Might of the Frozen Wastes is back

Go View Activity, then there’s a button that says “normal” up top to ther right. change to ignore.


So biceps can just pull numbers to show an exmaple of something but I cant? So then they shouldnt be pulling numbers either is what you are getting at?

Awesome, done. Thank you. As always, you are most helpful.


So now that MotFW is back and testing needs to be done to define how much it needs to be tuned, can the community actually discuss the other issues frost has besides weapons, such as talents being dead and never used, no AOE runic power spender baseline, etc?

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Like Glacial Advance? :joy: :rofl:

Obliteration with GA feels nice in AoE.

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Like Horn of Winter, Inexorable Assault, Icy Talons and many more talents? Glacial Advance costing RP and having a CD which has been that way for 2 expansions.


You’re serious that GA actually has potential?

The reason you don’t play it on live is because you lose too much ST. It’s got good synergy with Obliteration and deals a ton of damage. You’d still lose st target but might have to pick it for the AoE.

There is an ignore feature

Click on their avatar

There will be two boxes.

One will likely say “normal”

The other will say “view profile”

Click where it says “normal”, then select “ignore” and then set duration of the ignore. Six months is the max.


Obliteration does include GA!

I did not know that. Huh.

EDIT: The 4 GCD CD on it still feels bad though but if it synergizes with Obliteration, that sounds like a pretty solid ability. This kinda supports my RI being better than FC for 2h a little bit though but they seem comparable now.

Such a shame you have to choose one or the other for 2h. :frowning:

See my post above

Poor IA and IT, they could be great with some (a lot of) tweaking, at least on par with CH. A faster stacking time for IA, a longer duration for IT, something to make CH not the only go to choice.

Funny thing is I use IT on my Goblin DK and only really use IA if I need a bit more damage in PvP because CH got damage nerfed by 70%. Because reasons.

Like I kinda wish IT gives a bit of haste instead of attack speed? I kinda wish IA works like Hatred from Path of Exile that only works for Obliterate? I really like IT and its synergy with FP with more trials on RA. But still, CH really overshadows it. :frowning:

EDIT: Oh and LOL Avalanche.

Fun fact, you get more KM procs with IT. Going to be interesting if CH or IT wins…

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Does it now? I thought KM is based on RPPM and IT doesn’t scale with that.

It’s not RPPM actually. I figured out that it’s based off the numbe of auto crits since last proc. Proc chance is 30 -> 60 -> 90 -> 100

If that’s true. I’ll be one happy DK player. Because I personally like IT.

Many guides like Icy Veins and Wowhead seem to underestimate IT as a first talent row.

If that’s false, oh well. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It’s implemented in sims and is currently (BFA) at roughly half of CH value.

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Ah, so that’s why it’s considered weak.

Still, I would take IT on more consistent damage Dks. I’m using CH on this guy because well… BIG CRIT DAMAGE.