So I did 5 timewalking for the buff to go towards the achievement and during each of them I was talkative, almost too talkative.
Hey how you doing.
If I fall in the water don’t laugh I’m bad
Man XYZ you are cooking on dps
and so many other things I got about five “Hello” in reply the entire five runs lol.
Normally I don’t talk at all so it didn’t bother me, but I had to see if the game was really becoming as antisocial for random pugs as people claim.
No real reason to talk in content that falls over in 5 minutes. You won’t see these people again.
Why are you wasting time talking when you should be pushing W and your respective run speed increases to make the main objective of getting to the end all that much faster?
I can’t chat in game and play at the same time. Personal failing.
I’ll say hello before the start of a dungeon if it’s M+ or at the start of some other queued content. I might also say something at the end depending on what we were doing, but I don’t really bother talking while I’m trying to kill stuff unless it’s to coordinate something that needs to be done.
Can’t type and pew pew pew at the same time, nothing personal though.
Retail is like the show Squid Games. The hardcore push, hurry, push crew are the masked ones that eliminate those trying to communicate, learn, and have fun.
I almost always chat if people comment.
And I find the dungeon where people do make comments, as long as they aren’t toxic, the more enjoyable ones. The ones where people go “[something something] ok hunter?” are aggravating.
I’d say 90% of my runs are total radio silence, even if I say something. Content is so fast now that it can be a challenge to type and keep up with a tank that’s barreling through plus people don’t have to socialize and build up an in game network of friends anymore. Once they finish a run they simply jump back into group finder and off they go. Odds are they’re never going to see any of those people again. I’m old school, I still chatter when I can but yeah, the games not really geared towards that anymore.
99% of the people that play WoW nowadays are antisocial I blame Twitter and cell phones.
People run timewalking so quickly how do u have time to chat? lol if i stop for a moment im left behind lol
I think people simply choose when to be social. Guilds and friends obviously but a random group of people you wont see again probably and a whole 5 mins spent with them? meh
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You slow down! You turn to Kitty and say “das a gewd kitty, YES YOU ARE! Yes you are a good kitty witty hehehehehe”
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I’m not there to be your friend, I’m there to finish a job
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Thats why there is the in game voice chat so you can “bla bla bla” all you want while you pewpew

They sent Profien behind enemy lines for a mission they knew he couldn’t possibly survive! Now what they didn’t count on was his elite training in WoW after billions of mobs killed and thousands of bosses, it was all too easy!
Profien - Rated RS for Really Serious!
Meanwhile in Classic HC, me and another dwarf /saluted each other, on the open road in Loch Modan, and engaged in casual racism against knife-ears.
Good times.
I’ll usually participate if there is some chat going on in a party.
Sometimes we are going so fast you can’t outside a general “hi” at the start.
I’ll still always do an untargeted /ty at the end of every run to thank everyone.