Microsoft Lays Off 1900

The way I interpreted their message was that 22,000 employees make up all of Microsoft’s gaming division, which I thought Blizzard employees would fall under, now.

Do we know what percentage of Activision Blizzard employees were laid off? That sounds like a ton of people.

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hmm, no, i don’t believe i said anything like that!

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Good, the “leader” of WoW shouldn’t be out there selling carries, imo.

They’re part of the problem.


that Blizzard Entertainment Survival Game Development Cancelled too

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Mafic hates Blizzard so anything negative for them he’s going to celebrate.


You’re right, he should have just used his Blizz cheat codes to give himself enough gold to fund his raid’s repairs and expendables…/s

This is a silly thing to complain about because, believe it or not, raiding costs a lot of gold and selling carries is the most effective way for a raid to make it.


Apparently it was going to be called “Odyssey” according to Jason Schreier

With how Diablo 4 went. It’s prob a good thing they canceled that survival game. It was probably trash.


To many newbies on it.

Meanwhile I’m not expecting MS to either be the savior or the death of WoW.

Pack it in. WoW’s dead. Microsoft killed it.


The video game industry at large is in a big contraction at the moment. Then you’ve got Embracer Group which is apparently straight up barreling towards bankruptcy as they’re engaged in endless layoffs and studio closures. Honestly Embracer Group probably is bankrupt and they just don’t know it yet.


Selling carries is lame, no matter how you paint it.

I sure wish I could fork up money for WoWtoken so I could by Mythic AoTC. /s

And being done by the WoW lead just makes WoW look even more pathetic as a game.

Dude might as well be out here asking for credit card numbers.

I miss when people played WoW as a game, not as a money scheme.


How did Diablo 4 go? It sold over 10 million copies and broke Blizzard sales records…which by most measures is a success.


Having been one who has had this happen to me 2xs in my life, in red states with almost no safety net. People survive If you live in CA they might not even notice

Its not about the stocks going up a penny, sometimes its to keep the company profitable enough to stay in business - as one of my layoffs was as the company went under. I for one would prefer Blizzard to exist and keep creating games as long as they can vs maybe getting a year or 2 more before being shut down completely

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Yeah while I’m a fan of him, not sure if that is the case… one human can only do so much.

We will see how well expansions do compared to the 10m sales.

Keep holding onto that being a “success”

One look at the forums tells you how bad it is.


I wonder if some of the writers were given the pink slip?

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Diablo was a success lol. Your youtube driven review bombing and “boycott” is not relevant to blizzard they made their money


I wonder how many of those were refunded.

The game is dead AF now. You’re welcome to go buy it and play with no one.

Or if you already have it you can go troll their forums instead like you do here.

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