Missing characters, returning after several years

To start, I created a ticket for this 14 days ago but queue times are very long right now and I’m just wondering if I can get any kind of hints or info about what is going on or has happened.

I have been away from WoW for a long time but came back recently to play Wotlk Classic. Since I bought game time, I decided to log into retail and see my old characters and have some memories but some are missing and it’s confusing. My very first main, which is on my original server, is still there with all my wrath gear and 2k hours played. But my two fully leveled to 80 or 85 on Cho’gall, maybe from cataclysm or mists, are not there. Also, my bank character on that server has been wiped clean with nothing in the bank, no bags, no inventory, no gold, and also renamed to a temporary name.

I have tried some suggestions like clearing cache, creating a new character and refreshing, etc. but none of that worked. Everything I’ve read about characters that were deleted by Blizzard don’t seem to apply to me. And if it was related to the characters’ levels, they were the same as my still existing main (before the level cap was squished to 60). And if my account had been hacked, then why wouldn’t all my characters be picked clean? And even if they were hacked, I don’t see any game time ever being added since I left so a hacker wouldn’t have been able to access them anyway, right?

Is there a way to find out if my characters still exist but my game client doesn’t have access to them? I’m interested in Dragonflight but if my characters are just gone, then I won’t be. I know I’ve been away a long time but those characters have a history for me.

Post here idealy for this kinda help

Have a look on Korgath. You have higher level characters there. You may need to log into the realm before they show on your character list.


Omg! I did move to Korgath! The number wasn’t there so I had no idea. Thanks a lot.


Returning player here. It has been years since I have played maybe 2009 I left off at Cataclysm. I am not able to find my characters. I also don’t remember and or see the servers they were on. My main was a blood elf paladin named Sunstriderii . I know I had some other characters but that was my main be really nice to recover him. Any info on finding my lost characters would be awesome. I also remember playing with a death knight and a druid.

Are you logged into the same account from back then?

I am unsure. I hope so. battle net has made some changes. it looked like wow was linked to my battle net. if it was linked to an older e mail account I would no longer have access to that email and probably deleted it. I think it was attached to this email but I am not positive.

Hopefully a SFA will chime in the morning when they get to the office and shed some light.

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It looks like the majority of your characters are on Sisters of Elune, Ghunk. You have a few other characters on Jaedenar, Gilneas, and Boulderfist.


Hello, I have not played WoW since probably 2012? I recently came back to it and cannot locate my characters? I was able to find one realm with some of my old characters but I was wondering if someone could tell me what other realms might have my others? TIA

The higher levels looked to be on Emerald Dream. You have others on Akama, Eredar, Maiev, Medivh, The Underbog, and Undermine.

Note: there was a level squish with Shadowlands, so the levels you may be expecting will be different.


Wow!! Thank you so much for responding so quickly. The level squish is hurting my soul haha But i appreciate your help!


Power-wise, it works the same, just the number is different. Have fun!


hello, im also returning and cant seem to find my deathknight kempachi. any ideas?

Try Anetheron, Alianor.

You may not see a character list because they’ve aged off - but if you create a new character on the realm, log in, that should refresh the list.


Returning player here as well, I don’t see my 85 orc hunter Orcyorc from cata or my 70 blood elf death night. I was on the tanaris server. I followed the steps to refresh my character list but still nothing.

It looks like you want to reactivate your WoW#2 license, Velitheda. Those characters are on that license, not WoW#1.

I should note, that while those characters are 85 and 70 pre-squish. Post-squish the 85 will be level 32, and the level 70 will be level 27. They are all still on Tanaris. :slight_smile:


Thank you for the heads up!


I can’t remember which realms my high level death knight and druid are on. Can anybody help?

Names would help.