tables had been nerfed hard after Legion anyway, so itā€™s not like they were that great of a gold generator anymore.

As far as the app, they should convert it to something to help manage professions or the AH. Iā€™ve wanted pet battles through it for a long time. I did see that the Pokemon Go style game got cancelled. Maybe just make it a feature in the companion app instead.

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Why? they were 100% optional in SL.

They are far more likely to just do less if they can get away with it. Even if they did reallocate mission tables barely got any attention.

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Honestly, this has to be part of the reason theyā€™re getting rid of them. If they give enough reward to make the mission table worth goofing with, they consider it ā€œtoo muchā€. If they make the reward what they think it should be, it will be a pittance and no one will bother with the mission table. Also, with the (looking to be annoying) crafting changes coming, Iā€™m guessing they even more want people out farming things instead of getting anything passively.

As far as missing the mission table goesā€¦ meh? I will miss the things I got from it. I doubt I would have a baubleworm without the extra pet charms generated from the table. Also, the rep from the table was a nice way to trickle in something potentially useful to underplayed alts. Most importantly in Shadowlands was being able to get meat/fish from the mission table after the ridiculous levels of mats required for making feasts in BfA which had me doing so damn much fishing itā€™s unlikely Iā€™ll want to pick up a pole again in WoW anytime soon.

But that all said, mission tables arenā€™t something Iā€™ve ever enjoyed. The WoD one was annoying enough that I hesitated to buy Legion, knowing Legion had a mission table. Thankfully I still did, because I loved Legion and Legionā€™s mission table was toned down enough to much less irritating. The BfA one was toned down even more and really only retained the annoyance of needing to finish mission table missions to complete parts of the story quests. But then you get to Shadowlands and while the mission table here was perfect in that nothing forced you to participate in itā€¦ for me, the Shadowlands mission table is unplayable without help from addons. It has a really crappy UI, royally poor explanations for how to successfully arrange your own groups and, despite the benefits offered, is 100% not worth the amount of time it would have taken to figure out how to make groups in it on my own. Making everything about it a hundred times worse, the majority of the mission table followers come from Torghast, which I detest to the point of refusing to run it.

Additionally, itā€™s worth pointing out mission tables have a lot of text on them. I usually read all text, but quickly stopped bothering with reading the mission table missions. It was like reading quest text for a quest I wasnā€™t going to actually do, so why bother? It might seem odd to bring this up, but COST OF TRANSLATIONS cuts into how much writing gets put into WoW. I have no doubt the mission table is a big cost which could be put somewhere else into the game.

TL;DR ā€¦ Mission tables have had rewards worth going to get, but I wasnā€™t actually having fun working with the mission table. At best it was a chore, at worst was annoying (ex: needing to finish a mission for questing progression). I will only miss it for having to farm everything in the wild for consumables, instead of getting even a little through a mission table, as opposed to actually wanting to play with the mission table itself.

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I agree with on you some points like the UI being horrible but this was actually the only reason I looked forward to going into Torghast. It was kind of fun rescuing them.

I donā€™t think they put much cost into it. With the bad UI, balance issues and bugs it still has I doubt it had more than one or two people work on it at all and the text was fairly minimal in most cases.


I will definitely miss the gold that mission tables provided. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll switch to other gold making methods to replace it - I may just see how long I can ride on what I have. I guess weā€™ll see how the new professions turn out in Dragonflight.

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I absolutely despise all manifestations of the mission table.

Would you be OK with everything I despise being removed from the game?

To me they would of been a great way to add some solo instance game play for those that prefer to play solo .

They could of been set up as a way for players to use the missions for scenarios that they could run with their followers .

1: Pick mission
2: Pick Follower/s
3: Hit accept
4: Enter scenario

It could be a way for solo gear progression and the ilvl of gear could be based on a combination of the players ilvl and level of the followers as well as difficulty of the missions.

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