Mirrored soul- Forge of Souls

Tonight’s daily Forge run saw the tank (Prot-Paladin) and healer (Holy Paladin) both die. Battle-rezed and innervated the Holy Paladin and switched from lolcat to bearforce and picked up the boss. Holy Paladin died again so it was just the bearforce tank and a Survival Hunter. I took ~27K of Phantom Blasts in <5 seconds, but the Hunter was able to solo the Devourer from 6% to dead.

The Hunter’s jumper-cables failed, but everybody was still able to corpse-run back and collect their daily quest items.

Druids and Shamans often explode when people go real hard on the boss. 2 dps going 10k+ and their piddly defensives won’t be enough especially when they’re not that geared.

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Coming from you that’s great.

Try reading:

We don’t run with people like you.

If they know their class and the healer isn’t asleep all druids can live through it unless they’re a carry.

This has been a problem since original WotLK (or rather, the RDF) sadly.

It wouldn’t be a problem at all if the quest was instead “get credit for killing the last boss” (which plenty of other quests are) rather than “loot some item from it.” It’s annoying how inconsistently these quests are designed.

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So to be clear, I will link what the ability does according to WoWHead:

“The Devourer of Souls mirrors the targets soul! A percentage of damage from the Devourer of Souls is being mirrored with target.”

I stop DPS when it pops. It’s an easy enough fight, just relax. Too many people wanna go Brrr. If it pops on me? I pop defensives and stop all attacks because for some reason this mechanic is a mystery to 90% of players.


In my experiences, it has been the DPS who get into these epeen contests to see who can out do one another, usually at the healers expense =/

It’s not that hard to just stop for a moment, but for some reason they need those big numbers to look cool, I guess.

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It’s tempting to spell reflect Phantom Blast while Mirrored Soul is up, not gonna lie.

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Why not just kick it then? Unless there’s an interaction with spell reflecting it that I don’t understand lol

Unless the goal is to chaotic evil ofc

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I alternate between shield bash and spell reflect. But if I just pummeled one then I have to choose between eating or reflecting the next one. Mirrored Soul happening alongside this means I should pop a cooldown and take it to the face rather than reflect it and one shot someone.

The best thing about FOS is the flash of light pallies. When they get mirrored soul they freeze. Should I heal myself? Should I bubble? Should I dsac? Should I amshadow? No. None of the above. I think I’ll backpedal 2 steps, use a gcd on holy shock and die.


no its not, it completely depends on the DPS who doesnt stop attacking. Sometimes even my instant CD abilities are not enough. The fact that you dont understand that disqualifies all of your comments in this regard.

I know somebody will die on that fight simply because people are either bad or dont give a s**t (which is equal to being bad). Its especially embarassing when you have people over 5K GS who either dont know or cant be arzed.

RDF really took a dump to the worse but in my experience this tendency usually comes from the “elite” or people who see themselves as such.


Ran it 61 times on this druid.
+another ~110 runs on other toons.



But yeah, you’re right. I don’t even know how to play this game

Every semi geared at ~5k gs healer can live through it.

The only people who can’t, are those with either slow reaction times or those who freak out when things go crazy. And thus you can say that those have never played retail.

My disc has no problem healing through that.

As much as I enjoy poking fun at Wafectus, it really does suck when your group nukes you then they leave when the boss dies and you get screwed over.


That’s a false statement you can’t prove with any kind of fact at all.

You also have others here, even some that don’t like me, corroborating my points, disproving anything you say.

Sounds like you weren’t a very good one if you couldn’t keep yourself alive through a mirrored soul :stuck_out_tongue:

100% agree on both points. Only thing I would add is that considering who it is making the complaint it might be very justified they not only nuked him but then bailed on him. Just based on his behavior on these forums I can see groups having no issues leaving him high and dry.

This is not to say it doesn’t also happen occasionally to others undesesrvingly, just making an observation on the one character in question.

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So they broke the rules of the game.

Seems like the real problem here is that Wafectus released his spirit and did not re-enter the instance before the Devourer was slain, so he missed out on kill credit. That sucks, but that’s why you shouldn’t release your spirit until after a boss is slain or an actual wipe occurs. Wafectus dying during the Mirrored Soul debuff is just window-dressing.


The boss was slain. If you’re not back in the dungeon before everyone else leaves, the dungeon kicks you out of the instance and resets itself.

And you’re right, this topic is more about proper etiquette than skill.

Those that made it about skill, only display their ignorance for me; and, end up unwittingly proving I’m right everywhere else I’m discussing my other points.

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