Mighty Caravan Brutosaur

There have been many threads about this topic… but as a veteran player, I think I may call myself “veteran” because I played and opened AQ gates, had a long grind of title “Champion of Naaru” and almost cried when I received my title with a pug “Hand of A’dal”. (all on another account). So as I was saying…

Blizzard, it’s NOT fair to remove the mount without letting players know when expansion is released “btw the mount is here to say only till end of expansion”! I did not focus on making gold and it wasn’t my “TOP” priority. Even now when I try to farm and sell things, the amount of gold I make isn’t going to be enough to buy that mount! I am only 50% away and there’s no way I’ll make that gold in such short period of time even if I’ll farm every day for 8 hours!

It’s not fair to players when you announce “oh btw the mount will be removed” when it’s several months before the expansion! Please re-consider and let players have something to look forward to getting. Thank you!


So find better ways to farm. You need to make literally 25k a day. You can easily make 100k a day just by buying cheap herbs and making potions.


Because I feel for you and I also believe the removal of the mount is disgusting, I will throw you a bone so you can make the gold in time.

Bracer Shuffle. Google it, go to reddit. You’re welcome.

Also, prepare for 8.3. You can clear half the cost of the mount in the first week of patch release if you prepare correctly.

Good luck!


my server doesn’t have cheap herbs


You don’t get any special privileges being a “veteran” player.

Nothing in life is fair unless you’re in prison, and then it still isn’t fair. Not everything always goes as planned, this is something you will need to get used to, especially in an ever-changing game like an mmorpg.

This mount was never meant for the average player, it was meant for the top tier rich players. There is a reason why only 3% of accounts own it, 3% own the spider mount, and 2-3% own any given card game mount. This mount was probably not meant for you, chances are. This mount wasn’t meant for 97% of the population.

This is like a luxury car irl, they aren’t meant for the average person.


That’s a you problem, not a Blizzard problem. Sometimes you have to chase the money, you have options to fix this.

It’s very possible they just didn’t know in advance. An auction mount was a new concept and even then it was only aimed at a small group as a high level special reward. But after seeing how it played out later on is likely when they decided they didn’t want it too common in the long term.

More advance notice would have been nice, I get the outrage, but I highly doubt they were in BfA beta thinking “Nah let’s just not tell them till 8.3, it’ll be funny.” It’s been something they observed for awhile and then only now decided to not keep it.


Luxury cars are a physical item with production costs. This is a pile of pixels that you’ve put upon a pedestal.

Further, the sole and only reason given by Blizzard as to the reason this mount is moving to the BMAH is because of it’s mobile AH access. There was not one mention of “luxury” or “prestige” or whatever other reason you want to make up.


I have the Spectral Tiger mount and I didn’t farm gold for it. I just played for a long time and had the gold when it was 250k in AH back in Cataclysm. When it comes to mounts, I’d agree that “nothing in life is fair” but removing a utility mount is NOT something that should’ve been announced on such short notice! Blizzard has been known removing mounts from game such as : Zul Gurub mount removal (for some stupid reason) or mounts removed from The Grand Crusader. Those were COSMETIC mounts/mounts. It’s fine I took it with grin of salt since I farmed ZG religiously with my guild and every pug and saw the tiger mount drop only ONCE! But removing a utility mount and yet announcing it on such short notice is something else!! Pretty much Blizzard tells me “sucks to be you ha ha”


Zin’anthid is currently 11.95g each on Stormrage with an average market value of 10.5g. If you buy it for around 11 gold it costs 66 gold per Unbridled Fury. An unbridled fury sells for around 45 gold. With rank 3 and the Silas Stone of Prosperity you have a 1.8 proc rate, which means if you craft 10, you get 18 (On average). So if you spend 660 gold on herbs, you should (on average) get 881 gold worth of potions.


Now do that with 500 crafts at a time.
3000 herbs * 11 gold each = 33000 gold.
3000 herbs makes 500 potions, but with the random procs you get 900.
900 potions * 45 gold = 40500

That’s 7,000 gold profit in 8 minutes of crafting.


Just track the price here and buy when its cheap.


Doesn’t matter, this mount isn’t for the average player anymore than a luxury car is meant for the average factory worker.

Nice, good work. So you understand what a prestigious item is then, I’m glad to see we have something in common. If anything, this will give you enough time to farm the gold needed for next expansions luxury gold dump.

Blizzard only mentioned the mobile AH access as the reason for it being moved to the BMAH. Your reasoning is something you made up entirely on your own and contradicts the reasoning Blizzard has given.

And again, you are confusing a physical item with a virtual item. There is no room for comparison.


Thank you very much for this post! Appreciate it <3 Thank you kind human being

I don’t care what Blizzards reasoning is right now, I am giving my opinion. I am not a Blizzard spokesperson.

WoW tokens are your best friend. That is how I got brutosaur mount.


btw heres some extra stuff


I tracked crafts + the amount I got for several thousand potions


and this is my TSM profit tracking for the past ~6 days

You can do this with most professions. For example, inscription. A war-scroll requires 8 crimson ink and usually sells for 100g. It takes about 25 herbs to get 8 crimson pigments, and depending on the herb that can be as low as 70g, meaning you make 30g profit per scroll.

The only profession I’d say to stay away from is jewelcrafting. It’s really competitive and doesn’t have that much demand with RNG sockets, and will like have any less demand next patch with sockets being locked behind Horrific Visions.


You guys are greatly oversimplifying it/only viewing it statistically with bias data.

Yeah, mathematically that is accurate, but you are leaving out concepts such as competition, realm, demand, ect.

I have been selling this same stack of 1000 pots I crafted for several weeks now on my server because of high competition who actively ONLY play the AH as such undercutting is frequent to the point of almost being a controlled market, low demand as most big guilds and such both gather and craft their own goods for their players (Mine being an example), and general population which is both nice and horrible because while prices on my server are way higher than high pop servers the buyer pool is also smaller and paired with the AH Tycoons constantly undercutting a much smaller and easier controlled market and such it creates issue.

Whenever I see people bring out these formulas and go “You can make X a day easily, look at this math” it never factors in any other aspects. Yes, you can create stock of X value no problem but selling it is a different matter all together in terms of sell frequency, competition, and your market.

Its not that simple.

With that said, do what people like Yeetzone suggests, even when you have a huge stock constantly do what you can to increase your stockpile of assets! Even if you have a comfortable amount of product keep building it up even if you are not selling all of what you already have.

Also, you want to diversify what you sell, hit as many markets as you can. Crafted PvP gear each season, Glyphs, Potions and Flasks, Profession Goods (Stirrups, ect), Transmog (Long term cash flow, wont sell quick but is a good long term income), Raw Goods, Legacy Goods, ect, ect. Make your inventory as diversified as you can within you means.

If you feel comfortable with it you can also look into flipping, be it flat flipping or crafted flipping like smelting ore into bars when the bar value is more than the ore value.

There are a lot of things you can do.

WITH THAT SAID! I 100% do not agree with Blizzard making this mount time gated, I think its thoughtless, inconsistent with how these mounts have been handled historically, not disclosed very well, and overall just a bad decision on their part. I personally hope they reconsider on this decision.

Things that should not be time-gated/exclusive are becoming time-gated/exclusive while things that SHOULD be time-gated/exclusive (things like CE digital items and large game time buy in items) are not. Everything is flipped upside down and I seriously do not understand it.


It varies depending on realm heavily. Luckily OP is on Stormrage, which if I’m not mistaken is the top alliance realm alongside Sargeras. I’m on Illidan. Both realms have insane amounts of raiding guilds and competitive players. I’ve sold upwards of 3000 potions during a single night, including 2000 Unbridled Furies, 50 Agi/Str/Int flasks, and 1000 health potions. On smaller realms or RP realms you need another strategy, and it would vary heavily depending on the market.

Edit: Another thing that helps with selling consumables and regularly checking for undercuts. Anytime I have a free minute I do a quick undercut scan and relist auctions.

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That’s cute considering you also said this:

You were preemptively agreeing with their decision to move the mount to the BMAH.


Doesn’t matter, my point still stands. That has no relation to my comment about giving my own opinion. I am allowed to my own opinion.