Microsoft VS Riot

I’ve been saying this for over 10 years but no I’m the dumb one xD hahaha it takes people to be bitten in the behind to realize this.

Even my best friend doesn’t take his time and enjoy the game he Speedruns everything then complains there is nothing to do and gets burned out he is not the one like me who enjoys the journey he wants it all now xD.

Sadly to answer you for both of these no and no.

My best friend has time but ADHD so short attention span xD.

They’re going to respond by releasing Tinkers.

Again, we could say FF14 is the best MMO ever made but still

They could make mobs hit harder with more hp. if you gather groups of mobs that you’re going end up dead. Back my days in TBC, if you want to heroic, you better know to CC otherwise the mobs will wipe the group

Wish they added necromancer class and no Death knights aren’t necromancers.

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Tinkers can reanimate undead using science Ala Frankenstein, now we can both fight for this together.

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Riot still exists?

So remove all trivial content?

meets every definition of “necromancer” I have ever seen.

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While I somewhat agree with you there at the same time I don’t like futuristic cyber punk style of it.

I want old school high fantasy necromancer like Xardas from Gothic franchise.

Frankenstein is considered the first modern fantasy book. And it takes place in the 1800s which is the past.

Nah, I mean like the ability to actually talk to someone who is near you with voice. I think it would be neat. I know it would come with risk but that’s what the ignore feature is for or you could opt out all together.

I use this feature in every game that offers it because it’s a fun and easy way to communicate in game.
New world and rust do this.
I’ve always believed that new world had a lot of potential but it doesn’t feel “fluid” enough to satisfy me.

I love this and hate you at the same time! Now my brain is spinning ways to have an engineering/tinker based class that has corpse animation and improvement capabilities. Kind of like Maldraxus on steroids but with Earthen mecha undead creations! Stone and minerals and metal and cogs and sprockets and steam and fire - oh my.

Dark steampunk vibes.

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They only have the #1 rated show on Netflix, the most popular strategy game, and LoL still has massive playerbase with a fresh season

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Wow you really have no idea what and who necromancers really are in the fantasy genre you guys are beyond hopeless on what necromancers are so I won’t try to explain to you.

No way you just said Dr.Frankenstein isn’t a necromancer lol. Hes like the OG necromancer

I was going to ask you to share your objective law on what a necromancer is.

But the issue is they arent the necromancers you want. Thats ok.

They still practice necromancy. Which is what makes someone a necromancer.


My version of necromancer would basically be a demo lock that summoned undead instead of demons.

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If I could send pictures and gifs I would perhaps I can link a YouTube video what a real necromancer is supposed to be.

Also ever heard of Kel thuzad?.

Exact my point!!! You got it.