Message for Dozer

That’s because it is weird. Bank isn’t a proper noun. Terrible analogy.

Why would you say “I parked my boat at the Marine” instead of lower case then? I think if anything you just proved my point

You either don’t know what a proper noun is, or don’t know what a Marine is. Or I’m being trolled which is obviously entirely possible considering.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

im a celebraty!

I don’t thing you know what a lower case marine is

Cortisolx didn’t reference one so…?

We’re Marines the ones that had them sissy 7 month deployments back in the day, just barely longer than the chair force? :joy:

Love, Army.

Am I the only one who’s actually starting to like the Flithrons? Specially when they answer each other.


7 months? Lol no. Brothers have been in country for years during the right times. There’s MAGTFs and MEUs and all sorts of different mobilizations. Last time I went to an army base they sang more than anything. It was like the boy scouts :).

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that’s crazy for how much the marines spent the last 21 years trying to be another, smaller army

We don’t try to be anything. They had a chance to disband us and choose not to because they want us. :slight_smile: I’m glad you guys finally are attempting a second physical test though! Maybe soon they’ll have you fire at moving targets at ranges :yum:

been there and done that overseas but have fun in garrison i guess

:joy: uh huh. There it is.

you know actually, i do feel sorry for the marines

you guys have to deal with the georgians and i wouldnt wish that evil on anyone

All the s___ work goes to us.

no one else is more qualified than marines to have discourse with protorussian grumblers from the 14th century who’s entire economy runs on potatos

edit ya’ll do need a bigger budget tho tbh

7 months generally because we actually do work :wink:

-former Infantry grunt who spent too much time in both sandboxes

Edit: jokes aside thanks to each for serving :slight_smile:

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So you bought a switch to Horde AND a carry?

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Absolutely, big thanks to all the vets :slightly_smiling_face:

Thread kind of turned interesting. I believe something like 1% of the U.S. population serve in the military. Yet there seems to be a fairly large number of vets, or current serving, who play WoW. At least in PVP, to my knowledge.

Which would really inflate the population that has served if only referring to WoW players. Wonder if there’s something about WoW that appeals to the same type of person who enlists, or if it’s just coincidental?

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