Mighty Caravan Brutosaur

Hiya I definitely think you can make it, if you keep it up.


The purpose of these gold sink mounts is to reward people who have been working at earning gold over the long term, based on what you say you aren’t the target for this anyway.

And earning 3 million in 9 months should actually be relatively easy.

Just make the gold and get it. No big deal.

If you really want it I think anyone can obtain it even if you can’t log a ton of hours

The start of a new patch is a great way to farm gold - you can begin today just by farming viper fish or something.

the purpose of these mounts, is to remove gold from the economy.

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If they just wanted to remove gold they could just take it away from people like they do everything else lately. It is also to reward people who earn gold over the long term.

Explanation from Ion re spider mount.

There are, as people have noticed, a small handful of very expensive items on vendors in Legion. This isn’t anything fundamentally new - the original Kirin Tor Signet Ring cost a small fortune in relative terms when it first came out in Wrath, as did the Reins of the Grand Expedition YakReins of the Grand Expedition Yak in Mists.

When it comes to cosmetic items and convenience perks, they vary tremendously by source, both in terms of playstyle and degree of difficulty. Some are widely-earned rewards, some were simply a matter of being around at the right time (e.g. the Onyxian WhelplingOnyxian Whelpling), others require tremendous skill (Gladiator mounts, Mythic raid mounts from current content), while others require a combination of persistence and luck (Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-DrakeReins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake, Elegon’s mount, etc.). Some require you to engage in PvP, others require raiding, others require extensive outdoor gameplay, or profession use. And some require a sustained and concerted effort to accumulate a ton of gold.

Besides, think of it as a favor to all the arachnophobes out there - do you really want massive spiders skittering around everywhere?

Just to be clear, I agree that the Mad Merchant isn’t going to serve as a very effective gold sink. But that’s because he isn’t intended to be one in any meaningful sense. Gold sinks, in an MMO economic sense, are primarily things like repair costs, the Auction House tariff, and a range of useful expensive items that still fall within the price range of many guild banks and gold-rich players. In this case, a handful of very wealthy players may dump a large portion of their gold reserves into this one vendor, but that’s ultimately a blip in the grand scheme of the WoW economy.

If we wanted to drain as much gold as possible out of the economy using these items, we’d be pricing them differently. If the Bloodfang CocoonBloodfang Cocoon cost 200k, I’d wager that far more than 10x as many would be sold. Inflation is a concern, but that’s a battle that will be waged on many other fronts. This is just a crazy merchant. The point of the items is to be ludicrously expensive, just as the point of something like the Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-DrakeReins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake is to be ludicrously rare (if you think about it, a multi-day respawn that shares a spawn point with a more common variant and has a zone-wide patrol is pretty insane…). Some of the vendor’s details may be tweaked, and there’s been very good feedback in the thread on the relative attractiveness of the different items, but the 2mil price tag for the mount is not likely to change.


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soooo… you tried to negate what i said, by linking an article titled “the biggest gold sink in wow”?


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Did you bother reading it ? The article was written by icy veins but Ion’s explanation was in there. I even bolded it for you.

Here I will make it simpler for you. Just read these two bits.

Just to be clear, I agree that the Mad Merchant isn’t going to serve as a very effective gold sink. But that’s because he isn’t intended to be one in any meaningful sense. Gold sinks, in an MMO economic sense, are primarily things like repair costs, the Auction House tariff, and a range of useful expensive items that still fall within the price range of many guild banks and gold-rich players. In this case, a handful of very wealthy players may dump a large portion of their gold reserves into this one vendor, but that’s ultimately a blip in the grand scheme of the WoW economy.

When it comes to cosmetic items and convenience perks, they vary tremendously by source, both in terms of playstyle and degree of difficulty. …
And some require a sustained and concerted effort to accumulate a ton of gold.

how is buying tokens a “sustained and concerted effort”?

There are ‘shortcuts’ to other mounts as well, that doesn’t negate the purpose of them.

I go and buy a mythic raid carry for the last boss mount, doesn’t mean that mount wasn’t intended to reward mythic raiders.

They gave it a short window to push people to buy tokens. If it was obtainable for long time, people could farm gold free. Simple.

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I stopped reading right here, lol

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Can you actually imagine someone playing that long and they don’t have 5 million gold ?

nope, lol!

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That person just needs the attention even if it is negative. I actually think they crave negative attention. A real life big hug is what they really need, but I doubt anyone can stand to be around them for more than 5 minutes.

There’s something called WoW Token.

I still keep thinking it may have something to do with the auction house changes they are making. a coding issue, amount of server memory/power, or something tech based.

this is one case where i will side with blizzard. it’s possible they were just stupid again and didn’t realize the future impact of everyone having a mobile auction house two expacs from now. so i agree with the reasoning given to remove it with 9.0.

that said, they should’ve told us this the moment they decided this was going to happen. it shouldn’t have taken data mining to get this news.

There was no data mining involved. It was already on the PTR and people were getting the FoS popping up which started these discussions. So basically you did get the news when they decided it was going to happen or within a few weeks of the decision (which is basically immediately for them).

https:/ /us.forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/looks-like-the-mighty-caravan-brutosaur-might-be-unobtainable-in-901/370236

to find the fos, people had to data mine. you know what has to happen before people can spend time on configuring data? they need to decide on something. so no, this wasn’t disclosed immediately, and yes, we had to find out by going through blizzards data in ways that violate the tos.

everything you said is false so please get your facts straight. blizz didn’t tell us this was happening until AFTER the fos was data mined and a forum post about it was started.


…have you seen the economies on most servers?