One of the reasons classic was enjoyed besides of course the game was new back then but I really do think people liked the meaning the realm you were on mattered.
Best class of the realm and best guild of the realm were real things and it was fun to have that prestige like “ did you here the new mage in our raid came from cuz guild who was the best in our realm …”
It besides all that the really cool thing was social interaction was real and people talked all the time. But orher things like no scaling helped with this too.
I’d like an mmo that does scale to your character level. At least not out in the world. Or by default.
Think about it as Necromancy being derived from a sourced school like the other examples I gave you and it makes sense.
I’d like to point out that I’m explaining why fire magic presents differently between the classes, and that’s because they’re derived from specific sourcing.
Actually I couldn’t have better said it myself MMO genre is dead only wow is holding it together but barely agreeing with you because of personal experience of trying other MMOs like:AION,Lost Ark,ff14 and many others they all became pay2win microtransaction poop minus ff14 it’s a movie more then it’s a game they can’t compare to World of Warcraft it’s unique I always quit wow and come back there is sadly no other game like it believe or not.
That doesn’t exist. Mages have learned how to engage in Necromancy, but it’s not an actual Arcane school, since Death is its own cosmic force and therefore is the sourcing of Necromancy.
But fire magic isn’t a 1-1 comparison. The more apt comparison would be the light. Priests and paladins pull from the same source, but how they do it is entirely different.
The same ultimately applies to death knights and necromancers. A death knight is, quite literally, a dead knight. They are conjured and reanimated with necromancy and are thus imbued with it.
Necromancers, however, are not dead (and if they are, then they’re often considered a lich). They are humans who harness dark magic to do their bidding.
If you want a more WoW-centric comparison, you could look to demon hunters and warlocks, who use the same magic source, but demon hunters are imprinted with it, whereas warlocks channel it.
To me the biggest difference is that the dk is a product of necromancy because a necromancer raised them.
A “true” necromancer TO ME would be a mortal “witch” type character that studied the art until attaining the power over death for themselves (basically turning themselves into an immortal lich being their endgame) and then complete mastery over the undead.
My point is that Necromancy has generally been shown as specifically being related to Death magic. Death magic, to my knowledge, is the primary sourcing for Necromancy.
Death Knights being the product of Necromancy doesn’t change the fact that the Necromancy abilities they display are of the same varietal as that of an actual Necromancer. Simply a question of power levels and scope, since Death Knights are not narrowly set up as Necromancers, just with Necromancy as part of their total kit.
I don’t know why you think I’m arguing against Necromancers. I’m just speaking to how Death as a cosmic force has been presented in relation to Necromancy.
I understand that, but so are paladins to priests and demon hunters to warlocks.
The fact remains that there is space for necromancers to still exist in this space despite the existence of death knights. In fact, there are necromancers in WoW as NPCs, and some of the most notable boss fights throughout the game’s history were necromancers.