Oh, I forgot to mention that I don’t remember the names either.
One thing you can try - provided you don’t have multiple accounts or at least if you do, you can log into either of them - is try using one of the self-service tools.
Try going here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/wf/wow/463/1674/submitted
That should populate any characters you have and what realm they’re on.
Depending on when you played last, you will need to take into consideration the level squish that happened with Shadowlands. If you had a level 120 towards the end of BFA, with Shadowlands it was squished down to level 50, and so on. You can find the conversion chart here.
Going through that link only shows me characters that already show up in the realms list in game, the characters I’m looking for are still missing.
Are you sure you are logging in to the original account those characters were on?
I’m sure I’m logged into the right account.
I see this post has been going for a while. I am having the same issue. Do I need to open a new request to get a reply. I have been server hopping and found a few of my old toons. Still missing some and don’t remember what servers i was on.
Idealy if a thread more then a year old yes its better to create a new topic but a blue will probably respond in the morning.
Looks like you have characters on Deathwing, Garona, Nathrezim, Silvermoon, Skywall, The Venture Co and Zuluhed.
I have been away for 14 years and Blizzard has been extremely unhelpful in trying to help a returning player. I had 4 80’s split between 2 accts. They located my chars but basically told me they are unplayable. I have zero interest in playing anything past WOTLK and they tell me now that that is not possible. I would consider cata classic but they tell me I cannot use my characters that I spent a TON of time on on those realms as they are on ‘modern’ servers.
Except that they can’t.
Sorry, editing because I thought this was the same person from a different thread.
What was the reason they said your characters are “unplayable”?
If I read your post correctly… I think the following applies.
No, they really can’t. The Developers designed the character transition system to be one way. The CS folks can not over ride that or go around it. They can’t put chars back on a WOTLK Classic server for you if the char has transitioned to Cata Classic. Your chars are there, and you CAN play them. You seem to just not want to play them in game version they are in.
Also, your name and guild seem to be references to things that are not really appropriate for the game. You might want to see about self reporting, changing, or rerolling that char.
This sounds like the original Wrath of the Lich King, not the Classic version.
I think it actually sounds like the characters are on retail, if it’s been 14yrs. They don’t want to play retail and instead do Wrath Classic and below (does it even have its own servers? Don’t play, not 100% sure what versions are there).
Retail characters cannot be transported to any Classic era realms. You could always stay in Retail and turn on Chromie time for the BC or Wrath levelling experiences but obviously it would have retail gameplay.
You’re welcome to make a new character on an Era realm.
But no, GMs have no means to move characters to a different “platform” of the game.
Wrath Classic no longer exists as it has transitioned to Cataclysm Classic now.
Thanks! That’s what I thought but I wasn’t 100% certain on that.
“It is not possible to transfer a character between World of Warcraft, WoW Classic Era, and WoW Classic Progression.”
I’m sorry, Bildo, but that simply isn’t true. You are asking us to move characters from one version of the game into another. That simply isn’t possible, even if we wanted to do it.
14 years ago or today, if you ask for something that is simply impossible we’re not going to be able to help. You are creating a goal that doesn’t exist and then getting upset because we can’t reach it.
If you wish to play your old characters you have to play the current version of World of Warcraft.