Method say Blizzard Do - A Mythic + Rant

Could not be further from the truth.

Crush Mythic+? That’s a little hyperbolic isn’t is? Even with a lower max iLevel Mythic Plus would still have no loot lockout, still have far less organization required and still be much faster to complete.

I’d prefer they leave Mythic Plus alone but make Raiding more attractive. Tier Sets, the best Trinkets and dumping Warforging would start to equalize things.

I’d like to see trinkets or other gear buffs that are raid specific, and I don’t mean “this specific raid” gimmicks, that are meaningless once the next raid tier hits. I mean things that are designed to work with groups of ten or more, that will carry forward until replaced by something better. There are a lot of things they could do to make raid gear more attractive to players who raid, without needing to nerf gear from other sources. The devs just need to get out of this rut they’re in and be a little creative.

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This is my biggest issue with BFA right now.
Zero transmogs. Every single piece of gear this expansion has looked like trash, besides a couple here and there.
I have zero reason to do Mythic+ now next season, since it’s going to reward nothing, essentially.

Blizzard pretty much ignores method or any mythic raider in general :rofl:

Yeah for sure. Raiding was neglected badly.

I think people pushing 25 level keys should be rewarded accordingly too.

For the sake stopping more misinformation and despair, keep the following in mind:

July 16 is the opening of mythic Eternal Palace. It is also the date of the first S3-increased item level Grand Bounty chest. So when S3 drops on the 9th, the chest you open that day should still be a 410 item level piece.

Don’t panic!
This is by design.

This is a straight up lie, I’ve been playing again since the beginning of June from 373 Ilvl and I have not been barred from content. Who is barring you from raids or m+??

Now that I really think about it, I think they should put a timer on mythic raids. See if that doesn’t put the elitist jerks in their place.

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So you complain that you want time to play your alts but then also complain that you don’t want to wait for lockouts? You’re such a no-life activist that you just got caught lying out of both sides of your mouth strictly to antagonize and get people worked up over a video game.

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Piss off 2 million people for the feelings of a few thousand
 Just start calling them “Tone Def Blizzard”.

They’re caring now since it’s actually hurting them in the wallets. Next expansion is their last bet.

Thats the best you could up with?

Go back and re-read the thread and try again.

You argued both points did you not?

This is the wrong way to go with this. Imho high keys and Mythic raiding should be the same or at least close in ilvl, but Raid gear should have spec defining set bonuses to differentiate the two forms of end game content.

There is one. It’s called the Enrage timer. Seem like they’re already in their place :man_shrugging:

Mythic Plus has been one of the few things in BFA that has been consistently a lot of fun. This is a disappointing change.

Honestly speaking, the weekly chest never needed to be higher in the first place. In a game where getting gear is not supposed to be guaranteed, having a guaranteed reward each week should have been good enough.

That being said the scaling and level of rewards should be more appropriate anyway, I don’t see why the rewards we were seeing from the cache couldn’t be equivalent to the standard +15 reward or similar.

Allow gear to scale higher from the content and then keep cache at the content reward level.
Or plateau the dungeon rewards at +10 still but allow the cache rewards to continue scaling to +15

It’s always going to be a system that is unfortunately marred by being a constantly accessible RNG slot machine, and because of that Blizzard will continue to design rewards around that. (See > +10 rewards adding “more chance for loot for more chance to forge”)

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Let’s not kid ourselves. Mythic raiding takes a ton more commitment and work than a simple 10+ key every week. That felt like a terrible unrewarding system.

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Sorry you cant tell sarcasm and only select bits and pieces to pretend I am arguing for a cause.

There is nothing wrong with mythic +. Raiding got the shaft this xpac. The trinkets were garbage and removal of tier was a huge negative impact. Azerite is trash and we all know that. They need to fix raid gear, not lock up and lower mythic +.

This is all fake news and a none issue.

Also your precious mythic gear is already obsolete. A no lifer could farm mana pearls for 2 weeks straight and have a lot of 425 gear.

What exactly are you fighting for? This patch will be obsolete in 6 months like every other patch before it.

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