Min/Max essences/corruptions aren't a requirement

I’ll take someone who has both.

ilvl does - so you still need gear.

Some of the essences require some skill to acquire - so these are different populations.

Presumably you are talking about corrupted effects which is rng.

Sure - yeah - but again - given that it is pure RNG - its not as if BiS corruption is going exclusively to bad players. Pretty easy to find someone middle of the road or top end players who get lucky week 1.

And that’s you.

Plenty of mains still suffering from bad RNG. Plenty of PvP’ers would prefer not to leave their progress to pure RNG. Plenty of sim-crafters would like their numbers to be relevant and not reliant on RNG (at that top end).

Yes, but the amount of effort involved to bring alts up to the level of the mains has significantly increased over the years of expansions. You and i have talked about this at length in other threads so there is no point bringing up again because your points are terrible and you miss the point every time.

Wheras I have gotten nothing but 410-420 ilevel tier 3 crappy trait items on all my alts. Always tier 3 on a toon I don’t plan on boosting the cloak for, where all my main gets is tier 1 void ritual (on 3 items so far). At least with WF/TF when I got a lucky roll I had an immediately useful item. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

First shaman: no corruption
Second shaman: t3 infinite stars on gloves
Monk: Leech gear out the whazoo
Priest: All the azerite gear known to man

Love alts :roll_eyes:

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What’s a mouse? I thought everyone used a controller.

It’s unfortunate, but there’s always going to be a school of people who will have the thought in their head that unless they or other players tick off every single box to ensure optimal play, they’re incompetent.

Honestly, playing more casually and not stressing out about being the best of the best makes the game way more fun. I’ve pretty much stopped going as hard as I did back in Legion and it’s aaaaaaaall been pretty chill.

Good luck finding that for your +10 key. Someone who has both doesn’t really care about that.

And as long as you have enough, you’re good to go.

They do ? Which would those be ? Pretty much all essences are time based.

For corruption ? Have a look at your AH. BoEs are garanteed corrupted from the raid if you really can’t wait for a drop in what is now week 2.

So not actual players playing the game.

I take it you got really lucky and got a trinket in your Mythic+ cache then since otherwise that is garanteed to corrupt.

They also tend to not leave a key because you’re 3 seconds over a timer.

Actually i got pants.

So you did get a corrupted item. On top of the Void Ritual bracers everyone gets by default.

Don’t think I could ever be that guy to leave some dude’s M+ run, even if we’re over the time. I mean, it’s disappointing, but the chance of getting gear seems like incentive enough to stay. Feels like a d***move to sign up to a group and leave before the group leader calls it off. I wouldn’t feel good about taking away someone else’s chance at getting an upgrade.

Pants that were a downgrade over my crafted ones, yes.

So technically you’re right, If you want I can go back and correct myself no worthwhile corruptions. Much like how your paladin has no echoing void you’re straight gray parsing.

I’ve been surprised in how much this mentality made its way to classic.

A lot of guilds expecting:

Ony buff
Rend buff
Tribute buff
Songflower buff

Elixirs, pots, etc.

All to clear MC…

Do you mean that playing wow is also not a requirement? Who knew.
Blizz design the game so it’s done a certain way, it is certainly a game design problem if it’s designs encourage unhealty pratices and bad gameplay basicly.

Crafted gear doesn’t corrupt.

ilvl =/= upgrade. You should know this.

What? Is English not your first language? If not, fine… but that cleary isn’t what I was saying.

I know what you were saying. I was pointing out the obvious : Good players can clear the content without the BiS essences, and they’ll get their essences from simply playing and doing the content.

I’m not really surprised myself. Hell, I was kind of expecting it. Unless you form your own group, there’s always going to be the groups who expect you to be way overqualified to run the content in the first place. People like that have been doing this stuff since vanilla.

And I mean, I can’t really fault them that much because if you’re running the group, of course you’re going to want to ensure players have a long enough resumé to ensure they’re capable. I think the problem a lot of the time is that folks have a misconception as to how difficult something really is. You have room for error, and this content isn’t designed to be tackled by people who are optimized the hell out. Not initially at least.

It reminds me of the gearscore crowd back in Wrath days (which, to be fair, that crowd’s always been around since Vanilla and BC, just got particularly bad when that mod came out).

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No, you don’t know what I saying because you massively misquoted me.

And no, not everyone can their essences by simply playing. There are 3 essences my priest doesn’t have because I don’t do that content. I have another 4 that are still green.

Good players is such a relative comment. What is ‘good’ in your mind. Doing heroic? Mythic raiding? If I was running a guild and someone didn’t have their 3 bis essences i’d bench them in a heart beat.

So whats good? As I stated earlier, if you want to do heroic, have a 2k or lower io or 2k or lower CR in arena/rbgs… then fine. If you won’t to be a mythic raider, be 2k+ io, or 2k+ rated… it’s basically mandatory for the majority of the population.

This is not a thing that’s possible on the forum. I highlight, and I hit “quote”. It auto fills the text. You can also read the full post by clicking either arrows (once will explode the quote to show the full post, the other will scroll you up to said post).

Yes, that’s how essences work. You play, you obtain.

So, you’re not simply playing.

You brought up “good”. Don’t blame me.

I don’t know, you brought it up, you define it.

Seeing how this is week 1 of Mythic, and this is mostly about casuals / alts, I don’t get what Mythic raiding should even do in this discussion.