Microsoft moves forward

GAME PASS finally a real company will take over.

RIP mac users

This is a great thing imo. Blizzard (not Activision) will finally have some creative control as the parent company stock value isn’t solely reliable upon 2-3 IPs, wow being one of them.

WoW will be a small fraction of the stock value, with relatively the budget it currently gets. I can see the creativity and fully fleshed game coming in the future.

No more needing a xpac released every couple of years, no more needing releasing of xpacs and patches to artificially inflate quarter earnings of the parent company. No more releasing beta as production. Without the Activision overhead, we might actually see more quality development come back to the game.

One can hope at least. We will see how Microsoft handles the acquisition and redistribution of resources.


I don’t want to see Apple/Microsoft divide up game titles like Streaming Services divide up tv shows.

I.e. You can only play games ABC on PC or Microsoft-affiliated consoles and games XYZ on Mac or Apple-affiliated consoles.

This already happens, I can’t play WoW on playstation.

Don’t listen to Sony, Microsoft has not only promised to keep the Activision titles on their current platforms for the next 10 years, but also is expanding the platforms like Nintendo switch. Sony is full of sh… and they are just trying to prevent stronger competition in a market they dominate. Understandably so BTW, but hey that’s capitalism.

have you seen Blizzard poll for most loved aspect of the game? PvP in DF is almost same as M+ and both of those are far away compared to anything else

anyone who thinks PvP is a mini game is just trolling


Totally agree with you, I personally have a couple of dev’s friends that work for Microsoft and they also play WoW and many from their team @ MS already negotiated transitions into WoW. The vibe is that MS actually cares about the game.

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Absolutely massive if true. I feel like I’m currently snorting copium tho

if they hire more than 5 people instead of trying to do it with the bare minimum it will mean a lot

if they’re more just the minimum effort for max profit guys though it will mean nothing


poor Wrath the much talked about expansion =(

i think wow pvp could be absolutely huge if done right

the real problem is theres no way to just download the game and play pvp

u gotta donwload game, level to 10… then u get stomped by twink hunters from level 10-70

then once u get 70 u gotta grind out a full honor and conq set etc . gotta farm the tier bonuses etc

its like… damn… people just wanna play

i know its an mmo… but where is the rule that says MMo cant also have a quick play mode? at least for newcomers/ people who wanna try

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that poll is a terrible way to parse what the actual player base is doing and it doesn’t specify which kind of PvP

random BGs have always been and will always be the most popular form of PvP in this game so if we infer that the vast majority of that 16% voted because of random BGs, then it’s fair to say ranked PvP is a mini game

and given random BGs don’t actually provide a significant reward, nor does it dictate balance in any way, it’s all just a mini game


i hope they make pvp way more accessible.

think about it… for a new player (brand new)… this is how it goes

  • download game, log in
  • find out you cant even do any pvp at all until level 10
  • kill boars do boring quests until lvl 10
  • enter bg finally
  • get wrcked 1 shot all game by hunter twinks
  • keep getting wrecked by hunter twinks until level 70
  • once u get lvl 70 u find out you have a lot more grinding to do
  • grind out honor set and conq set
  • grind out tier bonuses
  • craft embelish gear

its just so daunting to a new player

i know its an mmo and all but jeesh… make the game playable dangit lol

its just so bad for a new player. with this current model i wouldnt be suprised if 90% of new players just quit and never came back.

this impression of lopsided garbage pvp is what they get… why would they wanna stick around?

more games coming to my game pass library. I’m happy

Well, that’s just the game. Nobody is signing in and popping right into a raid or key.

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Exactly. When you develop something that is profitable (make no mistake the shop helps keep it profitable), but is not remotely close to the most profitable product the company offers, they can and will invest resources into the product while giving it the time it needs to be QA’d before pushing it into production.

On the other hand, when your quarterly profits are dependent on one of two products, you push those two products as often and as much as possible to inflate your quarterly profits.

I see the merger as nothing short of a win for Blizzard and WoW fans. But time will tell.

mind sharing your data source?

i’m not sure if that data is even available, but i can assure you that any form of content that requires 10-40 people that has 5 minute or less que times only has that because it’s insanely popular

the only form of PvP that may be more popular is wPvP which is impossible to measure

i’m curious- what do you think the most popular form of PvP is? you surely have an answer if you’re wanting “data” to prove something that is almost certainly true

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Where’s my new BG map blizzard???

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well how can you be so sure about this, it looks like a statement to me

mhm lets ponder on this a bit because i think you have a strong argument in there. you get an instant queue for SS if you’re a healer, doesnt matter what time it is. But the thing with SS is that its got a fixed structure - 2 healers, 4 DPS… a random bg doesnt not require a specific format, multiple cases of people going 10 dps vs 4 healers 6 dps and getting smashed.

do you think that removing the healer requirement from SS would offer dps players only instant queues(not 5 minutes) ?

the data i have is from Blizzard’s polls, they tend to make polls like this from time to time, sadly quite rare as the last one i recall was like 2 years ago and PvP was way lower compared to what it was in the latest. so my belief would be that people really love solo shuffle, i guess its easy to play without socializing much(guess this is the future for gaming).

another thing is it seems like blizzard keeps adding new arenas, however they do not add new BG’s so i guess they use their internal data to make decisions, who knows right? maybe yes, maybe no.

Random bgs are by far the most popular pvp game mode