Is it me, or are most of these changes god awful?
I think these are all positive changes for frost. They went the route to create two distinct playstyle instead of normalising 2h and dw to be exactly the same.
Yup, I am very happy. They are at least trying, that is a good start.
But the runeforge problem still exists…
For Frost? No, you’re right, they are. Blizzard took the easy route that’ll end up with 2H being much worse than DW again. Depends if the frost damage from KM scales with your Obliterate damage or if it’s just AP based. If it scales, then these changes aren’t trash.
It’s now not as easy as “DW is always better”. 2H can potentially have higher output for single target.
Maybe for the first raid tier. Doing more physical damage, when half your kit is Frost and boosts frost damage, is bad.
Important to remember that KM procs make Oblit do frost dmg. 2H Obliteration will be the way you do it and you’ll have significant amounts of frost damage there.
Frost buffs AND unholy buffs in the same build? Livin’ the dream!
Yeah these seem like great changes. Not understanding the cynicism off the bat
Not only that but the Soul Reaper change for Unholy. Like, why?
Edit: Didn’t see this: After 5 sec, if the target is below 35% health this effect will explode dealing an additional (156% of Attack power) Shadow damage to the target. If an enemy dies while afflicted gain Runic Corruption.

It’s now not as easy as “DW is always better”. 2H can potentially have higher output for single target.
Still, without razor ice, it will still do far less damage than dwing, no?

Important to remember that KM procs make Oblit do frost dmg.
I didn’t forget; that’s only relevant if it’s based off the Obliterate damage. If it’s just AP scaling, then it’s still bad for 2H.
My assumption here is that might of the frozen wastes will be incorporated in the crit. Anything else would just be weird.

I didn’t forget; that’s only relevant if it’s based off the Obliterate damage. If it’s just AP scaling, then it’s still bad for 2H.
In the PTR the passive states that DW gets the benefit of both weapons being used to perform FS and OBL as well as the ability to use a second runeforge, 2H benefits from 25% increased OBL dmg as well as an increase chance of auto attacks procing killing machine.
Seems like a good passive in theory. it allows for differing DW/2H playstyles and creates a tuning fork for each (buffing one side, doesnt nerf or buff the other). I don’t understand how anyone could be against that.
Edit: I would think that this change also buffs the effectiveness of Murderous Efficiency, Frostscythe, Ice Cap and Obliteration for 2H specifically
Way to go devs!
Really pumped for SL 2H frost.
Thanks to everyone who put in the time on beta to give all that the feedback too!
Happy to see some changes, finally!
Super stoked to see Soul Reaper coming back as our execute! Although I wish all specs were getting it, or at least Unholy + Frost.
Unholy strike is a nerf to wound gen so not sure how I feel about that as an answer to our GCD issues.
I was personally hoping for normalization on the Frost side, as opposed to the 2 different styles since that’s probably easier to balance, but we’ll see how this turns out.
Really hope this isn’t the last of the changes we’re going to see.
Yeah, I miss reaper. Would love to have that back rather than… DnD
So it does 10% more damage than a DW Obliterate, still based off of auto attack crits so the same problems still exist and its just a band aid.
So it has a little extra obliterate damage which is worse than the cata Might of the Frozen Wastes which was all melee damage and that didnt even really do anything.