Microsoft moves forward

Thoughts on the Microsoft ruling? What do yall think this will mean for PvP in the next few years? More neglect or will this finally breathe life and attention into this pillar of content? Personally I’m pretty hopeful.

Also, ouch:

PvP is a net negative to WoW's PvE - #19 by Shmooboo-tichondrius

PvP feels a lot bigger than it actually is until you step away for a little bit and interact with the rest of the player base. I know it’s a meme to compare it to archeology but it feels pretty bad when other players literally and unironically see it as being in the same boat.

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i think it doesn’t matter if i just share some of my life it could get me banned. figure its the same all over.

Likely little to nothing.

I don’t think pvp has any impact on pve especially with different knobs for both so I can’t understand how pve’ers would complain


moving is rough, otherwise i would pve

Ignorance is a helluva a drug. And that drug is heavy outside of PvP. Maybe a little heavy here too but still.

and it certainly isn’t free

Can’t wait to buy master chief plate transmog from the shop


who knows tbh? as consumers all we can really do is wait and see and share our opinion through the use of our wallets.

Ya you love to use your wallet in this game huh?


or the creative part of our brain as well.

well yes i do. if i didn’t i wouldn’t be subbed to the game.

actually true.

honestly without friends, reparing would be an issue. so yeah i think if push came to shove.

Smart companies generally don’t interfere with successful companies they purchase so it probably means nothing for WoW.

ur super close to 10k yo. thats squared away

Thank you, my family is very proud.

See now we’re talking the same language. Were you in the military?

11b, got cib in ramadi in 2004. indeed homie.

OK nice I was 19d in Iraq 2003 /respect

so yeah i was at combat outpost in ramadi.

same homie.