Could have just removed the AH from the mount, and then put another mobile AH on a new mount, and then remove the utility at the end of each expansion.
That’d be a true goldsink without screwing people over. And frankly, the people rushing to buy it right away would be the ones using the utility the most, while the collection value for everybody else keeps it as a general goldsink for years after.
That is actually incorrect. They did state that now you see Yaks everywhere and want the bronto to and I forget the wording but something along the ljnes of be more prestigious.
Edit. I stand corrected. Not factually wrong. As I saw you post in essence what I was saying later in this thread. Muh bad
I wouldn’t say you were wrong or stand corrected. Blizzard did, in fact, touch on wanting to keep this mount more exclusive and not as common down the road when they compared it to the mammoth.
Rankin is wrong again, as you can see from the blue post. There was talk about luxury mounts, the AH mount is in the same boat since they, plain as day, compared the two.
i can see that logic but also not. what would you replace the mobile ah with? we already have repair vendors and xmog. no one really uses void storage and it would make more sense to have on a void themed mount as well. the value of the brutosaur would plummet regardless of what you replace the ah for so people would complain over spending 5 mil on a crappy mount.
i’m not saying blizz didn’t goof up. if mobile ah being everywhere was a real concern, they shouldn’t have put it in game to begin with. but if blizz regrets it now and wants to piss off the least amount of people, this is probably the best method since you’ll still be able to get it from the bmah. yes, it’ll cost a ton more but throw in increasing inflation and the fact that the more people have it, the less people will bid on it and eventually anyone who wants it will get it.
“We’ve seen how luxury mounts like the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth started out as something special and rare: a repair vendor wherever you are! They were originally ultra-exclusive and mostly purchased by guild banks for convenient raid use, but then became increasingly commonplace due to gold inflation over time”
I’m not sure how much more black and white you need this to be.
I like how you’re going to take my post about one thing and try to attach it to something else.
And again, there was no mention, whatsoever, about the Brutosaur mount being changed in order to preserve it’s “luxury” status. It is being changed solely because of the AH functionality.
Something you keep ignoring so you can pretend to have a point.
You claimed the Brutosaur wasn’t datamined. I just proved you wrong. Instead of admitting you were wrong, you’ve decided to add some strawman nonsense on top of your silly semantics game.
There was no needing to rely on data mining for the information. It literally would have been known later that same day since it was in that build.
If that is significant to all of you then you need to get the heck off here because you have literally wasted more than a few hours complaining about this.
Which wouldn’t have proven that the mount was going away. They put in a FoS for the Warlock green fire scenario, but you can still go back and do that.
I didn’t realize I needed to run my complaints through you to make sure I wasn’t wasting any time. Or maybe you could focus on the things you care about instead of stomping all over other people for caring about different things.
I am not sure what your point is here. The first thread on this forum was Nov 21st and the blue posted confirming it was going away on Nov 21st. Any ‘data mining’ that was done was also done on Nov 21st.
There was no NEED to rely on information obtained illegally.
You come into the middle of a conversation about the need to get information by illegal means, after the comments by someone that blizzard didn’t tell us about this RIGHT AWAY when the decision was made.
I know why you guys don’t have enough gold to buy this.
I have over 7 million gold at the moment. My problem isn’t being able to buy the mount. My problem is the way Blizzard had to wait over a year to remember they added an AH NPC to the mount and what that might mean in the future. And then, instead of making an announcement, they just put an ambiguous FoS on the PTR and, I dunno, just kinda hoped that would be enough.
I am utterly baffled that there are people who are actually defending Blizzard over their completely inept communication skills. They don’t even seem like they know what’s going on within their own company sometimes.