Hi there. I went around and collected all the Rumble Coins and Rumble Foils, according to this WoWhead guide and used the scripts which say I have completed collecting everything, but it appears I’m missing 5 achievements.
Warcraft Rumble Minis, Get 'Em All! - Gain Sneed Toy Warcraft Rumble Minis, New Looks! - Gain Silver Sneed Toy Rumble Minis, All the Looks! - Gain Gold Sneed Toy Warcraft Rumble Minis, Sneed’s New Look - Gain Silver Sneed Toy Warcraft Rumble Minis, Sneed’s Newer Look - Gain Gold Sneed Toy
I tried to go back to all the locations from the guide just in case I missed something, but I couldn’t see anything. Any thoughts?
Have you tried interacting with the machine again? I know Blizzard has been working on hotfixes for the event and mentioned interacting with the machine again to collect any foils you were unable to collect earlier.
Also, did you collect the coins and foils in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar?
Yes again, according to the WoWhead article and using the script code that was in the article, it says I’ve acquired them all (all locations came back as True).
Interacting with the machine again does nothing as it says I need a Rumble Coin, but I don’t have it nor do I have the option to get it as I’ve gone back on a few different toons, and no coins are available to get.
Devs and QC don’t come to this subforum. If Abolita has exhausted all the help we as players can offer her, it would be ideal to add her voice to your thread.
This way they can see how many are affected and what problems they are still having. The more reports they receive with details, will hopefully help them find the issue and resolve it soon.
i am missing 1 toy, achievements its the maiev one, i have 2 foils but ive used all my coins for the toys, poking the machine again to give a toy your missing dosent do anything.
i have followed all the locations for the coins,foils and did not miss a single one but for some reason i didnt get the last one
Actually, it looks like you received a Rumble Prize Box on your level 57 Blood Elf Demon Hunter and deleted it. You might check the Item Restoration page for that character to see if you can recover it. Otherwise, you’ll want to submit a ticket.
Yes this is not the issue as I get mailed the quest and foil rewards on every alt.
Feedback for the next account wide event. Please make these as currencies in the currency tab like they are with Traders Tenders. This will alleviate these issues i’m sure moving forward and prevent multiple alts having these sitting in bags.
My only issue now is I am unable to complete the quest [Find a Rumble Coin] as … i’ve already found them all and for some reason the quest never completed.
Any feedback you may have would be better directed towards our Game Developers. Customer support has zero involvement there. You can use the in-game Submit a Suggestion option found in the Support menu.
You have completed that quest on another character. It is basically a breadcrumb quest.
I’ll submit further feedback in game, including these mailing items to every alt, as it seems to be a major issue this expansion and completly redundant.
I as well am missing the achievement but I had foils. I ended up having the night elf huntress foil turn in pop up multiple times for me and was unable to turn in the gold sneed and gold tauren upgrades.