Mighty Caravan Brutosaur


If players dedicated as much time in-game overcoming their obstacles as they do complaining about them they could work miracles.

Stop arguing semantics and white knighting, i sometimes wonder what people like you get out of endlessly trolling threads and defending Blizzard at every turn, anyway, have fun with that, maybe they’ll give you a golden star or something.


Correcting you about the MAU metric is not arguing semantics or white knighting, that’s simply correcting someone who is spreading false information.

Correcting you is not trolling, that’s simply correcting you.

Just remember. They didn’t tell us they were removing the mount. We found out through ptr digging. Then they confirmed it when we outed them.


The announcement, after all, still has not been made. Only those on the forums and those we’ve told know what’s going to happen.


They did the same to the legendary cloak and ppl still defend removal of content so they feel special eventtho8gh they don’t deserve to.

This the people who repeatedly support he removal of content, and deserve to suffer the removal of items they can’t get like brutosaur

Exactly, so… then… ? Post in one of those, perhaps?

They were not announcing it, at all. Dataminers found out, THEN Blizzard commented.

It isn’t supposed to be “fair.” They are removing it so it isn’t a “common” sight, like how everyone has a mammoth or Yak (or both) repair mount; They even mention how these were once hardly seen.

So you request is exactly why they ARE removing it. So they are not going to change that, so people have more of a chance to get it. They want it to be less common!

A better argument, which makes sense, is that the 5 million gold price tag will ALWAYS keep it uncommon. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve never even had 1 million gold, all at the same time. 5 million would always be impossible for me.

Would it ever become “more common”, if it was just left in the game for 5 million? Of course, however I don’t think it would ever become “TOO COMMON.” I think I’m probably representative of the “average” player. I doubt if there are that many players that have 5 million, all at once. More of them will actually bother to get it NOW, only because they know it is leaving the game (except for the BMAH) I still don’t think it will be very many players, even with a year to get it.

Since I skipped out, at the start of WoD:

In Legion, I bought all the NPC/AH sold mounts that were sub 1 million gold. I had the Yak AND the repair mammoth for the FIRST TIME THEN. I did this mainly with herb and mine, on two characters that I played. I only had the “3 Mains”, with two of them only being used after the BFA preorder and Argus were in the game. So I didn’t even have that much time go nuts with “gold” missions on the mission board. BFA seemed to severely nerf my ability to make gold, though.

Their decision isn’t based on any concept of “prestige” though. That’s your argument, which is contradicted by Blizzard’s reasoning. Something you’ve constantly refused to admit. You just keep stirring the pot and then running away when the heat gets too intense for you.

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And here you are not saying anything not said in those other threads.

Oh, of course you have all of these prestigious achievements. . . on another account. I could log in right now and show you my Hand of A’dal title on my current account.

Several months? You have upwards of a year and people have known about this for a month already. If you had the ability to get the mount, or the motivation to you can easily acquire that gold in the time. If you’re desperate, let’s presume you have 8 months.

Some napkin math for you.

Presuming you begin at zero gold and need 5,000,000. If you were to do this by WoW tokens presuming they are 150k static, which it isn’t, they’re actually higher last I’ve checked. You would need 34 tokens to achieve this. Let’s assume you only have until August for whatever reason even though it’s more likely to be sometime in October-November range. This leaves you with 32 weeks.

If you were to buy a token every week, or two every paycheck basically you could accomplish this task on time and that’s with giving you an inflated estimate on amount required since tokens last I knew were around 190k as well as the shortest deadline possible.

This also was presuming you made and spent no gold in this period. With this 32 week limit, you would need to bring in 156k a week. This is actually incredibly simple to do if you know anything about how to play the AH, or even just raw gold farming by running all your old raids on your main and any alts you might have.

This is also the most inefficient means of farming gold. You can also shorten your time by running Cataclysm specifically without Dragon Soul and achieving 7k in just shy of half an hour. Dragon Soul adds about 20 minutes to the timer for what amounts to an additional 2k. This is repeatable on every character you have that is at least level 100.

Trust me, you have plenty of time to do this either via gold farm or token buying. Though if you’re the type who needs to actually buy tokens to have any gold, just forget getting the mount because frankly you need to rethink your priorities if you’re okay with dropping 680 dollars on tokens in order to have a pretty pointless mount as someone who is presently sitting on 7m and chosen not to buy it because the influence I can have on Shadowlands market far exceeds the value of a mount I won’t find any interest in having or using to me.

Except it is evidenced solely by the fact it’s a 5 million gold pricetag novelty mount with a time limit on how long you have to get one.

It’s a mount strictly as a sign of prestige to flaunt your wealth, it always was. It wasn’t ever designed as a mount “everybody eventually will have one” because if it were it would cost 500k or some lowball number.

The very fact it’s FIVE MILLION GOLD, HALF OF THE GOLD CAP should have been a huge hint to you that this was never meant to be something for the average person, only the extremely wealthy.

Yea, so unfair…when they DON’T remove it in about a year from the announcement. I mean whatever shall people do when it goes to the BMAH? I know, how about buy it on the BMAH, or better yet get it over the next 11 months or so?

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Except the sole and only reason given by Blizzard is that they don’t want AH functionality to become too common the way the repair mounts did. They did not mention prestige at all as a reason.

And every other luxury mount is still available to purchase.


Looks at price of herbs.
Looks at price of potions.
Looks at price of herbs.

With my terrible luck I dont proc enough doubles to justify the herb prices to make flasks.

Having 50 percent already is more than enough to get the other half in 7 months left minimum. With leap year we even get an extra day of farming!!!

Having an alt toon that posts your auctions is nice and all, but having to log/relog and while you are on your bank alt, you can’t see guild chat where your main is and what’s happening in guild. I am spending at least 30 min on my “bank alt”. Then mailing stuff and limited space is annoying etc… it’s just VERY nice to have an AH mount after you farm, you just list in AH and done

I know. It seems like they don’t want to make QoL so common sadly for future players. I don’t think they will add another auctioneer mount. And you’d probably need to reach gold cap after BFA to get it. Unless they plan to change how the BAH works

Logic and critical thinking aren’t allowed here, that’s not how it works in these parts. Now, if you’ll kindly see yourself to the door.

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You don’t have much room to talk considering you were willing to accept their decision before even hearing what it was.

And now you can’t even reconcile your own argument. You say the mount should be removed so it stays prestigious, yet you also claim that it would stay extremely rare anyway.


Right, because you are too inept to think abstractly and can only operate based solely on answers you are given. You’re the kind of guy I could say A+B=C to, give you A and C and you’d never solve what B is despite having the tools to do so.

And they’ve said they felt this was a bad decision, you do realize they can change their design philosophy based on new findings right? This game isn’t set in stone without any room for change. If this was the case we’d all be on flight paths because flying was only ever added as a solution to the problem of travel being horrid where flying from Orgrimmar to Ratchet the game decided you needed to detour through Crossroads first.