Mirrored soul- Forge of Souls

Save Nswift for when it happens on you. Don’t pop CDs saving a dps, let them roast themselves and maybe they’ll learn.

But you know it’s coming. Skill issue is the only thing left to say, sorry bud.
It wouldn’t be fun if the healing didn’t get spicy once in a while.

Exactly. No use expecting randoms to care about the healer, they came to parse fast and get done. No accountability when they’re about to bail and never see you again. We all knew RDF would bring this selfishness about but everybody clamored for it anyway.

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Agreed. Unless you are brand new to the dungeon you know it is coming and there is a 1 in 5 chance the healer is going to get it. I have health potions and damage reductions ready plus heal the crap out of myself…

I do like the idea let them kill each other. I do agree w/the OP it would suck that you can’t go in and get your loot that seems pretty bad :frowning:


I had a couple of mages get smoked when i first started healing the dungeon, but ive healed it probably 30 times since on my pvp geared druid and priest and havent had any deaths in a while.

On the druid i just keep a rejuv on everyone, 3 blooms on the tank and spam nourish on whoever gets mirrored. Similar on priest but with flash heal and shields. Pain supp/barkskin if its on me.


This happened to me too many times.
So I do it with guild since.

3x players doing 10-12k (plus tank) will delete the healer like vs a raid boss, unless there’re HPal or Disc. That’s the average health pool in a second.

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My sham is by far my best geared healer that I run FOS on, but comparatively the weakest if dps want to really unload. Priest/paladin at least both have better single-target tools for that type of damage, even aside from bubble.

On a sham I recommend ES yourself at least through the first two mirrors instead of the tank, more for the pushback reduction than the healing - though the healing is nice too.

Are there toxic players and bad runs? Sure. The vast majority of groups are fine though, just as the majority of RDF runs in 2010 were fine. Maybe even moreso now. /shrug


Last night’s runs reinforced the other thing I was going to say, which is that while most dps do seem to lay off (not counting those whose dps is too low to matter whether they do/don’t), if a dps is going to murder people in the group it is almost certain to be:

First: Ferals
Close Second: Warrs

I swear some warrs/ferals save offensive CDs specifically for when mirror pops.

Distant third: DKs who pop army even though it both ramps up dps for mirror AND makes the boss cast target random (potentially squishy or mirrored) players. The latter is fine if someone is interrupting but can be an RNG issue if not.

Every other class in my experience, is way behind in their murderousness.

Who is most likely to die standing in the purple fire:

#1) Rets
Distant #2) Spriest

This. I have yet to encounter a gamma run that kicks someone for being undergeared, and I’ve recently done plenty of them as a 4.5k gearscore tank and DPS. I’m sure toxicity happens, but it’s vastly overblown.


Spam heal yourself when it’s coming, and if it’s not you, attempt to switch. Nearly every class has a way to trivialize it, or at the very least, dramatically reduce it. Failing that, they can just get rezzed afterwards.

Let it become their problem, not yours.

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When I see dps still hitting during the mirrored soul phase I wait for them to be the target of the spell and don’t heal them and don’t rez them


how is it a given, that just seems like the groups you are in suck. Its not a given that anyone will die, if you have a half way decent group. Even in gamma.

In almost every group I’ve been in, there is no wait for someone else to be targeted. The boss is normally dead before a second one is chosen. Your milage may vary.

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yeah i think the OP might just be bad, or be in bad groups, because the boss has a tiny health pool. and the healers can normally keep up with mirrored soul, even when the dps keep pumping, unless it like gets put on the healer.


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