Merge Judgement and HoW?

I thought the issue is GCD usage?
If you’re using it the same amount, but it’ll be more inconvenient now due to increased CD, then it would make gameplay worse, because it wouldn’t be readily available when needed.

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On the beta with 11% haste, you are GCD capped without ever pressing HoW. Assuming you are playing Templar Strikes.

Huh? What do you mean won’t be ready when needed?

Since you said increase its dmg but also its cooldown… so if we go from 6 sec to 12 sec for example, it may probably cause dead gcd to come back. I’m not into that.

For example now with my AOE spec for m+, on bosses with Crusader Strikes i sometimes have dead GCD’s, it’s also because i don’t have Vanguard’s Momentum in that spec for 2X HoW.
Increasing its cd would make it even worse.

That wouldn’t be much of a starve especially if you run TS. Keep in mind we fill in the gaps with aow procs and FV/ds

I don’t think TS is going to overtake Crusading Strikes in the end, so we’d end up with even more dead GCD’s, TS isn’t something we should rely on as long as autoCS exists.

This is just my opinion, ideally they’d delete autoCS and then we can see how the gameplay looks like with normal CS or TS.
I’m also up for straight up increasing HoW dmg, to become prio 1 - if not HP capped, but not its cooldown.

we already saw how the gameplay is with TS as is right now. clunky extremely clunk with one boj. ts should return to its place as filler aka the last in priority. not be something thats stronger than our spenders and other builds on a short cd thats hasted

Idk how much dmg it does, didn’t really tested it since i came back in the last 2 weeks, but is that the average between the 2 TS gcd’s? That it’s stronger than spenders?

yes, alot stronger than fv, and remember ts second hit is half a gcd

So is it better to use TS now than autoCS? Because i’ve still been auto-ing, thinking it’s better.
Sims do not work at all for me…

Oh yeah.

TS is completely busted

This is why I made this thread, cuz with TS being as strong as it is and HoW being our only non cleave ability, it has low value across the board

Maybe HoW should go ahead and cleave like our previous tier set made it. Not at 20%, but maybe 50-70%, that should buff its priority in AOE for sure.
And to keep it higher prio in ST, they can make it act like a meteor attack, the less the numbers the higher its dmg, that way it’s buffed in ST as well.

On the dummies for AOE i still get lower numbers than with autoCS… and i prio TS… but maybe i’m not used to it, or maybe it’s different at higher gear lvl’s as i just started gearing in the past week i’m 507ilvl atm.

Well you should be using it off CD.

CStrikes you don’t have to worry about it, but if you keep TS on CD consistently you should pull ahead

I am using it on cd, but on the 2 min tests, on the aoe dummies in Valdrakken, it’s 10%-20% lower dmg than with autoCS, every cd i use is the same (AW twice, Divine Toll twice), so that’s the only difference, i’m 507 ilvl.
With TS i do 100 mil over 2 min and 15-20 sec.
With autoCS i do 120 mil over 2 min and 15-20 sec.

I’ll do more testing tomorrow though.

prepatch is auto cs simply due to multiple factors.

in beta theres a big difference between csaa and ts. also again i really dont think the solution is merging two of our iconic builders together to make space for TS when its very clealry overtuned

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It wouldn’t be like they’re both gone. More like judgement is still judgment and then during wings and execute range it turns into HoW.

Make sense thematically since they’re both chucking hammers.

Update HoW to look like judgement but blue instead.


Templar Strikes, despite the changes, still scales horribly (unaffected by haste). So CSAA eventually outperforms it when you get good enough gear. At what this point happens i don’t know. But i’ve seen multiple people say TS is simming ~10% ahead of CSAA at lvl 80 in what i presume is BiS S1 gear.

Edit: TS might be bugged on live too. The burn portion is only doing 25% of TS initial damage for me.

I’m assuming you mean for its GCD, correct? Because to my knowledge, Crit, Mastery and Haste (for the burn) still affects TS.

Very interesting. Thanks for that update.

The DoT portion has no scaling with haste. I just logged in on live and tested it myself. So the only benefit it gets from haste is the reduced cooldown. But Ret is gcd capped and always have access to something else, meaning the effectiveness of having a lower cooldown is somewhat diminished since you only end up replacing another ability in your rotation with TS. A “problem” CSAA doesn’t have.

TS does have one thing going on for it though. A very positive scaling with Crit because Heart of the Crusader gives 20% increased crit damage on the beta.

Also, seems like TS is outright bugged. The burn was only doing 25% of Templar Slash’s initial damage for me just now, rather than the 50% the tooltip says it is supposed to do.

Wow. That’s…weird.

Good to know. I would naturally assume it still scales with Mastery as well.

I truly hope they fix that. Thanks for the updates.