Microsoft Lays Off 1900

im pretty sure it will :thinking:
i mean it doesn’t make sense to fire people that do the job right, right?

Can’t wait to play World of Eldercraft. Argonian chars will be all over Goldshire.


Come to think of it, don’t Dracthyr look a lot like Argonians?

Khajiit Druids gonna be OP

Because he followed suite of what the players were doing?

One day players will take accountability for what they have screwed in this game.

Going to be a 4th time.

I’ve found that they really don’t bother. They will just wait it out however long it takes to restructure and once they do they cut.

Background for me is I head up automation for test and full stack services. This has been my job title for more than 15 years. So I’ve done this a few times. You create something of perceived value to your employer. So you can name your price. WFH, bonuses, pay increases, etc.

Then your boss retires and/or new owners take over. These new guys don’t like you or worse they don’t even know who you are. Now your job goes to a body shop in another state. You can watch the company burn from afar. The people who bought the company sell it and it just gets handed off from one unknowing loser after another until its shuttered for good. They don’t care who did your job better. At a macro level it doesn’t even matter.

This is life in tech and why you don’t lean too hard on any given job.


Probably should’ve been better at their jobs


What will their travel form be? cats?

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Well it is a complicated matter.

Standard of living and purchasing power of the US dollar in the US has decreased the last 50 years which is why younger generations like gen Z will have a harder time buying homes like older generations like Boomers, GenX and older millennials. But the US dollar remains strong outside of the US so this is what causes the problem.

Until the US dollar loses its leverage outside of the US it can not be fixed to have beneficial purchasing power once more for the average US middle class family.

Current wages/salaries are definitely not proportional to cost of housing/new cars.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Are they firing and replacing or just firing?

Lets not sit here and pretend the existing Blizzard staff did a great job.

But if its simply MS cannibalizing Activision for its assets and winding down the man-power, yes its a bad sign.

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it absolutely does.

Removing the talentless to hire the talent


Hopefully they divert all resources to SoD and abandon retail.

Retail doesn’t need more resources.

Retail needs better focus on things that matter. For example bug fixes and more balance tuning.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It’s a dice roll. Every time you take travel form it’s one of the like 10 different forms a Khajiit can be born as

It’s not so much the way dollars are handled overseas or how bonds are issued.

For example during the pandemic it was confirmed that corporations were charging double the rate of inflation. So the squeeze people were feeling was indeed half because the corporations were just charging more for everything.

Then you have the problem of people just wanting limited urban or suburban housing. I went rural in 2012 and never looked back. Never will either. My home was a whopping 92,000 USD on what I was then making which was 70k / yr.

Anytime you are chasing a limited amount of something you’re going to be paying more. As a rule I don’t chase anything. I go for what I can afford. Sometimes I do chase but it depends on what it is. Good clothes yes. Good car yes (I shouldn’t do this). But no way am I paying half a million dollars for a house.

Back last year I had a choice of a 10,000 dollar 2013 Cadillac CTS which had about 80k miles on it. I opted for the 30k 2016 Cadillac ATS with 29k miles on it. Point here is my cheap house offsets the cost of the car. My entire monthly leverage is under 2k a month on a near six figure income. Meaning I’m well under half.

If I made 30k a year I would not pay a car payment and I would not own a mortgage. Nope. I would be buying staple foods for nutrition only. I would have a 30 dollar phone plan not a 100 dollar one. Same goes for clothes. Just whatever can be afforded in the 50/50 plan.

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It’s cute that you think that a smaller, pared-down, mostly likely less-funded staff would focus on quaint little side projects like SoD, Hardcore servers and Classic as a whole to keep niches of the player base occupied instead of funneling everyone into the main retail version of their product.

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Kekw, imagine touching Retail when they just don’t give a f about SoD.

It sucks i feel bad for all blizz employees

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Who cares? :yawning_face:

Then disagrees with the take.