Missing Characters after years of absence

I played during Wotlk and Cata, the server I was on had merged with other low pop servers while away. I useto play on Destromath back then

I want my characters back please

Technically those servers merged were with the Classic versions, Destromath server in retail should still be there. If you log into the server and do not find the characters, chances are you had a different account. Do you by chance remember a name and class of the characters involved, it might give a mod a chance to see for sure.


We haven’t merged any servers on Modern World of Warcraft, Mahalina. As Kozzae mentioned, the only ones to go through that were the Classic realms.

Now, from what I can see you have characters on multiple realms, including characters on Destromath.

Did you actually select Destromath as a server to check it? The character count won’t show up if you haven’t logged into the realm for a while. I can see a level 85 Mage on Destromath that hasn’t been logged into since 2012.

Keep in mind with the level squish we did during the Shadowlands expansion, the level will be considerably lower than 85.


They’re here! Ty, sorry for the trouble!


No trouble at all. It can be a little confusing when the realm you know you had characters on doesn’t show a little number next to it. :slight_smile:

Welcome back!