I only talk to elves and mag’har orcs. The rest? Don’t bother brokie!
I honestly play on a handheld and touch screen typing ain’t my jam in game
I always say GG or thanks at the end of runs but it’s usually after 3 people leave because most people are gone immediately. That’s just the game now, not much you can do about it.
People pug for a reason. If they want social interaction, they join guilds, friends, etc.
This happened to me a lot more during Remix than Retail, since many of us were multi-queueing for the same set of scenarios, raid wings, and dungeons. Some were receptive when I would call it out, but others just didn’t notice, or were ignoring me. lol
OP’s sample pool was five. Did you experiment a larger batch?
How close were the results to your hypothesis? Did you keep detailed notes that you can share?
I’d really like to see the data on this (these) experiments. Just to satiate curiosity.
Yep I find it funny that I was nervous about getting kicked for saying “heya all,” and “man we are cruising,” meanwhile I get to see “ragebot 97 kicked fireball” 20 times per run.
I’m not necessarily opposed to talking in a group but I choose not to unless someone else prompts me to say something I think the group might find interesting or entertaining.
Just out of curiosity, OP how are you controlling your toon and typing in chat at the same time?
I mean, anytime I stop to type even 1 word the whole group runs off without me.
I took my lowbie DK into 1 last night and the healer switched to DPS spec so we didn’t even get heals. I had to use pots to survive it.
I’m too busy being the 3rd best dps in the group!..what? There was a lvl 11 warrior tank and a lvl 12 priest healer. At least I made it into the board…
Did you say anything relevant? I dont want to listen to your non-sense. You would be annoying.
I think if you are a touch typist and fairly good at it, it’s easier to ramble on in a dungeon. But if you are hunt and pecking your way through a conversation it turns into quite a task. Maybe too much of a distraction for most people.
why do people have this unrealistic expectation that everyone should play as they want them to? if people want to learn communicate and have fun they should probably join a guild make friends and play with them instead of relying on someone random who’s probably just blasting to reach an objective while watching Netflix on their other monitor.
Wait, you were the tank when you did this? Those poor people. You basically subjected them to a hostage situation.
Same reason most people don’t start up conversations with random strangers in public. You’ll probably never see them again, and worse, in wow you open yourself up the someone reporting you for imagined slights. Or voting to kick because “talking instead of doing dps”.
Community in wow is egregiously bad.
WoW would be so badass if it came voice chat standard, but you could opt out of it.
Instead of the opposite we have now.
(That also functions poorly)
Proximity voice with strangers within 5-10 meters in cities,
150m range with friends/guildies,
Unlimited range in party/raid
A quick/easy mute button
I don’t talk much in TW, N or H dungeons.
I always say “hey there” when I am invited to an m+. there, I expect at least a form of greeting to know that people aren’t bots.
but I have to admit that I have no idea what this response means:
Due to the moderation and over reporting for everything.
5 dungeons is a bit low for data collecting for this to be legitimate.
If the dungeon is going to be over quickly and we never see the players again, there really isn’t a point in talking unless you’re just vibing.
I only talk to friends lol,