Mike Ybarra will make WOW great again

What? People don’t feel obligated to do it lol. They do it because it’s an easy way to get gear if you have the gold for it. Not really sure what you’re talking about. Someone else buying a boost has zero effect on your gameplay experience.

Or you can’t because you realized you don’t actually make sense.

Yeah, boosters are fine. I support them with my own gold.

The boosters who are RMT dirtbags can eat one though.


Don’t know why you’re getting so angry over it. If you can’t be polite then just don’t respond lol.

Didn’t you learn that as a child?

I think you just aren’t comprehending what I’m trying to get across. It’s fine.

You also disagree. It’s fine too.

I’m not here to change minds or have my mind changed.

I was providing my opinion for the OP.

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Calm down man everything is going to be okay.

Yeah most likely…but it was an honest question, considering your behaviour ^^

Particular reason you had to resort to insulting someone and couldn’t simply have a conversation?

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He filling up this thread with trolling…gets slightly annoying when trying to read.

There is actual points and concerns from other players, and hes trying to cancel it…thats why my question.



And I think one thing a lot of people are failing to understand is this:

If you played since Vanilla, you lived just over 17 years with boosting in WoW. Just because more people know about it and are engaging with it, it’s suddenly bad for the game?

Yeah I guess it was irrational and “autistic” of me to think that the entire state of the game isn’t going to radically shift just because Mike Ybarra and his guild sell boosts.

Too muchy cancelculture from you…destroying threads like you do.

I can safely ignore you ^^

You said “like you wouldn’t do it too” I’m saying there are people that wouldn’t.

His behavior was not to insult anyone. Perhaps check your own.

Incorrect. He gave facts and his opinion. If you don’t like them, have a conversation about your views. You don’t throw insults and claim “trolling.”

No one can cancel anything here. They can give opinions and facts. And Krad’s comments aren’t wrong.

Please show me how this thread is somehow destroyed.

He’s a highhhhhhhh end player, of course he wasn’t :laughing: a fan

Why throw away something that you dedicated dev time towards? If it was going to be disabled in half a year to a year, then why create it in the first place? You’ve effectively wasted time when you have precious little time to begin with.

Do I have a bad take on this? Because I really feel like working yourself into a corner is a bit counter productive.


You are clearly insane if you think this is a wow problem. Its NOT. Its an MMO problem. It happens in every MMO and if players would stop buying them, then they wouldn’t be there.

What is a wow problem is systems on top of systems. That needs to go and not happen in the future

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It’s great and all, but very annoying that I maxed this crap out for it to be thrown away. At least with old Tier sets you could use them as long as you wanted, and replace them with new Tier sets. IMO shards should be kept and replaced by the new tier.

Seems to me no one thought it through. It was similar to tier gear, but I’ll bet they realized they couldn’t balance it in the new content and decided they didn’t want people using old gear. So what better way to solve those problems than outright disabling them? And yes, it is extremely counterproductive.

Blizz has this tendency to want to dictate exactly what we do, instead of just letting us enjoy the game. On rails questing, deleting an entire power system, etc.

Their philosophy on this game has changed so much over the years.

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Yeah that’s correct. My bad I should’ve said “some but not all people would do it depending on the circumstances.”

You come into the thread and hurl insults at me but I’m the bad guy lol. Gotta love GD

So every time you encounter someone that is “slightly annoying” you call them autistic? You have some growing up to do dude.

This is what happens when %x bonuses are used instead of plain jane whole numbers. They never learn.

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I strongly believe in tier gear if it’s done correctly. Tier gear should have class identity and value. If those things don’t exist in game Blizzard might as well give us more of the same crappy epics we’ve been getting.

That all being said, if old content was going be thrown away in the same expansion that it was introduced, then why introduce it in the first place… I understand a lot of people at Blizzard are running around like their heads are on fire trying to get things done, but work in the wrong direction is counter productive.

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