Mini-expirement - People DONT talk

I’ve also been playing this game long enough to have created similar memories with guildies. I’ve built a guild around it with some great people. :slight_smile:

I’m just not doing it in timewalking anymore. TW is my chill and farm time while listening to music or watching a show, not my social time.

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Because all people do is false report and you get silenced

If i’m doing random pug or TW, i’m either in my guilds / friends discord chatting, or listening to a random video. Plus TW dungeons don’t require much strat and its just a zug fest, so no point in typing in chat.

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I’d talk if someone else was speaking, but generally I don’t initiate in TW dungeons because they’re moving so quickly and if I fall behind I can’t heal lol.

I’m also not familiar with the WoD dungeons anymore, i haven’t played them in years lol so when I’m in I have to keep up lol

I’m a chatty Cathy, but not in instances. I engage to strategize and then focus on the fight.

I’ve been trying to tank and whenever we enter…I immediately let them know that I’m new and to please don’t let me die. Lol

I guess it just depends on the group.

I gave up… also sometimes I jsut don’t wanna talk. :grinning:

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lol I was the tank so I’d gather like three packs nd get quick aggro, stun them and type out a quick comment I thought was positive and or humor apparently it wasn’t to them lol

nobody cares, probably kick someone if they are weird like this tbh

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I’m actually surprised I didn’t get kicked, I thought t least one person would. I guess I was pushing fast enough that they didn’t want to risk a newer tank if they kicked me. Or risk waiting.

I tried the whole talking thing. Groups. Raids. Guild chat.

Didn’t take.


geez you are lucky you didn’t get kicked. I don’t initiate for things like that but if someone wanted to kick you I would have agreed. That kind of nonsense chatter I find very annoying.

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I was in a heroic NW for a satchel yesterday. Run went great and fast. Just before the last boss the other paladin says “Why kick them?” and I said “??” at which point I was informed that the tank tried to VtK me. Hadn’t said a word, nobody had died, was interesting.

This thread reinforces my belief that dumb kicks happen all the time given the replies I’m seeing.


People do not tend to talk much for many reasons, I personally do not do so because of how vague the ‘social contract’ is to what is or isn’t offensive. I got reported once for just saying “g’day mates, how are ya lads and lasses doing today?”

I mean as a Aussie, tis about as friendly as I can get. Got me kicked from the group and a whisper on how disgusting I was and they were filing a report. I got silenced for a day as a result.

So now I just keep my trap shut and my fingers silent, do not want to take any chances with how everything seems to offend everyone nowadays.


multiple people have to report for a silence to go through; you must have offended the whole group with being offensive. Sorry you don’t realize that you’re offensive. Check your values and world views and perhaps think twice before saying anything.

Loads of people should take this advice.


I’ll talk with folks but I find a lot of times I’m in some LFD/LFR with ESL. Nothing against them but they outright can’t communicate sometimes.

There’s also the occasional elitist jerk who wants to speed run with half the party being new/bad players. Like cool cool, we can, just keep your mouth shut. No one wants to see your vitriol when the group fails.

And this is why I no longer chat in dungeon or otherwise much. If all it takes is a friendly greeting to upset people. Then we truly are lost as a species. I guess I can figure out how they were so vile in their responses, probably ‘misgendered someone’

So yeah I keep my trap shut nowadays while in game. Better safe than sorry.

Heck guildmates have been chewed out for simply saying something as innocent as “Hi there, nice day for a dungeon.”

Also false flagging is a thing, my previous silence was on classic back in wrath for daring to sell matts at a reasonable price. Was told to raise my price to their range or they’d mass report me otherwise. Gotta love the automated system.

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Sounds more like you were trolled by a group of elitist pals. Or it could be a group of hyper-sensitive folks well aware of how exploitative reporting is. The odds just seem low.

Regardless, I apologize on their behalf. We need more talkative folks in this game, not less. Practically a barren wasteland of human interaction and it’s enough to drive pleasant players like yourself away.

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I don’t talk because people are quick to become “offended” over nothing and then complain about it. So unless I’m grouped with friends or NPCs I don’t talk.

Yes the world of warcraft is against you.