PvP is a net negative to WoW's PvE

Bingo. /10char


Yea, PvP is really the cause of any problem wow has

Some of us absolutely did. But the issue was never PvP. It’s just a poor Blizz excuse for being too lazy to update it.

False. Moving on.

And yet some of us did. Amazing how there are different people out there. :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly this. If they were really worried about visual queues in pvp they would do something to differentiate power word barrier in arenas. Is that a friendly power word barrier or enemy one? Better know what the tooltip icon looks like and see who has it.

It’s the same lame reason that there’s no archaeology profession.

Blizzard: “we don’t think that archaeology is fun or engaging like we want it to be so we omitted it from this expansion’s release”.

More likely they didn’t have time to even make the same archaeology for DF that exists in previous expansions. There’s no real reason to omit archaeology as it was, especially given how much archaeology there is in this expansion.

Otherwise why do we still have the same fishing profession? Does that mean fishing is perfectly fun and engaging from blizzard’s perspective? More likely it’s fishing took no effort and tuskar rep would be odd without it.

Same with why dracthyr don’t have actual armor models like pretty much everyone else. Blizzard would have to go through every model in the game to make sure it fit onto a totally new character model that has wings.

There’s an argument to me made that while DF does so much right, the cost is at a lower quality than what previous expansions provided for certain game systems.


Meanwhile, we’re looking around going “Oh yeah… that demon. Huh. Ok.”

There are like 5 people still pvp’ing… I don’t think pvp has the pull over devs you think it has lol

Hmm. Ok, I guess I can see this, especially after the comment they made about PvPers not knowing how to find a vendor.

There’s no way the OP, who has Honor Level 1, less than 1k posts and 60 achievement points doesn’t know that.

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non sacced observer was bad anyways cause it was ranged and therefore less consistent at spell locking and purging

Nah, they just thought it was an eyesore and wanted felhunters to look like felhunters.

there is PvP balance / tunning once every 2 months, I think you should probably find something else to blame


It’s kind of sad people think this. PvP is 100% beholden to PvE. PvP is broken time and time again because PvE always comes first. PvP is constantly adapting to what PvE throws at it. The introduction of M+ and the massive amount of moving in PvE has really changed PvP.

Before this game was even launched, they promoted the world PvP between the factions. It was a huge selling point. PvP servers were some of the most popular on launch. While there is some distinction between all the different flavors of PvP, it’s still an integral part of the game experience.

As far as class fantasy, PvP isn’t doing ANYTHING to how class fantasy is built. This makes no sense. Again, PvP is dealt whatever hand that PvE gives it… then adapts.

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So popular that nearly everyone became lopsided.

Sadly enough WoW isn’t the only game that have been screwed over the by the shared pve/pvp system. Most other mmo’s especially those copying wow has it too…

Wasn’t even that long ago FFXIV gave up and straight up gave all classes a completely distinct pvp setup.

Just sounds like you have a misunderstanding of PvP and its affect on the game.

I have done both and PvP has always taken a back seat to the needs of PvE. Everything you’re bringing up is anecdotal and mostly unfounded. But hey, guess I can’t expect much of level 10 alts.

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Oh i’ve been around for a while.
And it’s always the same song and dance. Something is fun in pve but broken in pvp… Gutted.
Every… Damn… Time.

Yet they added a ton of new models including to the Felhunter. So uhh… idk about that one.

But you’re wrong. PvP doesn’t drive this game. They aren’t designing PvE around a small segment of the game. More than anything, M+ has been the prevailing driver of changes. M+ has driven the mobility, the CC, utility, defensives, healing, etc. and that has all led to homogenization.

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I lovevpvp. I’m a little more competitive than I should be.

Video game

If I had a nickel for every time I wasted an external on an observer because I mistook it for a shaman…

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This is why we need pvp power back. I want to unexcusably mop the floor with pvers in open world after reading this post. We legit get shafted every time and this dudes mad his beholder is going away for one of the other 19 demons