Missing postings = Erorr 404 page not found

I have to say, this is interesting. I’ve found several threads that were hilarious and I was enjoying the funny quips and jokes.

But when I went to post a reply to thank the poster for the laughter, I ended up on the dreaded 404 Page not found.

At first I thought it was my posting (see below), but then realized the entire thread was just gone!!!

OMG…this thread is full of great jokes and laughter. Thank you all so much. I really needed these laughs. :rofl:

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It’s too bad that all the real pieces of forum history get erased

Mods are being active today. Not necessarily a good thing in some cases and not being active where they should be, but they’re being active.


Yep didn’t meet the terms of the CoC one way or another based on the mod that looked at it. Like so many we may never know because they CiA them so that there is no record of what went on in the thread to prove or disprove an action taken.

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Weren’t you going to go get yourself a forum vacation last night?


…sigh…well, Thursdays is usually a good time for me to browse the forums to see what interesting and funny things are being discussed. So sorry to have lost that one I was trying to post to.

I did not see many postings that I did browse through on that thread that were really objectionable. Just two-sided commentary that was poking fun at everything.

I love seeing those because that means everyone there was aware that we all see things differently most of the time anyway, and might as well enjoy ourselves.

Objectionable to you probably not but hey it got flagged and it breaks this CoC standard, and it’s not something we may get backlash over deleting. Nuke it

And yet, threads that are made by trolls with intentions completely in bad faith get to stay up, and get flag protection, just because they happen to discuss buzzword topics that align with West Coast values. :tada:


Yesterday too. My thread was flagged/hidden and restored within a minute.

Convert Forum to BattleTag - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


I’m shocked and glad it survived.

Kinda tried, but to no avail. Like I said, it depends on the discretion of people in places of internet power.

I had one of my flagged posts on the religious thread get unflagged, actually.

I seem to have lost my touch

Wait, the one where you said that Blizzard is pro-Islam? How was that not actioned? You were totally trolling.


Yes the one where I said WoW was, and apparently I wasn’t :joy:

Like you said, West Coast Values. If someone were to get actioned for that, then bring it to Twitter/Reddit and have it gain a little steam, it would create PR chaos of the Umpteenth degree for Blizzard


Makes you wonder about how certain people get actioned, and others dont, eh? Almost like someone is investigating themselves or something :man_shrugging:

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The forum loas are watching.


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And almost like there’s a certain bias and lack of objectivity in the command structure.


people are report ban happy now.

This is what gets me about the current state of the forums. Tons of blatant trolling gets a pass every day, but I’ve also seen tame disagreement and silly play on word jokes get taken down. There’s no consistency to it.


Hello, I see you are unsatisfied with the forum system. Note that Blizzard routinely reads feedback and uses that feedback to continue to improve their products. Rest assured the moderation team is very consistent and are doing a fine job. Have yourself a blessed morning!

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Good to know I will keep providing feedback.

Blizzard, please apply judgement in a more balanced way.