Message for Dozer

I actually remember soldiers doing dabs and singing on their way to the chow hall in formation as a unit when I was at ft Lee

Like a 100 solders doing dabs… in unison…

This is factual lol. I’ve been to Lee twice. It’s exactly like that :joy:

I packed mine up because it felt like we defeated the original.

As long as either Biebz Flithron or Dozer Flithron are around, we still have work to do. Hard to decide which of those two are worse

True, notice when dozer goes in the naughty corner and has a time out both a certain Flithron and bloomsday goes missing.

i’d joke that we’re masochists or some deployments could be mini covid but i also don’t think most people understand the military is filled with nerds

My first mtg deck was from playing with my unit in between combat missions and my first DND game ever was with two SFOD-D dudes and their kids so it seems partially wide spread at the least

I’ve seen a swarm of Majors shut down the Ft Hood popeyes for a WoW LAN party basically

edit honestly you have military intelligence which is filled with gamer A-words and you have combat units which are on one or the other side of the smart spectrum - for some reason there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground in combat units and you have either the brightest or absolute dumbest numerous low iq ppl but you’ll step on bombs and make ur best friends for life they said!!! and to be fair i’ve played this game too long since wc2 so i played before and during and after my military career

my friend likes to bring up the time we were doing 2s in wod and we started taking mortar fire and freaked out his discord