Method say Blizzard Do - A Mythic + Rant

Then dont do it. Dont bother trying for the mythic mount it offers that you cant get anywhere else.

And the mythic guilds that farm it sell it for tons of gold to cover their costs dont have to sell it.

If I play this game more serious than you and more than you. You should never come close to my power of level. Is that such a hard concept for your brain to wrap around?

Also I am pretty sure the top mythic + players arent complaining their gear is capped…

Only the wannabe mythic raiders are crying about the gear… and maybe Method but who actually cares about them.

Edit: they wear an ugly brown and orange bowling looking shirt… yikes, hire a fashion consultant. I know they are pro gamers but get some style.

What makes you believe people don’t understand your position? We do understand. We just disagree, as do the developers or we wouldn’t be in this position right now. You do not deserve an arbitrary leg up in every other aspect of the game simply because you do mythic raiding. Unless you’re advocating for mythic raid gear only being better than other gear inside raid instances we’re not going to agree. And since they don’t want that to happen the only solution is to crunch the ilvl gap from top to bottom like they’ve done. They haven’t told us the philosophy they design by but we can see it as clear as day, they don’t feel that, as you said, “you should never come close to my power of level”. And that’s a great thing. There should be a difference which there is. But it shouldn’t be egregious. If you’re looking for a different power paradigm perhaps try Classic when it launches next month. Because retail WoW isn’t that anymore.

Wait, this is a thing?

As an ex-Heroic raider: AWESOME.

Sorry, but relatively painless 5-man content with no lockout shouldn’t be rewarding better loot than Heroic Raiding.


Quick question, if it’s “mindless” and “painless” why are not doing keys in time?

I see alot of "mindless and “painless” failed keys under your belt ;).


Interesting. No, the gear discussion is at 420+ because, and this was your argument, “you only need a 420 to average with your 410.” That was your response to my explanation that actually reaching 415 equipped takes a long time. You presented your best geared toon as an example. That person mostly had 410 gear.

So, when you’re whining about loot drops its so easy to gear up through m+ on account of all the 415s falling from the sky. Yet, when we look at your character you only have 410s and me talking about 420s that it would take to actually bring you up to 415 is too hard!

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You don’t have to time a 10 to get the 400 ilvl drops and 410 ilvl weekly chest.

I never said mindless. I said painless. I don’t consider a “failed” key that took an extra few minutes “painful”. It only becomes painful if the group is clearly unprepared and requires waiting on major cooldowns / Heroism to make it through.

Whereas a “failed” progression night in a raid means 0% chance at loot.

Leave it to casuals to chase gear and nothing else and call something other people work hard at and try and achieve something more than just gear, “mindless” and “painless”.

The only thing hard about raiding, especially heroic, is putting together a group. Stop acting like heroic raiding is “hard”.

…and let’s be real, you failed those keys because you need to have a brain and it was painful. A half hour over in King’s Rest? That’s painful. Lul.


method also runs or works for wow head and remember when limit got to mythic jaina first and then it took a few days for method to get there then when method got there they nerfed the boss…

there is much bias with blizzard and method.thats why i dont care for world first or mdi.

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If we wanna be real:

The difficulty of Mythic+10 and Heroic Raiding depends entirely on the group present.

Can you find a strong pug with high requirements that steamrolls 80% of a raid and does well for that last 20% too? Yeah.

Can you find a weak pug that can’t get past the first boss in a raid and partially disbands 4 times in a row before you get to continue? Also yeah.

Same deal for Mythic+, but it’s easier to find 5 strong players than 20 strong players.

There’s also the major difference of progression raiding vs farm raiding. It’s unfair to only use the difficulty of farm content in the comparison. The fact that Raiding actually has some measure of progression to be had should play a factor in its reward scheme.


That’s what you’re hung up on.

I’m pointing out that running 10s all day would require the same time commitment as a raid.

If people are running this mythics all day as their gameplay there isn’t and justification to deny them mythic gear. They are, after all, running mythic content.

The problem here is you are presenting this to the community that casuals just hop on for a run once per week and have mythic loot rewarded for no reason. Of course that’s going to raise some eyebrows, but it’s built on your lies. You similarly lie when you mischaracterize how easily it is to gear up from the runs themselves (which are capped at 400). Yeah, they can forge too but the levels are lower and loot is scarce.

Some people are doing that at the end of season, which is no big deal because the season is over. But that really is the only realistic way one person in a group gets a bunch of loot from a single run. This was changed ages ago.

Lastly, the best evidence is your own character. You’ve pulled out three of your toons, someone else posted two, and that was followed by another three toons from a third player. How is it, with all this mythic loot problems, that literally none of your toons are mythic raid ready? The highest ilvl was 416 lmao. The most hilarious part is that all of your and their best pieces came from raiding. Between the three of you, across no less than 8 toons, you guys got 5…freaking five…total pieces that proc’ed higher than 410.

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If I bust my butt to get a 16 done one week not only for myself but everyone in my group, for a chance to get a 15 for a cheevo we are trying to get and it just happens by the grace of the rng gods to be the key we need and we go in and fail, it’s over, we are locked out, that key is done.

Try and see the bigger picture instead of living in your little bubble. Not everyone is chasing gear. Especially people who enjoy pushing limits and keys, we are not the same as those of you gear chasing and failing keys with no care because we are still getting our precious gear we aren’t working for.

You PROGRESS IN KEYS TOO, HELLLOOOO! You don’t make yourself look educated on the subject!!!"

Your key doesn’t start off at a 10 silly, you push it and progress it and it gets harder.

Does your raid get harder and more difficult? Naw. It caps out, keys don’t. Just stop it, or do some research and realize there are more than just people like you playing keys.

If you don’t see a problem, you won’t and there is no convincing you because you don’t and never will do the content you are talking about. Ever.


This thread is specifically talking about the top end gear rewards from the Mythic+ weekly chest being reduced, which means this thread is specifically about Mythic+10 at best.

Is there progression at higher keys? Yeah.

Is there progression beyond “do I have the gear for this?” for M1-10? Not really.

At no point was I talking about +15 and +16, which is an entirely different beast.

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You do realize a 10 is currently the equiv of a 13-14 key in legion right?

So is it a power creep problem or did everyone suddenly get amazing at mythic + ?

Cause a current 15 would be an 18-19 in legion and those keys were ruthless. Especially if you got HoV.

Edit: also doesnt help the clowns complaining about it created an addon/tool that maps out mythic + routes.

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I have been doing keys since keys were a thing. Go and pug yourself an 11 right now, heal it, come back and tell me how “easy” and “brainless” it was, actually try. You think this new affix is gonna be easy, lol! I know how they have changed and I know they aren’t what you say. The majority of the player base struggle to even do keys, the change is stupid.

You play the game how you want and let everyone else do the same. It shouldn’t even be an issue. If you are literally worried that Jo Blo got a 410 piece of gear from their chest and shouldn’t have because you raid, you are wrong. End of story.

If you don’t want people to be getting these mythic or heroic level gear from mindless content we should throw in taking out WQ, Warfronts, all of it, people running around with 420 TF gear from that mindless and brainless content.

Not everyone raids and whether you want to believe it or not 10’s are hard for most and people ARE TRYING! It’s to easy to look almost everyone on these forums up and see they can’t put their money where their mouths are and the people this change effects aren’t even on these forums. They are off doing their brainless content.


Yeah method also created an addon that maps out routes and %… and they wonder why more people are completing it? You just spoon fed everyone that uses the app on how to run the dungeon…

But hey they wont complain about the revenue from their addon.

Really, the proper way to have done Mythic would have been to actually expand the dungeon. Ironically, RIFT had this concept down pretty well on the handful of “Master” dungeons they had before they abandoned the idea after only doing 2 I think. Basically, your normal dungeon might have had 5 bosses. On Expert (Heroic), there was 6th boss, say in a previously empty area or an area that opened up after defeating what was the last boss on normal. Then if the dungeon had Master, there was yet another boss or two; IIRC one dungeon had 2 parts that were combined into one on Master (think your BRD style mega dungeon).

That’s how you do a higher end dungeon. This treadmill speedrun through the dungeon to speedrun through the same dungeon but everything hits harder is lazy. The speedrun especially is disgusting because it encourages people to treat all modes of the dungeon as though it was Mythic and try to speedrun through everything, resulting in people being careless.

Terrible, terrible idea.

Mythic + is fun for some, and boring, repetitive, and lazy development design to others. But there is no way it should reward to Mythic raiding levels regardless. Everything in the game doesn’t have to give bis gear.

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You don’t even make sense, get out of here with that mindset.

You are pretty much saying, in the real world, if you work hard and developed your skills sets for a high paying job, you don’t deserve the money that it is being paid to you because someone working a minimum wage should earn just as much over time. LOL. OKAY.

And no, mythic + is the closest anyone has gotten to mythic raiding gear of level, nobody should get there unless you work for it.

Why is it so F - ING hard for some of you people in this damn forums to understand the simple concept of working X and getting Y with equivalent effort. Why do you feel the need to be standing next to mythic raiders and doing half the work?

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