Missing dungeon finder options in Chromie Time?

After hitting level 50 in Chromie Time Cataclysm, a ton of dungeons vanished from the dungeon finder. A paltry nine dungeons are all that’s left - no Deadmines, none of the three wings of Dire Maul, no Blackrock Depths, no Strat or Scholo. By my reckoning, a staggering 17 dungeons aren’t on the dungeon finder anymore.

Also, NONE of the dungeons from the actual Cataclysm expansion are available, ironically. No Stonecore, no Grim Batol, nothing.


I switched to Burning Crusade Chromie Time and it’s even worse there! There should be 16 normal mode dungeons in the list, but there are only FOUR. There should also be 16 heroic mode dungeons, but there are ZERO. And when you try to queue for a random TBC heroic dungeon, I’m told I don’t meet the requirements, but as far as I know there’s no attunement necessary to unlock any Burning Crusade heroics anymore. My character is level 59, so I can’t increase it any further without being removed from Chromie Time, and my ilvl can’t get much better either unless I proc some lucky epic upgrades from quest rewards.


Seems like the only way to access and complete these dungeons now is to manually form a group and hoof it to the dungeon entrance.

Edit: Judging from other posts I’ve seen, this has been broken for several months now. Is a fix incoming, or is Chromie Time after level 50 only going to have a pared-down selection of dungeons?


Yep. Still happening after months. Makes Chromie time a useless feature and they won’t even acknowledge it.

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I have the same issue and been posting in multiple places. Here’s hoping it got their attention to fix it.

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Why is this still happening?

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The missing dungeons still haven’t returned to the instance finder for me, not even after the most recent patch. I went to Wailing Caverns but got absolutely wrecked solo. I really enjoy doing dungeons in groups and was hoping I could do each dungeon once while leveling this character and getting Loremaster, but at this point I guess my best option is to turn off Chromie time and just run through one-shotting everything. Not the way I would have liked to have experienced the dungeons but I can’t think of any other option. I don’t really have the time to beg LFG/trade chat and my guild for people to run dungeons with me like it’s still 2005.

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Just level to 50 and turn off xp. Not ideal I know but that’s all we got right now.

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Unfortunately I’m already frozen at level 59 so I guess I’m waiting for this to get fixed!

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Lvl59 bro band

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Cmon guys. Address this

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This is still an issue! It’s happened with multiple characters on mine on different servers… It’s so annoying! I just want to run dungeons for leveled gear and its frustrating

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Please fix this blizzard. I wholeheartedly cry out for you


Seriously, how many threads to we need to create for this bug to get acknowledged?

You cannot enter a heroic dungeon or a raid while in Chromie time. The other issues, I don’t know what they were thinking if this was what was intended. It’s almost as though they drew up a plan, then reassigned the workers before they were anywhere near done. BfA dungeons revert to Legacy Loot for all party members in normal leveling dungeons when there is a level 60 present, which means in most dungeons levelers get unusable loot.

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Reporting this bug here as well, and in every thread I see about it because this needs to be fixed. Maybe Ion and Co can take a little time away from their precious little raiders and fix something that isn’t raid related.

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crying out loud for someone to fix this

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we cant give up guys. For the future of all newbies :rofl:

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Muh options!

Yah I noticed this to. Seems like every chromie time option has a few dungeons missing from it for some reason. Really strange.

BUMP x1000, what the heck blizz?

Muh options!!!

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