Message for Dozer

And the circumstances here indicate that you are…

So you’re a marine I see

I remember that part of the debate! Fitting that you would use a gif of someone incorrectly calling someone else wrong! I think we’re done here :clown_face:

Again factually incorrect. Keep reading that

This thread has far fewer emojis than I expected.

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Mikey ain’t gonna like that



Here’s my counter argument to that. Do you have proof he didn’t?..

Yes, he told me.

Oof :cold_face: :cold_face:

we have found Dozer’s Flithron


Oof someone failed investigative techniques 101


Weird I’ve heard multiple people say other wise… :sweat_smile: :cold_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face:

Oof, cite you’re sources?


Scroll up maybe? Or go to any other dozer thread lol…

Those emojis are more then adequate


They just don’t want to see my boy Doze succeed


You’d best capitalize Marine :triumph::crayon:


Don’t you only capitalize it if it’s part of the formal name? Like the Marine di Portofino in Italy?

No. /10 char

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Weird. I never capitalize building names unless their the formal name.

“Let’s go to the Bank” just looks weird

Sorry papi Marine :kissing_heart:

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