Microsoft VS Riot

Riot has a strong IP and way better marketing

If they can make a good MMO it will be a slam dunk

The only issue is there hasn’t really been a great MMO since 2004… It’s not even clear what a modern new MMO should look like.

But either way competition will make Blizzard do better so it’s a win win either way

Wow has stood on top for 20 years and will continue to do so.

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As far as Riot.

10 months ago they made a release stating they were completely resetting their MMO development and may be going dark on it for several years.


High risk/high reward makes a lot of people act like jerks.

I think what we need is a grind that will progress a casual player just as much as a “hard core” one.

I keep going back to the mop cloak quest but it’s a great example of a slow grind that everyone can accomplish. It gives a great reward at the same ILVL as the “hard core” player.

Nobody felt left out because of this and it rewards players for their time.

You can grind high ilvl items, slowly, right now.

You can find a community and guild and be extremely social. Right now.

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Not really…

Lfg is flooded with the go go go now now now mentality due to the nature of keys.

It’s like finding a unicorn to find a chill raiding guild that doesn’t rage.

The casual aspect of the game needs some help because as it is now, the game is flooded with people who just want to get everything as fast as possible and expect perfection.

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Sure you can

Between the sirens isle ring and doing low m+ and being able to trade up crests.

You absolutely can.

If you don’t want the go-go atmosphere, be social and find a community and guild of like minded people. If so many people want this, it should be easy, no?

Is it?

I’ve been in a few guilds since Legion. Mostly AoTC with one or two pushing into mythic.

Zero of them raged.

People greatly over exaggerate the negatives of being in a raiding guild

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Maybe if you’ve only played one game since 2004 lol

Found one of the 8 GW2 players

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Strange deflection considering there’s another, much larger MMO you seem to have ignored lmao

This island can barely even be called content.

Luck…experiences may vary I guess. I’ve only been in 2 guilds I would describe as good in the sense I’m talking about and I haven’t found another since legion.

Been mostly a solo player since then except for PvP with my long time friend.

And what MMO is that? None have even come close to WoWs numbers.

Very small western audience, had a small moment in the sun when Blizzard almost killed the game in Shadowlands.

Wouldn’t really put it at Osrs or WoW tier, but sure you can argue FF14 is great. But the point still remains as it came out in 2010, essentially the same thing

But it gives a high ilvl items anyone can get.

I wouldn’t call it luck so much as being persistent.

When I look for a guild, I am fine with shopping around. Every time I have found one I liked, there were probably 4 or 5 I tried before that I felt I did not mesh with.

Judging by that it won’t ever happen might aswel wow be the last MMO at this point xD by your logic because most MMO games follow wow logic minus a few Asian MMOs like AION and lost ark.

Although I’ve noticed wow copies a lot of dungeon and raid mechanics and ideas from Aion which is not good because that MMO is the definition of hardcore difficulty due to mechanics although now it’s poop :poop: because it became pay2win clown fiesta.

That is subjective view because some of us want some kind of effort to be rewarded we aren’t asking to get rewarded with no effort just for example we want easier content and content to reward us for that particular difficulty we do and with the gear we get to be easier for us to do that content and stay in our lane as it were without being ridiculed for not being no life hardcorers.

Nobody is looking for glorified chatroom xD just medium chalange imho not hardcore chalange.

Can we just make content for both types of people is that hard to do???.

And thats why there hasnt been another breakthrough MMO.

You have easier content with rewards RIGHT NOW

You have exactly what you are asking for…right now.

And an extreme level of socialness, based on joining random people and chatting in game, via text.

There is more content for the non-hardcore player than anyone else. How does the content we have right now not qualify as exactly what you want?

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Speed run has becoming a problem. Everyone consumed content much faster and ends up quitting because they’re bored with the game. Now you can see why blizzard like to gated some of their content.


What is a reasonable suggestion to stop speed running?

Who said anything about WoW’s numbers? The conversation was about good games lol

Cute that you think that lmao

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Do you mean the ability to just chat with people near you in game? Like /say "can you help me with this quest?". That has been in game since release.

Go read the investor reports. Modern Blizzard has never NOT been profitable. I have no idea why you think it was, or is, operating at a loss. That is all public data released quarterly for investors. It is only a question of how much profit it makes each quarter.

Yeah… Riot has one of the biggest companies in the world that owns it, and most of GGG (Path of Exile). Not sure I want to play an MMO by Tencent. I also don’t know that gaming trends support the in-depth and time consuming nature of MMOs anymore. Do people have that kind of attention span and time?